black primer doesnt hold up to the elements. it will turn to chalk pretty quick. your probabaly going to have to strip all that paint off or else you will continue to have problems no matter what you use. btw im also a painter for a living.
Yea trying to avoid primer, even though the bike dont sit out much, gmartin thats whats killin me is the sanding, few hours to paint and a day sanding it all down lol
Single stage is your color and UV protection in one step. No clear to worry about. Also, I have had bad experiences with flat clears before. Sometimes the flattening agent settles and needs to be shaken on a pneumatic shaker to return to normal. This made the stuff I was using seem soft still, and looks shinier than normal. Go with the single stage for flat look, as long as it comes with a hardener/activator. Good Luck!
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