Hanging with the Harley Dudes

Just plain stupid, anykind of predjudice. It's the same in Hawaii you will get the Harley type rider that will be a BUTTHEAD, then you will have the big cruiser who will be very cool,wave, ask questions, check out your bike ...
One of my friends who works at a custom chopper shop knows every nut and bolt on an a big v-twin but his daily ride and only transportation is a CBR954 and he's 50 yrs old.

Shoulda seen the looks I got last summer in Reno when I parked on main street right next to my buddies choppers.


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Let me clarify what I said. In Northern California where I live, and in Phoenix where I used to live, everyone I know that rides a non-Harley motorcycle collectively know that if you park said bike at a known regular hangout or dealership, there is a very strong likelyhood it will be vandalized.
I can see isolated incidents happening at a bar, where some ignorant SOB gets drunk and decides to impress his buddies, but the dealership thing is just so far from what I've witnessed, and I've been to dealerships in Az, NorCal, SoCal, NM, TX, MO, Mass, and NH. The clientelle is predominantly yuppie, and not the type of people who would destroy property as a matter of generally accepted dealership behavior. I rode to Sturgis one year with two Goldwings, and never once did I witness their bikes being messed with. The chopper shop I get a lot of my parts from openly caters to metric bikes (Skunk Work).

Obviously things do happen, but they're isolated incidents, and not the generally-accepted form of Harley rider behavior. The "attitude" is much more common unfortunately, but those that give it are generally ignorant posers, and would be a**holes regardless of whether they're on their monthly pose ride or not.

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I've been lucky so far...group of Harley riders in my area, as well as the two dealerships I've dealt with, are good people...hell, the guy that sold me my Harley back in 2001 still knows me by name and asks how my new bullet bike is...I've taken my Busa to the local dealership and parked it amongst the Harleys without incident...

I'm still leary of parking my Busa in the bigger cities if I can't stand over it or keep an eye on it. We have yet to ride to the movies and park the bikes for fear of coming out and seeing that mine is gone!
and another funny thing : As I was leaving the Reno main st. The Hogs were waaaay louder than my bike and it was elbow to elbow people... nobody was movin for me. So I did about a 5 second burn out... I laughed so hard when the crowded street parted like the red sea!
I love all kinds a bikes and I watch 2 wheels on speed channel everyweek and American chopper... if I could aford it my garage would be filled with all kinds of bikes and as you can see I usually ride with a mixed bag.

Here's a little road house I like to stop at just after the twisties. Juicey, greasy, yummy burger and 1 cold ale in a dirty glass please.

I've enjoyed my Hardlys,I have several friends I ride with that have 'em,but after going back to sportbikes-especially the Busa,I really think it should be illegal for something to be so loud and also be that clumsy and slow.............:laugh:
They may be shiny,but even a fast one is SLOW!!!
EM...write anyway/anything/anytime....you want . Never be influenced by anybody .

Be A Charles , has offended lots of people , almost as many as me probably . He has a way about him . He will disagree,I'm sure . But...no matter .

The wave thing.....what can ya do? I personally find the whole wave thing BIGTIME SILLY. Some wave , some don't.
Some will wave on Saturday....'cause they are in a good mood...but they wont wave Monday morning,cause they are in a bad mood. I wave sometimes....sometimes not. Does this mean that sometimes I'm a good person....other times I'm a bad person . No , it just means sometimes I'm going to fast,or I didn't see you,or I'm thinking about how I'm going to carry 2 cases of beer on a fuggin Busa. OR...I just dont fuggin' feel like it.
But when yer stuck on the side of the road , broken down, Rubbah stops . Car , truck, bus , Harley , Ninja.....
Rubbah stops .

The whole "Where should I park my bike" thing .
Beside the Harleys...or away from them ?
I park wherever I want . I have to admit , I'll park to spite them . By "Them" , I mean anyone . Harley guys , old folks, Ninja riders , store owners....I dont care . I always park on the sidewalk . Downtown,uptown,your town .

You enjoying so far Ba ? Not too long for ya is it ? he he he

Lets dispell some myths....and mispell some things while we're at it .

Bikers(Harley riders) . I'm guessing the average Harley sold in north america today is not sold to a Hells Angel . It is sold to a doctor , lawyer , dentist or Indian chief . They're the only ones that can afford them now . A shiddy Sportster sells for 10 grand here . The whole "Biker" urban legend thing...nah. Is someone tuff because they ride a Harley ? Are they someone to fear ? In my opinion ...no. In my part of the world...the Hells Angels are a group that you dont want to fug with too much . But you need to fear the Asian gangs more . The Russian gangs even more than the Asians. The average person can be led astray thou . THE MOB RULES . Sure, yer Jap bike can get vandallized outside a red-neck strip bar . But some dudes Harley doesn't stand a chance either , when 5 guys coming out of a stag all drunked up decide to fuk with . I dont care what they ride . If they ride anything at all .

Bottom line.....harley guys can be pricks.
rice rocket riders can be pricks.
chevy malibu drivers can be pricks.

I think yer debating topics which have no absolute end.
No complete answer can be found anywhere .
There is no way to use scientific fact , or common sense , fact n' figures to solve any of these debates. There is just no data .


he was dropped on his head when he was a baby...

EM...write anyway/anything/anytime....you want . Never be influenced by anybody .

Be A Charles , has offended lots of people , almost as many as me probably .  He has a way about him .  He will disagree,I'm sure . But...no matter .

The wave thing.....what can ya do?   I personally find the whole wave thing BIGTIME SILLY.  Some wave , some don't.
  Some will wave on Saturday....'cause they are in a good mood...but they wont wave Monday morning,cause they are in a bad mood.    I wave sometimes....sometimes not.   Does this mean that sometimes I'm a good person....other times I'm a bad person .   No , it just means sometimes I'm going to fast,or I didn't see you,or I'm thinking about how I'm going to carry 2 cases of beer on a fuggin Busa. OR...I just dont fuggin' feel like it.
   But when yer stuck on the side of the road , broken down,    Rubbah stops . Car , truck, bus , Harley , Ninja.....
  Rubbah stops .

  The whole "Where should I park my bike" thing .  
Beside the Harleys...or away from them ?
  I park wherever I want .  I have to admit , I'll park to spite them .   By "Them" , I mean anyone .  Harley guys , old folks, Ninja riders , store owners....I dont care . I always park on the sidewalk . Downtown,uptown,your town .

  You enjoying so far Ba ? Not too long for ya is it ? he he he

   Lets dispell some myths....and mispell some things while we're at it .

   Bikers(Harley riders) . I'm guessing the average Harley sold in north america today is not sold to a Hells Angel .  It is sold to a doctor , lawyer , dentist or Indian chief .  They're the only ones that can afford them now . A shiddy Sportster sells for 10 grand here . The whole "Biker" urban legend thing...nah.   Is someone tuff because they ride a Harley ? Are they someone to fear ?    In my opinion ...no.  In my part of the world...the Hells Angels are a group that you dont want to fug with too much . But you need to fear the Asian gangs more . The Russian gangs even more than the Asians.      The average person can be led astray thou .   THE MOB RULES .   Sure, yer Jap bike can get vandallized outside a red-neck strip bar .   But some dudes Harley doesn't stand a chance either , when 5 guys coming out of a stag all drunked up decide to fuk with . I dont care what they ride . If they ride anything at all .

   Bottom line.....harley guys can be pricks.
                       rice rocket riders can be pricks.
                       chevy malibu drivers can be pricks.

   I think yer debating topics which have no absolute end.
No complete answer can be found anywhere .
  There is no way to use scientific fact , or common sense , fact n' figures to solve any of these debates. There is just no data .    

         he was dropped on his head when he was a baby...

                TWICE .
Ahhhh FUG this is killing me.....

RS - I (cough cough,.. a shitznit.. cough cough) totally agree with you..... lol

nice post....
The wave thing.....what can ya do? I personally find the whole wave thing BIGTIME SILLY. Some wave , some don't.
Some will wave on Saturday....'cause they are in a good mood...but they wont wave Monday morning,cause they are in a bad mood. I wave sometimes....sometimes not. Does this mean that sometimes I'm a good person....other times I'm a bad person . No , it just means sometimes I'm going to fast,or I didn't see you,or I'm thinking about how I'm going to carry 2 cases of beer on a fuggin Busa. OR...I just dont fuggin' feel like it.
But when yer stuck on the side of the road , broken down, Rubbah stops . Car , truck, bus , Harley , Ninja.....
Rubbah stops .

The whole "Where should I park my bike" thing .
Beside the Harleys...or away from them ?
I park wherever I want . I have to admit , I'll park to spite them . By "Them" , I mean anyone . Harley guys , old folks, Ninja riders , store owners....I dont care . I always park on the sidewalk . Downtown,uptown,your town .
Lets dispell some myths....and mispell some things while we're at it .

Bikers(Harley riders) .
Bottom line.....harley guys can be pricks.
rice rocket riders can be pricks.
chevy malibu drivers can be pricks.

I think yer debating topics which have no absolute end.
No complete answer can be found anywhere .
There is no way to use scientific fact , or common sense , fact n' figures to solve any of these debates. There is just no data .
I've waited all week to word something so perfectly...
" Be A Charles , has offended lots of people , almost as many as me probably .  "
NO WAY MAN, uuuuh I mean you win, hands down ...

Just kiddin rsd chill man chill.

Someone pointed out once that when posting online there is no body language or facial expressions... so it's not allways recieved as intended. Hell I've put my foot in my mouth so many times, I dont even mind the taste anymore ...

Michelle, I loved that story and could place myself right there with ya. Also I can honestly say that BA Chaz has been here a long time and is one of the best people here and of course we all say or write things that are misunderstood for intent.
Just keep writing & posting and if someone dont like it they dont have to read it.

Alohahahahahaha - Kent
things must be different up here in the NW? we have one large motorcycle gathering the last day of september, "oyster run" prolly 70% cruisers about 100,000 bikes or so? never catch any flack from anyone, parking or riding, gestures are plentiful and if someone doesnt return one, bo biggie, dunno them anyways.

there is a bar near the town where the main event is held that holds an annual party outside, beer garden the works.

every year a few of us hooligans, parade up and down the street on one wheel, block long burnouts etc... sometimes hardly riders will come out and do a smoker too. the crowd goes wild every time you ride a wheelie through a cloud of smoke, video cameras the works, and the biker babes show their appriciation by baring it all. everyone has a good time, no probs, I've never seen a fight, nothin bad, all good...

next year I will get some footage of the event...
BACharles was trying to be complimentory, even I picked up on that... What the hell is wrong with the rest of you I dunno...

Back on Topic, I like riding with my Hardly Ableson friend... We'll go to the "Harley Hang outs" and I just watch the confused looks... It's like the White Guy bringing home the Black Girlfriend to meet his Saltine relatives in Alabama... Disbelief followed quickly by scorn, though if you watch close or they do not think your looking they will be eyeballing the hell out of the Busa... I find it pretty damn funny, I mean these poor Weekend warriors have allready sold out in a manner very few ever can, and "THEY" are going to eyeball me? That's funny. Sitting there with their pristine "trailer Queen" Big Dog's wanting to talk poop... I don't back down, I had one guy say to me not to long ago "I would rather have my Daughter in a whorehouse than ride rice" I said "Well, I would rather have your Daughter in a Whorehouse as well..." What really messes them up is that I tend to look more "Harley" and hardcore than the majority of them with the beard and all the black leather. It seems to just confuse the hell out of them that I am not some Blonde haired lil teenage kid that has watched too much Biker Boyz... So when I roll in with a buddy on a Dyna Lowrider next to me, they just get all confused.

Out on the road, I'll stop for any bike, and hell I wave at everyone, I don't sweat it if they don't wave back I could give a crap... But if they do give me the "tough" look or shake their lil heads at me That Two fingers down and out wave rotates quickly in to the Universal salute!!! Mostly though, I have a hard enough time trying to stay away from cagers to spend any real time sweatin whether or not some dickweed weekend warrior waves to me...

I grew up with mostly Harleys and Hondas in my family, and it reminds me that the REAL bikers, the trully hardcore? Hell they will wave at anything and talk to anyone, they are the ones that will actually ask you questions about that crazy looking HAYABUSA While your getting gas... They love bikes, they love to ride...

OH and Ramble Ramble Ramble.....
just because you ride a sportbike dont mean your any different from a hardley rider, some people can ride their hardleys better than some folks can their sportbikes, and some folks "pose" more on their sportbikes than most hardley riders, just check out the sh.org, lots O pozers over dare
ive seen sportbike discrimination in the northeast also. not just waving but at a bar on the beach near my house there is a big sign stating "harleys park free, only harleys". i just park on the street. i dont drink and ride anyway.