Hanging with the Harley Dudes

interesting debate/topic/discussion/train of thought. I personally think it shouldn't matter what the other one rides. Point is that we ride....PERIOD. You could be riding a Yama-Hog, Kawa-suck-i, a Hardley, a suzuki....HECK! You can even be riding a friggin moped or Bergman. The point is: everyone is riding! Some may be doing it ta pose, some may have had it all their life, some may have that as their only means of trans.

If the Hardley guys don't wave....well FUGG em! I've had cruisers and sportbikes alike not wave...but I really don't give a crap. I've seen cruisers and sportbikes alike exercise irresponsible behavior on the road....and I know this much: I will kick a$$ non-discriminantly. Hardley guy wants to try and prove a point while breathing in my face? I will FUGG him up....even with all his friends there. Sport biker wants ta make a point while in my face? You can bet yer cute little bottom that I'll kick his a$$ as well. I don't care even IF he rides another Busa.

Yeah..that's right. I'll still kick his a$$. It don't matter what you ride. As long as you have respect for me, I'll have respect for you...no matter what you ride. Disrespect me? I'll kick your ass....no matter what you ride.

I guess it's all about respect for me. I'll respect a Harley guy for what he likes to do: ride. And I can respect a sportbiker for what he likes to do: ride!

....because that's all that I like to do......RIDE.
Sooo PB.. I guess that means if I ever have to ride over a bunch of bikes with my Z-71 because they disrespected me you will have my back?

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and HELL YEAH I would have your back. Heck, I'd rip off my muffler and beat someone with it....
hawaii, we gonna ride come seca time or what? I may go to the vegas meet in april, you goin?
Hey Twistie, u bettcha I am down with Laguna! Las wages in April? I am still tryin to work it out... I sure hope so. And wish I was in Daytona right NOW! It's all good man!  

I am even gonna try for the Oyster thing with u guyz this fall...
I hear ya on the bike week thing :-) its raining here again :-( *sigh*

hey theres lots of room here if ya need a place during the oyster run, its a blast! just make sure its not gonna rain, the last one was a cooker 90 deg, hot for us northwest boys!

see ya soon, april I hope...
The inventor of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle, Arthur Davidson, died
> and went to heaven.
> >
> >At the gates, St. Peter told Arthur."Since you've been such a good man
> and your motorcycles have changed the world, your reward is, you can hang
> out with anyone you want to in heaven."
> >
> >Arthur thought about it for a minute and then said, "I want to hang out
> >with God."
> >
> >St. Peter took Arthur to the Throne Room, and introduced him to God God
> >recognized Arthur and commented, " Okay, so you were the one who
> invented the Harley-Davidson motorcycle?" Arthur said, "Yeah, that's
> >
> >God commented: "Well, what's the big deal in inventing something that's
> >pretty unstable, makes noise and pollution and can't run without a
> road?"
> >
> >Arthur was apparently embarrassed, but finally spoke, "Excuse me, but
> >aren't you the inventor of woman?"
> >
> >God said, " Ah, yes."
> >
> >"Well ," said Arthur, "professional to professional, you have some major
> >design flaws in your invention:
> >
> >1. There's too much inconsistency in the front-end protrusion;
> >
> >2. It chatters constantly at high speeds;
> >
> >3. Most rear ends are too soft and wobble to much;
> >
> >4. The intake is placed way to close to the exhaust;
> >
> >5. The maintenance costs are outrageous!!!!
> >
> >"Hmmmmm, you may have some good points there," replied God, "hold on."
> God went to his Celestial supercomputer, typed in a few words and waited
> >the results. The computer printed out a slip of paper and God read it.
> >
> >"Well, it may be true that my invention is flawed," God said to Arthur,
> >"but according to these numbers, more men are riding my invention than
> >yours".
> >
Most of the guys I roode with at Biuke Week had Harleys. People are people just depends on the individuals.
Holy crap Michelle,

You've stirred up the hornet's nest. You're a bad girl
Michelle: Keep stirring it up babe! I like to get those Harley folks all riled up too. Sometimes I will pull right up in the middle of them at a stop light, wave, and press on through. Heck, I know they can't catch me. But it is fun to see the that look on their faces like: "You have the audacity to ride that rice-burner within spitting distance of my Pig, I mean Hog." As for the ones that wave and the ones that don't, personally I don't wave first. It's just a rule of mine. I must have had my fragile emotions scarred too many times.

Keep up the good work!

and another funny thing :  As I was leaving the Reno main st. The Hogs were waaaay louder than my bike and it was elbow to elbow people... nobody was movin for me.  So I did about a 5 second burn out... I laughed so hard when the crowded street parted like the red sea!  
Damn...this thread's still hanging around?

Postal...I do so love stirring up the sh*t when I'm riding, I'll admit...is that wrong?!

Hey, and I do have a sticker on my helmet that reads "FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS RIDE RICE BURNERS"...figure that gets them scratching their butts, I mean heads...
It's right next to the sticker that reads "SILLY BOYS...MOTORCYCLES ARE FOR GIRLS!" I'm guessing that one gets them wound up as well...
and HELL YEAH I would have your back. Heck, I'd rip off my muffler and beat someone with it....
That would be funny as hell!! just the vision of someone ripping their muffler off and beating someone with it is a crack up..

Kind of like ripping someones arm off and beating the person to death with their own arm.. Muah ha ha
That would be a great mod. Since most of us have only one pipe now, make a faky for the other side that can be pulled off to bash a few people when needed and can add more bling if needed, lol
Jeeze, I waited way to long to read this one!

I personally liked your story Michelle.  And I think that BA was originally complementing you.

Thrasher is right about AZ.  Hog riders will not give you the time of the day (or a wave).

The is a local Bar called "Jakes-o-Mine" a hd hangout.  I have in the past parked my rice rocket (750 Kat at the time) admist the steel and leather, walked in in my white leather jacket (Heinz Gerring and it is cooler than is sounds) and ordered up a frosty.  Never had any trouble but got tons o dirty looks.  Usually only from guys, the gals on the bikes (Pilots & copilots) don't seem to mind.

My buds ride everything from BMW to Hog-a-likes.  Whom ever said the real hard core motorcycle-ists don't care what you ride is right on the money.

The attitude some hog owners have is summed up by the lead man at the part time job I have.  His name is Davidson and yes he named his son Harley.  He ragged on me for riding the Kat and when I bought the Busa he said, that bikes go no style.  How yo going to pick up chicks with a bike thats got no style.  I replied that I did not buy a bike so I could pick up chicks.  I bought the best bike I could find to ride it.  Just shows you where some folks priorities are.

Hope I did not go to long. I know the post length police are out!
Jeeze, I waited way to long to read this one!

I personally liked your story Michelle.  And I think that BA was originally complementing you.

Thrasher is right about AZ.  Hog riders will not give you the time of the day (or a wave).

The is a local Bar called "Jakes-o-Mine" a hd hangout.  I have in the past parked my rice rocket (750 Kat at the time) admist the steel and leather, walked in in my white leather jacket (Heinz Gerring and it is cooler than is sounds) and ordered up a frosty.  Never had any trouble but got tons o dirty looks.  Usually only from guys, the gals on the bikes (Pilots & copilots) don't seem to mind.

My buds ride everything from BMW to Hog-a-likes.  Whom ever said the real hard core motorcycle-ists don't care what you ride is right on the money.

The attitude some hog owners have is summed up by the lead man at the part time job I have.  His name is Davidson and yes he named his son Harley.  He ragged on me for riding the Kat and when I bought the Busa he said, that bikes go no style.  How yo going to pick up chicks with a bike thats got no style.  I replied that I did not buy a bike so I could pick up chicks.  I bought the best bike I could find to ride it.  Just shows you where some folks priorities are.

Hope I did not go to long.  I know the post length police are out!
No I measured it and you were within 1 line of being over.

All I can say is wow! This thread went everywhere and back again.

I don't care if anyone waves or not. I just ride............ And if anyone did fugg with my "Beauty" they would probably have a visit to the E.R. I don't like anyone messing with my stuff!!!!!!!!!

That's it I'm taking my ball and I'm going home now.