Group buy for Throttlemister

1.eynlai  1
2.Rhythm 1
3.NitroJunky 2
4.Warbrown 1
5.CreekBoy 1
6.superbusaman 1 Fz1 slider "hopefully they're interchangable".
7.Krieg 1
8.1127 TO 1299 1
9.kilroy 1
10.Outlawed 1
11. Busa9 1
12. Mad 1
13.TBoneBUsa 1 "I tried the o-ringy thing years ago,Tbone"  
14.TheSnake 1
15.Riironman 1
16.HawaiiBusa 1
17.Tedbiele 1
18.Busacruise 1
19.RedneckbusaBoy 1  Thanks homeboy (Shawnne Hills).  
20.Loboboy 1  CBR600F4I
21.Hackabusa 1
22.sageronin 1
23.Dozier  1
24 RamminBusa 1 for his Busa and 1 the Katana
25.TheEarthdog 1
26.Jester0769 1  
27.Busaman86 1
28.BLKBLU04 1 I'll probably have to order them for you and send directly from my house to you if they dont ship out of the U.S.
29.johnstein 1
30.Oldroller 1
31.henryace 1
32.randl30 1
33.BigBSBusa 1  
34.B_train 1  
35.MidnightBusainSD  1
36. hyyaqt 1
37.Postal 1
38.ANTIBLING   wants 1 set of semi bling throttlemiesters    
39.Gundecker 1
40.McyMike 1
41.NCBusa2001 1    Better late than never.  
42.brew 1  
43.GD4GVN 1    Your right on time  
44.Lamb busa 1 Your right on time, Playa
45.sweeper 1     Keep your finger crosse on this one, Sweeper. Hopefully they will take a percentage of whatever we want.  
46.Windjammer  1
47.   DennisH 1  
48.#cruncherbusa  1 for the Busa and hopefully we can for others bikes too.
49.Cuffee 1  

Bringing the total to #50 sets and still going.
Are these folks at Throttlemeister going to make this worth our while? Any guess at a unit price for us? Thanks!

1.eynlai 1
2.Rhythm 1
3.NitroJunky 2
4.Warbrown 1
5.CreekBoy 1
6.superbusaman 1 Fz1 slider "hopefully they're interchangable".
7.Krieg 1
8.1127 TO 1299 1
9.kilroy 1
10.Outlawed 1
11. Busa9 1
12. Mad 1
13.TBoneBUsa 1 "I tried the o-ringy thing years ago,Tbone"
14.TheSnake 1
15.Riironman 1
16.HawaiiBusa 1
17.Tedbiele 1
18.Busacruise 1
19.RedneckbusaBoy 1 Thanks homeboy (Shawnne Hills).
20.Loboboy 1 CBR600F4I
21.Hackabusa 1
22.sageronin 1
23.Dozier 1
24 RamminBusa 1 for his Busa and 1 the Katana
25.TheEarthdog 1
26.Jester0769 1
27.Busaman86 1
28.BLKBLU04 1 I'll probably have to order them for you and send directly from my house to you if they dont ship out of the U.S.
29.johnstein 1
30.Oldroller 1
31.henryace 1
32.randl30 1
33.BigBSBusa 1
34.B_train 1
35.MidnightBusainSD 1
36. hyyaqt 1
37.Postal 1
38.ANTIBLING wants 1 set of semi bling throttlemiesters
39.Gundecker 1
40.McyMike 1
41.NCBusa2001 1 Better late than never.
42.brew 1
43.GD4GVN 1 Your right on time
44.Lamb busa 1 Your right on time, Playa
45.sweeper 1 Keep your finger crosse on this one, Sweeper. Hopefully they will take a percentage of whatever we want.
46.Windjammer 1
47. DennisH 1
48.#cruncherbusa 1 for the Busa and hopefully we can for others bikes too.
49.Cuffee 1
50.CID 1

Bringing the total to #50 sets and still going.

Update, I have contacted a few retailers that our willing to give us a group discount up to 20% off the retail price . I'm still doing some competitive shopping trying find us a better dea. I will make my decision by Friday on which retailer we will go with .

thesnake Posted on June 22 2005,18:05
go for 25% and free shipping. [/QUOTE]

I'm working on it, Snake

1.eynlai  1
2.Rhythm 1
3.NitroJunky 2
4.Warbrown 1
5.CreekBoy 1
6.superbusaman 1 Fz1 slider "hopefully they're interchangable".
7.Krieg 1
8.1127 TO 1299 1
9.kilroy 1
10.Outlawed 1
11. Busa9 1
12. Mad 1
13.TBoneBUsa 1 "I tried the o-ringy thing years ago,Tbone"  
14.TheSnake 1
15.Riironman 1
16.HawaiiBusa 1
17.Tedbiele 1
18.Busacruise 1
19.RedneckbusaBoy 1  Thanks homeboy (Shawnne Hills).  
20.Loboboy 1  CBR600F4I
21.Hackabusa 1
22.sageronin 1
23.Dozier  1
24 RamminBusa 1 for his Busa and 1 the Katana
25.TheEarthdog 1
26.Jester0769 1  
27.Busaman86 1
28.BLKBLU04 1 I'll probably have to order them for you and send directly from my house to you if they dont ship out of the U.S.
29.johnstein 1
30.Oldroller 1
31.henryace 1
32.randl30 1
33.BigBSBusa 1  
34.B_train 1  
35.MidnightBusainSD  1
36. hyyaqt 1
37.Postal 1
38.ANTIBLING   wants 1 set of semi bling throttlemiesters    
39.Gundecker 1
40.McyMike 1
41.NCBusa2001 1    Better late than never.  
42.brew 1  
43.GD4GVN 1    Your right on time  
44.Lamb busa 1 Your right on time, Playa
45.sweeper 1     Keep your finger crosse on this one, Sweeper. Hopefully they will take a percentage of whatever we want.  
46.Windjammer  1
47.   DennisH 1  
48.#cruncherbusa  1 for the Busa and hopefully we can for others bikes too.
49.Cuffee 1  
50.CID  1  
Bringing the total to #50 sets and still going.

Update, I have contacted a few retailers that our  willing to give us a group discount up to 20% off the retail price  . I'm still doing some competitive shopping trying to find us a better deal. I will make my decision by Friday on which retailer we will go with .


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It will be worth the wait. You guys will love the look and performance, I use mine all the time. Some friends and I go on pretty long rides most Sundays, and when were going for a while, you can see all of them getting the wiggles, trying to hold on to the throttle with there left hand and crap like that. I just sit strait up in the saddle and stretch my arms out wide and stretch the back a little bit, all while crusing by them! I get the bird alot when im riding!! LOL
Professional Pilot

Group: Members
Posts: 649
Avg posts/day:1.41
Joined: Mar. 2004
Location: Waynesboro, Va Posted: June 23 2005,01:45

I've been swamped the last few days, i'll call throttlemeister on thursday and try an get this rolling. [/QUOTE]

Lets get a move on, Paul . We got people waiting

Hit me back by PM or email or call me with the results.

I've been swamped the last few days, i'll call throttlemeister on thursday and try an get this rolling.
and can you let them know that they spoke to Rythm wrong? Sorry, I just can't stand that a business is bigger than they think they are... Over the customer, especially to think they're bigger than over 50 potential customers. Again, I like to stand by my $80 or lower, shipped price.

Thanks for your hard work, Rythms. Thanks for helping GMBusa
1.eynlai 1
2.Rhythm 1
3.NitroJunky 2
4.Warbrown 1
5.CreekBoy 1
6.superbusaman 1 Fz1 slider "hopefully they're interchangable".
7.Krieg 1
8.1127 TO 1299 1
9.kilroy 1
10.Outlawed 1
11. Busa9 1
12. Mad 1
13.TBoneBUsa 1 "I tried the o-ringy thing years ago,Tbone"
14.TheSnake 1
15.Riironman 1
16.HawaiiBusa 1
17.Tedbiele 1
18.Busacruise 1
19.RedneckbusaBoy 1 Thanks homeboy (Shawnne Hills).
20.Loboboy 1 CBR600F4I
21.Hackabusa 1
22.sageronin 1
23.Dozier 1
24 RamminBusa 1 for his Busa and 1 the Katana
25.TheEarthdog 1
26.Jester0769 1
27.Busaman86 1
28.BLKBLU04 1 I'll probably have to order them for you and send directly from my house to you if they dont ship out of the U.S.
29.johnstein 1
30.Oldroller 1
31.henryace 1
32.randl30 1
33.BigBSBusa 1
34.B_train 1
35.MidnightBusainSD 1
36. hyyaqt 1
37.Postal 1
38.ANTIBLING wants 1 set of semi bling throttlemiesters
39.Gundecker 1
40.McyMike 1
41.NCBusa2001 1 Better late than never.
42.brew 1
43.GD4GVN 1 Your right on time
44.Lamb busa 1 Your right on time, Playa
45.sweeper 1 Keep your finger crosse on this one, Sweeper. Hopefully they will take a percentage of whatever we want.
46.Windjammer 1
47. DennisH 1
48.#cruncherbusa 1 for the Busa and hopefully we can for others bikes too.
49.Cuffee 1
50.CID 1
51. Rongotti
<span style='color:darkblue'>1.eynlai  1
2.Rhythm 1
3.NitroJunky 2
4.Warbrown 1
5.CreekBoy 1
6.superbusaman 1 Fz1 slider "hopefully they're interchangable".
7.Krieg 1
8.1127 TO 1299 1
9.kilroy 1
10.Outlawed 1
11. Busa9 1
12. Mad 1
13.TBoneBUsa 1 "I tried the o-ringy thing years ago,Tbone"  
14.TheSnake 1
15.Riironman 1
16.HawaiiBusa 1
17.Tedbiele 1
18.Busacruise 1
19.RedneckbusaBoy 1  Thanks homeboy (Shawnne Hills).  
20.Loboboy 1  CBR600F4I
21.Hackabusa 1
22.sageronin 1
23.Dozier  1
24 RamminBusa 1 for his Busa and 1 the Katana
25.TheEarthdog 1
26.Jester0769 1  
27.Busaman86 1
28.BLKBLU04 1 I'll probably have to order them for you and send directly from my house to you if they dont ship out of the U.S.
29.johnstein 1
30.Oldroller 1
31.henryace 1
32.randl30 1
33.BigBSBusa 1  
34.B_train 1  
35.MidnightBusainSD  1
36. hyyaqt 1
37.Postal 1
38.ANTIBLING   wants 1 set of semi bling throttlemiesters    
39.Gundecker 1
40.McyMike 1
41.NCBusa2001 1    Better late than never.  
42.brew 1  
43.GD4GVN 1    Your right on time  
44.Lamb busa 1 Your right on time, Playa
45.sweeper 1     Keep your finger crosse on this one, Sweeper. Hopefully they will take a percentage of whatever we want.  
46.Windjammer  1
47.   DennisH 1  
48.#cruncherbusa  1 for the Busa and hopefully we can for others bikes too.
49.Cuffee 1  
50.CID  1  
51. Rongotti
52. TulBusa</span>

I know it shows the length on the web site, but what is the size of the bar ends on a stock Busa compared to the standard and heavy? Does anyone know the weight difference from stock to standard to heavy also? Thanks!

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Clutch side picture turned out sorta clear. This is a Standard Size unpolished version. It's same size and weight as the Stock OEM bar ends. The throttle side is the same in looks and weight.
Still learning how to use it. On long all day rides, it's great to be able to rest the right hand while on the move. Heh funny how the rider behind see your right hand free, they drop back, way back

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That's pissy ass response they gave you. Did they not understand that your not doing this for profit, but rather just coordinating a group buy?  This is too much work on your part, and seems TM's attitude is too stuck up to me.  Just for that response they gave you, I'm expecting a damn good price. Like no more than my low limit which is $80 shipped.  Otherwise they count one less from the group, which will bring it down to 48.  Sorry Bro, but I have a serious problem with having a pissy, stuck-up company make money off of me.  Even $1.  Just ask BMW, I went from wanting one to making sure I'll never buy one.  I don't care if TM make the barends in gold or platinum, their crap stinks just like everyone else's. Can't believe they treated you like you were asking for a friggin hand out when you were bring close to $5000 to their door!  In fact.... Sheeet. I better stop, more I type about this the angrier I'm getting. Sorry bro, but I'm standing firm on $80 or less, shipped.
I am with eynlay. These guys need to come up with an extraordinary deal for us or we should do something else.
I am with eynlay. These guys need to come up with an extraordinary deal for us or we should do something else.

I game ! but I'm trying to look out for the rest of the members here who dont have the time,tools,or experince in making their own cruise control device. Lets give it til Mon before we start talkn about jumpn ship.
The TM guys are not being "pissy", there being a smart company. Why sell to 50 different customers, when you can sell 50 to one. Less headaches and the makers of the parts know they're dealing with people on the level when they sell to dealers. Also the parts fab guys don't have to do much retail or marketing to move their product, they let the dealers do that.

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It's a group buy, it's like 1 big costumer with 50 different addresses. Seems simple to me but I'm not in that business so I don't really know.
It's like: hey TM we have 50 guys who wants to buy your product, which most of them wouldn't buy it without a discount or postpone it. So what is you price? OK good I'll tell the guys/gals.
It worked for the Scorpio Alarm group buy. Once we had the group deal, we just needed to call and mention and you got the deal. What is so different about them?

No group deal, and I am getting a fuggin Catapilar O-Ring.
Dont forget it worked for Xenon King HID's, yellow box speed calibrator, Condor bike stand just to name a few more off the bat.

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No group deal, and I am getting a fuggin Catapilar O-Ring.

Dont sweat it,Pimp I have some offers and will decide on friday who I'll go with. I'm just holdn out waiting for a better offer to come up.
I just wanted to let people know how most parts buys go with companies and why. I agree that even if companies sell to dealers, that when a large group buy presents itself from the public that they should consider an exception.

Don't take my other post in a bad sense, i was merely showing why companies do what they do.

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