Group buy for Throttlemister

.1.eynlai 1
2.Rhythm 1
3.NitroJunky 2
4.Warbrown 1
5.CreekBoy 1
6.superbusaman 1 Fz1 slider "hopefully they're interchangable".
7.Krieg 1
8.1127 TO 1299 1
9.kilroy 1
10.Outlawed 1
11. Busa9 1
12. Mad 1
13.TBoneBUsa 1 "I tried the o-ringy thing years ago,Tbone"
14.TheSnake 1
15.Riironman 1
16.HawaiiBusa 1
17.Tedbiele 1
18.Busacruise 1
19.RedneckbusaBoy 1 Thanks homeboy (Shawnne Hills).
20.Loboboy 1 CBR600F4I
21.Hackabusa 1
22.sageronin 1
23.Dozier 1
24 RamminBusa 1 for his Busa and 1 the Katana
25.TheEarthdog 1
26.Jester0769 1
27.Busaman86 1
28.BLKBLU04 1 I'll probably have to order them for you and send directly from my house to you if they dont ship out of the U.S.
29.johnstein 1
30.Oldroller 1
31.henryace 1
32.randl30 1
33.BigBSBusa 1
34.B_train 1
35.MidnightBusainSD 1
36. hyyaqt 1
37.Postal 1
38.ANTIBLING wants 1 set of semi bling throttlemiesters
39.Gundecker 1
40.McyMike 1
41.NCBusa2001 1 Better late than never.
42.brew 1

Bringing the total of #40 sets and still going.

Bringing the total of #40 sets and still going.
Rhythm, rise and shine and pick up the phone[/QUOTE]

The owner wont be back til Mon .

I on it, I'm on it, ease up on a brutha
.1.eynlai  1
2.Rhythm 1
3.NitroJunky 2
4.Warbrown 1
5.CreekBoy 1
6.superbusaman 1 Fz1 slider "hopefully they're interchangable".
7.Krieg 1
8.1127 TO 1299 1
9.kilroy 1
10.Outlawed 1
11. Busa9 1
12. Mad 1
13.TBoneBUsa 1 "I tried the o-ringy thing years ago,Tbone"  
14.TheSnake 1
15.Riironman 1
16.HawaiiBusa 1
17.Tedbiele 1
18.Busacruise 1
19.RedneckbusaBoy 1  Thanks homeboy (Shawnne Hills).  
20.Loboboy 1  CBR600F4I
21.Hackabusa 1
22.sageronin 1
23.Dozier  1
24 RamminBusa 1 for his Busa and 1 the Katana
25.TheEarthdog 1
26.Jester0769 1  
27.Busaman86 1
28.BLKBLU04 1 I'll probably have to order them for you and send directly from my house to you if they dont ship out of the U.S.
29.johnstein 1
30.Oldroller 1
31.henryace 1
32.randl30 1
33.BigBSBusa 1  
34.B_train 1  
35.MidnightBusainSD  1
36. hyyaqt 1
37.Postal 1
38.ANTIBLING   wants 1 set of semi bling throttlemiesters    
39.Gundecker 1
40.McyMike 1
41.NCBusa2001 1    Better late than never.  
42.brew 1  
43.GD4GVN 1    Your right on time

Bringing the total of #44 sets and still going.
that is what I wanna hear...

...just as a reminder, some of us would like the non-polished set


Hopefully I can get throttlemeister to give us a  straight percantage off on whatever you guys decide on getting, be it polished, non polished, heavy or a regular kit. Trying to set  it up this way will make everybody happy with less confusion, but I cant gurrantee anything, right now until I talk with the manager on MON .

So everybody keep your fingers and toes crossed and throw in a prayer for me.  

.1.eynlai 1
2.Rhythm 1
3.NitroJunky 2
4.Warbrown 1
5.CreekBoy 1
6.superbusaman 1 Fz1 slider "hopefully they're interchangable".
7.Krieg 1
8.1127 TO 1299 1
9.kilroy 1
10.Outlawed 1
11. Busa9 1
12. Mad 1
13.TBoneBUsa 1 "I tried the o-ringy thing years ago,Tbone"
14.TheSnake 1
15.Riironman 1
16.HawaiiBusa 1
17.Tedbiele 1
18.Busacruise 1
19.RedneckbusaBoy 1 Thanks homeboy (Shawnne Hills).
20.Loboboy 1 CBR600F4I
21.Hackabusa 1
22.sageronin 1
23.Dozier 1
24 RamminBusa 1 for his Busa and 1 the Katana
25.TheEarthdog 1
26.Jester0769 1
27.Busaman86 1
28.BLKBLU04 1 I'll probably have to order them for you and send directly from my house to you if they dont ship out of the U.S.
29.johnstein 1
30.Oldroller 1
31.henryace 1
32.randl30 1
33.BigBSBusa 1
34.B_train 1
35.MidnightBusainSD 1
36. hyyaqt 1
37.Postal 1
38.ANTIBLING wants 1 set of semi bling throttlemiesters
39.Gundecker 1
40.McyMike 1
41.NCBusa2001 1 Better late than never.
42.brew 1
43.GD4GVN 1 Your right on time
Bringing the total of #44 sets and still going.

Reason for Edit: None given...|1119070123 -->
Rut row! The wife bought me the polished heavies for fathers day! So I'll have to bow on this one. She is da best!!
She was afraid I would take em off her ride. (she doesn't know they won't fit....snicker)
pics of my ride when the camera issues get worked out.
Thanks fer the effort Rythm.
I too have a wife problem, she about flipped over the new cans I ordered, dont see the funds being available anytime soon for this group buy. Seems like its taking a long time to get them to offer a discounted price for the group anyway. Could boycott them till they come around.....

Seems like its taking a long time to get them to offer a discounted price for the group anyway. Could boycott them till they come around.....


Its only been four days since I organize this group buy, Ram.
These things just dont happen partner, but good lookn out anyway.
.1.eynlai 1
2.Rhythm 1
3.NitroJunky 2
4.Warbrown 1
5.CreekBoy 1
6.superbusaman 1 Fz1 slider "hopefully they're interchangable".
7.Krieg 1
8.1127 TO 1299 1
9.kilroy 1
10.Outlawed 1
11. Busa9 1
12. Mad 1
13.TBoneBUsa 1 "I tried the o-ringy thing years ago,Tbone"
14.TheSnake 1
15.Riironman 1
16.HawaiiBusa 1
17.Tedbiele 1
18.Busacruise 1
19.RedneckbusaBoy 1 Thanks homeboy (Shawnne Hills).
20.Loboboy 1 CBR600F4I
21.Hackabusa 1
22.sageronin 1
23.Dozier 1
24 RamminBusa 1 for his Busa and 1 the Katana
25.TheEarthdog 1
26.Jester0769 1
27.Busaman86 1
28.BLKBLU04 1 I'll probably have to order them for you and send directly from my house to you if they dont ship out of the U.S.
29.johnstein 1
30.Oldroller 1
31.henryace 1
32.randl30 1
33.BigBSBusa 1
34.B_train 1
35.MidnightBusainSD 1
36. hyyaqt 1
37.Postal 1
38.ANTIBLING wants 1 set of semi bling throttlemiesters
39.Gundecker 1
40.McyMike 1
41.NCBusa2001 1 Better late than never.
42.brew 1
43.GD4GVN 1 Your right on time
44..1.eynlai 1
2.Rhythm 1
3.NitroJunky 2
4.Warbrown 1
5.CreekBoy 1
6.superbusaman 1 Fz1 slider "hopefully they're interchangable".
7.Krieg 1
8.1127 TO 1299 1
9.kilroy 1
10.Outlawed 1
11. Busa9 1
12. Mad 1
13.TBoneBUsa 1 "I tried the o-ringy thing years ago,Tbone"
14.TheSnake 1
15.Riironman 1
16.HawaiiBusa 1
17.Tedbiele 1
18.Busacruise 1
19.RedneckbusaBoy 1 Thanks homeboy (Shawnne Hills).
20.Loboboy 1 CBR600F4I
21.Hackabusa 1
22.sageronin 1
23.Dozier 1
24 RamminBusa 1 for his Busa and 1 the Katana
25.TheEarthdog 1
26.Jester0769 1
27.Busaman86 1
28.BLKBLU04 1 I'll probably have to order them for you and send directly from my house to you if they dont ship out of the U.S.
29.johnstein 1
30.Oldroller 1
31.henryace 1
32.randl30 1
33.BigBSBusa 1
34.B_train 1
35.MidnightBusainSD 1
36. hyyaqt 1
37.Postal 1
38.ANTIBLING wants 1 set of semi bling throttlemiesters
39.Gundecker 1
40.McyMike 1
41.NCBusa2001 1 Better late than never.
42.brew 1
43.GD4GVN 1 Your right on time
44.Lamb busa 1 Your right on time, Playa
Bringing the total of #44 sets and still going.

NJ, The owner at Throttlemiester wont be back til Mon .
So Rhythm, what sort of discount do you think you are going to go for with 44+ sets?[/QUOTE]

I'm working on an acceptable price by accepting quotes from the people on the list.  This should give me a happy medium to shoot for when negotiating.   I emailed throttlemister on the 13th a link to this thread so  I dont think it would be to wise for me to post anything in regards to pricing at this time.  
If your on the list and I havent contacted you please send me a private message stating what you would be willing to pay and please be fair and honest.  Also take into consideration that this is group buy and have over 40 members ready to buy .

.1.eynlai  1
2.Rhythm 1
3.NitroJunky 2
4.Warbrown 1
5.CreekBoy 1
6.superbusaman 1 Fz1 slider "hopefully they're interchangable".
7.Krieg 1
8.1127 TO 1299 1
9.kilroy 1
10.Outlawed 1
11. Busa9 1
12. Mad 1
13.TBoneBUsa 1 "I tried the o-ringy thing years ago,Tbone"  
14.TheSnake 1
15.Riironman 1
16.HawaiiBusa 1
17.Tedbiele 1
18.Busacruise 1
19.RedneckbusaBoy 1  Thanks homeboy (Shawnne Hills).  
20.Loboboy 1  CBR600F4I
21.Hackabusa 1
22.sageronin 1
23.Dozier  1
24 RamminBusa 1 for his Busa and 1 the Katana
25.TheEarthdog 1
26.Jester0769 1  
27.Busaman86 1
28.BLKBLU04 1 I'll probably have to order them for you and send directly from my house to you if they dont ship out of the U.S.
29.johnstein 1
30.Oldroller 1
31.henryace 1
32.randl30 1
33.BigBSBusa 1  
34.B_train 1  
35.MidnightBusainSD  1
36. hyyaqt 1
37.Postal 1
38.ANTIBLING   wants 1 set of semi bling throttlemiesters    
39.Gundecker 1
40.McyMike 1
41.NCBusa2001 1    Better late than never.  
42.brew 1  
43.GD4GVN 1    Your right on time  
Bringing the total of #44 sets and still going.

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Add one for the new 05 GSXR 1K and I'm in for a heavy set.  They told me the 04 would fit.  In the market, just haven't purchased yet.

Who told you what ?[/QUOTE]
Sorry to confuse the issue. I called the Throttlemeister guy to inquire about one of his units to fit the 05 Gixxer a while back. He said the 04 Gixxer version would fit the 05. Just thought I'd throw in the request and just get one with you guys. I guess since you're only doing the busa I'll just order one up myself. Didn't know if it would help or not so just threw mine in the hat so to speak.

Sorry to confuse the issue.  I called the Throttlemeister guy to inquire about one of his units to fit the 05 Gixxer a while back.  He said the 04 Gixxer version would fit the 05.  Just thought I'd throw in the request and just get one with you guys.  I guess since you're only doing the busa I'll just order one up myself.  Didn't know if it would help or not so just threw mine in the hat so to speak.


No harm done Sweeper.  Hopefully throttlemeister will offer to  give us a  straight percantage off on whatever we want, be it polished, non polished, heavy or a regular kit or a kit for another bike.  This offer will only be for family members on the list, so get on if your not on.


1.eynlai 1
2.Rhythm 1
3.NitroJunky 2
4.Warbrown 1
5.CreekBoy 1
6.superbusaman 1 Fz1 slider "hopefully they're interchangable".
7.Krieg 1
8.1127 TO 1299 1
9.kilroy 1
10.Outlawed 1
11. Busa9 1
12. Mad 1
13.TBoneBUsa 1 "I tried the o-ringy thing years ago,Tbone"
14.TheSnake 1
15.Riironman 1
16.HawaiiBusa 1
17.Tedbiele 1
18.Busacruise 1
19.RedneckbusaBoy 1 Thanks homeboy (Shawnne Hills).
20.Loboboy 1 CBR600F4I
21.Hackabusa 1
22.sageronin 1
23.Dozier 1
24 RamminBusa 1 for his Busa and 1 the Katana
25.TheEarthdog 1
26.Jester0769 1
27.Busaman86 1
28.BLKBLU04 1 I'll probably have to order them for you and send directly from my house to you if they dont ship out of the U.S.
29.johnstein 1
30.Oldroller 1
31.henryace 1
32.randl30 1
33.BigBSBusa 1
34.B_train 1
35.MidnightBusainSD 1
36. hyyaqt 1
37.Postal 1
38.ANTIBLING wants 1 set of semi bling throttlemiesters
39.Gundecker 1
40.McyMike 1
41.NCBusa2001 1 Better late than never.
42.brew 1
43.GD4GVN 1 Your right on time
44.Lamb busa 1 Your right on time, Playa
Bringing the total of #44 sets and still going.

Reason for Edit: None given...|1119110010 -->
1.eynlai 1
2.Rhythm 1
3.NitroJunky 2
4.Warbrown 1
5.CreekBoy 1
6.superbusaman 1 Fz1 slider "hopefully they're interchangable".
7.Krieg 1
8.1127 TO 1299 1
9.kilroy 1
10.Outlawed 1
11. Busa9 1
12. Mad 1
13.TBoneBUsa 1 "I tried the o-ringy thing years ago,Tbone"
14.TheSnake 1
15.Riironman 1
16.HawaiiBusa 1
17.Tedbiele 1
18.Busacruise 1
19.RedneckbusaBoy 1 Thanks homeboy (Shawnne Hills).
20.Loboboy 1 CBR600F4I
21.Hackabusa 1
22.sageronin 1
23.Dozier 1
24 RamminBusa 1 for his Busa and 1 the Katana
25.TheEarthdog 1
26.Jester0769 1
27.Busaman86 1
28.BLKBLU04 1 I'll probably have to order them for you and send directly from my house to you if they dont ship out of the U.S.
29.johnstein 1
30.Oldroller 1
31.henryace 1
32.randl30 1
33.BigBSBusa 1
34.B_train 1
35.MidnightBusainSD 1
36. hyyaqt 1
37.Postal 1
38.ANTIBLING wants 1 set of semi bling throttlemiesters
39.Gundecker 1
40.McyMike 1
41.NCBusa2001 1 Better late than never.
42.brew 1
43.GD4GVN 1 Your right on time
44.Lamb busa 1 Your right on time, Playa
45.sweeper 1
Keep your finger crosse on this one, Sweeper. Hopefully they will take a percentage of whatever we want.
Bringing the total to #46 sets and still going.