Harley Junk

ill give u 1000 dollars just to call me a panzie to my face,,,,, that's a real wager... u can just take the money... itll be worth it to me...… I don't have 25K to bet... I tell the truth... unlike some people that post pure bullshit.
Good morning Ollie! Hope you have a wonderful day, cuz I no u werkn de oh tee.
Just thank God for unanswered prayers bro:bowdown:

Wuzza is like a 15 year old . . .

Anyone who has a little disagreement with me . . .

THAT is his best friend
from now on . . .

Shameful . . .

A cool thing you will understand Dan with Brett's cursed Hayabusa ~ is we tolerate Terry & have grown to love him too *

Once we all get to know where you are coming from ~ we will grow to be the best riding family you will know *
wuzza is like a 15 year old.. anyone who has a little disagreement with me... THATS his best friend from now on.... shameful....
Why don't you just stop Ollie!! You keep attacking folks and insulting them, who is acting as a 15 Year old??? I have watched you attack folks here throwing your perceived wisdom around. Not everyone knows everything, be happy with who you are and leave others be whom they are. Buying breaking the bank th buy something to get notoriety is unpleasant I get it. Buying that and having it be mess is another. Not having the expertise to repair yourself is yet another. Not having the wisdom others have, you attack because you feel inadequate, then when you cannot compare you want to beat me up. Geez, I am shaking!! Just relax and stop with the BS with what you no nothing about!! And whom you no nothing about! Paddle on!
Why don't you just stop Ollie!! You keep attacking folks and insulting them, who is acting as a 15 Year old??? I have watched you attack folks here throwing your perceived wisdom around. Not everyone knows everything, be happy with who you are and leave others be whom they are. Buying breaking the bank th buy something to get notoriety is unpleasant I get it. Buying that and having it be mess is another. Not having the expertise to repair yourself is yet another. Not having the wisdom others have, you attack because you feel inadequate, then when you cannot compare you want to beat me up. Geez, I am shaking!! Just relax and stop with the BS with what you no nothing about!! And whom you no nothing about! Paddle on!
don't call someone a panzy and then refuse the 1000 dollars.
I gotta a better chance of meeting jeesus h Christ.
Like Six says, everyone does! I understand why you are so bitter and sad! You can try to cover it all up, attacking and trying to bully others. It's ok lil buddy, it's all crystal clear. I hope you have had a wonderful day at work! Be careful! XXXOOO good night!!