Now youve gone and DONE IT!!! you.. you.. you called me MR..!!!!! that is like when I went into a bar a few weeks ago and a guy cards me and looks at my id goes into shock when he sees my birthdate and laughs and says gawd your old.. then quickly got serious and patted me on the back and said he was just kidding!!! sshhhheeeeesshhh!! no respect!!O.K., let's try this one just one more time. I was actually trying to give Michelle a compliment in a round-about way. This post is more related to what Mr. ThrasherFox implied. In no way was I trying to say that what Michelle wrote was boring. I was just merely pointing out her literary skills while having a little joke at the same time. I am truly sorry if I hurt Michelle's feelings, but I wish other people would just simply read the words, and then check the smilies behind them. Ya know, the whole posting etiquette thang. From the number of posts that I have, one can tell that I've been around this board for a while. I've offered help, advice, and an occassional thought of wisdom. But, at the same time, I like to harass people just slightly enough to where they don't get offended. I've dished the dirt as well as taken it and not once did I lose my cool. The words only mean something if nothing else is implied or attached to it like a smilie of some sort. This is the first time I have had a run-in like this of any sort behind comments that I made to someone. If it offended you Michelle, once again, I apologize. Some people just need to brush up on their posting etiquette (not referring to you Michelle). Now this post has not one smilie that implies anything which goes to show the sincerity behind the words.thrasher...I feel your pain...and I sense you are quite upset over this little subject!I don’t like riding with cruisers much... Even my friend that has a Harley rags on my arse when we are around his buddies, he makes comments like "he rides a rice burner but we will forgive him" or stuff like that..
So, just so I don’t feel like a second class citizen, I normally don’t ride with anyone not of my own breed.
And when it comes to waiving to other bikers, yeah well I am starting to feel jaded. In California it isn’t too bad, cruisers will often waive back to you.. however when I was in Arizona, I was fricken amazed!!!
I don’t think I had one cruiser / Harley rider wave back at me, and when I asked FIP and Mikey D about it, they said “yeah, they don’t wave back much†and I even notice they looked the other way, they like wont even look at you.
I hate to say it, but treatment like that pisses me off and THEY cause the segregation of bikers.
Whenever I wave at a cruiser and they put their nose up at me, I feel like pulling in front of them and throwing some rubber into their non-helmeted face…
Don’t even get me started!!! Oh wait.. too late you already did!!!
Oh yeah, bacharles --- dude!! Just take vabusa out and shoot her next time, would have been less painful for her…
I don’t talk much unless I know you and feel comfortable, and when I do I often talk a lot, except for when someone makes a comment that I talk to much.. then I pretty much wont say $hit to that person ever again.
My husband said the same thing as he headed out to Sturgis last summer...some states just didn't offer up a nice wave or thumbs up...he said it was very odd...![]()
I'm stuck riding with cruisers...seriously, the only sport bike I've ever ridden with was a guy that just happened to be in front of me for about 2 miles! Other than that, I'm either alone or with some Harleys...
It's so funny to start with the Harley crowd, as I did, and have your husband in it and other family and friends, feel the love when you're riding your Harley, then watch it shift ever so slightly to the left when you buy the sport bike...
It's in my nature to always wave...hell, I probably wave to mopeds and joggers, but I don't give it much worry if they don't wave...just find it all very a pathetic sort of way...![]() for bacharles...don't give him too much sh*'s okay to say I'm writing a novel...I usually do...but, the melodramatic part was sort of puzzling to me? I'm a simple gal; surprised I can even spell "melodramatic"!![]()
Peace out, Brian
Just kiddng bacharles.... no worries, was just harrasing you back... smile.. its all good.... Michelle told me to get off you lol
It just reminds me of when I start talking to someone about computers, after about 20 minutes I look at them and notice their eyes have glazed over and drool is running from their lips.. it is at that moment I realize I have talked WAAAAYY too much....
Its all good, except for when you talk to me in person about computers.. then bring some head phones, listen to some good music and just nod at me once in awhile... muah ha ha
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