Harley Junk


The Harley Davidson basic motorcycle design ~ has not changed in over 100 years !

Harley Davidson has to do something....Millennials aren't that interested in the same old same old-unless it comes to movies, TV shows and music.

These bikes don't look horrible.
[QUOTE="piratediverjefff, post: 3247878, member: 5224"

Like they say .

If it ain't broke
don't fix it •



If they sit on their A$$ and continue to loose market share ~ they could very well end up “ broke “ .

The sky isn’t falling.......

Harley ain’t going nowhere anytime soon. Just stop @ any local dealership and take an inventory of their shiny new expensive models and come back a month later. Most if not all will be sold. Their super expensive CVO line of bikes which cost in and around $50,000 fly off the showroom floor. There are guys who put ALL the $$$ down in advance on those things and don’t bat an eye. People drive or pay to ship them all over the country because they can’t buy 1 locally.

I just stopped @ their plant in York PA over the weekend and took what’s called a Steel Toe Tour. Got to see the plant and machinery and the different stages in order to make a bike. For the actual H-D motorcycles being so low tech the plant is quite the opposite!!! If your ever in the area during the weekday and have a couple hours to kill I suggest checking it out if your a Fan of motorcycles.

Anyways...... this plant is MASSIVE!!! There are thousands upon thousands of bikes in various stages of completion. Bikes as far as the eye can see! And the tour guide told me that Harley doesn’t build bikes for surplus..... Meaning they aren’t building bikes and just sitting around. Each 1 has been ordered and en route to dealership.

So sorry but Harley going under anytime soon is FAKE NEWS
The sky isn’t falling.......

Harley ain’t going nowhere anytime soon. Just stop @ any local dealership and take an inventory of their shiny new expensive models and come back a month later. Most if not all will be sold. Their super expensive CVO line of bikes which cost in and around $50,000 fly off the showroom floor. There are guys who put ALL the $$$ down in advance on those things and don’t bat an eye. People drive or pay to ship them all over the country because they can’t buy 1 locally.

I just stopped @ their plant in York PA over the weekend and took what’s called a Steel Toe Tour. Got to see the plant and machinery and the different stages in order to make a bike. For the actual H-D motorcycles being so low tech the plant is quite the opposite!!! If your ever in the area during the weekday and have a couple hours to kill I suggest checking it out if your a Fan of motorcycles.

Anyways...... this plant is MASSIVE!!! There are thousands upon thousands of bikes in various stages of completion. Bikes as far as the eye can see! And the tour guide told me that Harley doesn’t build bikes for surplus..... Meaning they aren’t building bikes and just sitting around. Each 1 has been ordered and en route to dealership.

So sorry but Harley going under anytime soon is FAKE NEWS
I like the concept Harley Davidson has for their bike museums-I visited the one in York and it was pretty cool to see brand new H-D bikes from each era.
Love Harleys. Just a different style not meant to be fast in any way which I why I also have the Busa. Harleys problem...like many companies is trying to save money. Quality has gone down through this endeavor and attitudes must shift. The second you start believing your own hype your product, brand and image all suffer
Love Harleys. Just a different style not meant to be fast in any way which I why I also have the Busa. Harleys problem...like many companies is trying to save money. Quality has gone down through this endeavor and attitudes must shift. The second you start believing your own hype your product, brand and image all suffer

Idk if the quality has gone down with Harley?? I mean Harley’s back in the day were known for marking their territory ie “leaking oil”. These newer Harley’s are surprisingly reliable. I’ve racked I’m multiple thousand mile weekend road trips with no problems.

I mean I know a lot of guys who have BMW’s Ducati’s and KTM’s that have had their fair share of problems. On top of that how many metric bikes do you see that are ridden the way Harley’s are?

You see a lot more Harley’s on the road than any other motorcycle so naturally your gonna headband encounter more problems. Now Honda is a different animal they are reliable as it gets but honestly who wants to ride a Goldwing!?!! Those things have sooo much plastic and no character whatsoever plain as white toast....
I'd rather walk than ride a Honda.

I'd rather walk than ride a Honda.

I don't know, there is a long list of great Hondas-seeing this is a Hayabusa forum-the Super Blackbird comes to mind, it was only a bit slower than a Hayabusa and with a little tweaking can be on par.

The list can go on and on with Honda motorcycles which were/are stellar.
Now Honda is a different animal they are reliable as it gets but honestly who wants to ride a Goldwing!?!! Those things have sooo much plastic and no character whatsoever plain as white toast....

I saw a line of H-Ds sitting in front of a local watering hole and they all looked exactly the same minus paint...and they had lots of plastic too. The new Wings will ride circles around anything H-D makes and are highly underrated.
Harleys suck,,,when they get together it sounds like a tractor pull. Clunky, old, smelly,slow...yuk!!
That junk just gets in the way. They should be outlawed...get em' off the road or make em' wear those orange triangles they put on the Amish buggys.
When I hit 185 on my Busa I don't want that trash out in front of me!!
It's kinda funny hearing them bitch about an extra rattle after riding on unsealed roads, getting stones inside fairing. You mean they have an extra rattle to worry about? However they serve their purpose when lane splitting as they clear the path.