Has anyone installed the "no cut" frame sliders?

Found the picture of a right side T-Rex on an 08.

anyone have pic's of "race railz" mounted on a gen2? normally, they are designed for stunters but i was curious if they would be a better alternative than the frame sliders. :whistle:
My sliders do not touch the fairings at all. The right side is about 1/4 further to the front than the left. Mine are the original from Benelux Bike Design. The T-rex appeared on the market later and appear to be a copy of the Benelux models. While the t-rex looks decent, from the photo I have seen the Benelux is a much higher quality built product. (the Benelux is also much higher priced here as well) It is possible they do not fit exactly the same. I think you have an 08-09 so that may be a bit of difference as well. I have seen a picture here some where of an 08 with the slider against the plastic.

Thank you Prof...you honor your name:thumbsup:
your replies are ever complete and detailed...
I will check and search the BBD...
I don't care of the price...I want the best for my Busa.

argh...::11i found the Bike design price...285 Euros!
I changed my mind!!!
Buying another side fairing is almost cheaper than buy BikeDesign sliders!!!
Gosh I can't believe that the same ( i suppose) numeber of pieces of steel can cost 79$ OR 285$
two options:
1-T-rex made crappy frame sliders
2-Bike design guys are thieves

Yes, I'm joking, but there's something to investigate...
Bike design are made of Uranium?Plutonium?Gold?
My sliders do not touch the fairings at all. The right side is about 1/4 further to the front than the left. Mine are the original from Benelux Bike Design. The T-rex appeared on the market later and appear to be a copy of the Benelux models. While the t-rex looks decent, from the photo I have seen the Benelux is a much higher quality built product. (the Benelux is also much higher priced here as well) It is possible they do not fit exactly the same. I think you have an 08-09 so that may be a bit of difference as well. I have seen a picture here some where of an 08 with the slider against the plastic.

Do you have some pics BEFORE the slide?
Believe me I have to understand what kind of difference can be between T-rex and BikeDesign or i can't sleep tonight.
I can't forgive me to not have well checked on the web the best frame slider...
I hate to have bought a frame slider that collide to the fairing!!!
I think that from now and next 100miles the vibes can ruin the fairing where the slider touch the fairing:banghead:
The bar that the T rex no cuts mount on have an angled mount that can be rotated. It allows you to adjust the stops for clearance before you torque the mount points down.
The bar that the T rex no cuts mount on have an angled mount that can be rotated. It allows you to adjust the stops for clearance before you torque the mount points down.

I beg your pardon MadLight, can you rewrite your post...i can't understand the part of your quote that I have underlined...I'm italian and sometimes have some difficulties to translate...
if I have well understood we are talking about a very smart trick to avoid to damage fairing wit the slider itself...well, then do you think that to spend 285 bucks for Benelux Bike design frame sliders are useless?
Do you have some pics BEFORE the slide?
Believe me I have to understand what kind of difference can be between T-rex and BikeDesign or i can't sleep tonight.

Here are a few, I cropped and enlarged 1 and you can see where the grommet is on the right side in one picture. Still have to remember this is on a 03 and not a 08-09 like yours. While there is not doubt the bike design is a better quality product, I'm not sure the difference is justified by the price. T-Rex were not on the market when I bought mine and I think the price was closer to $200-225 USD.







Here are a few, I cropped and enlarged 1 and you can see where the grommet is on the right side in one picture. Still have to remember this is on a 03 and not a 08-09 like yours. While there is not doubt the bike design is a better quality product, I'm not sure the difference is justified by the price. T-Rex were not on the market when I bought mine and I think the price was closer to $200-225 USD.

Hey Professor...You are a morning lover I see...Here are 5 PM...
Well you have a stretched one...Respect:bowdown:
and, oh yeah, i have to admit your crash protector are high quality made...
But 200-225USD versus 79 (T-rex)...uhm...Bike design MUST have something MORE than T-rex...even if this "MORE" can be useless o unnecessary...
For example....There's no need for a beringer master caliper to brake a bike...and the Aerotec patent of the French factory it's a finess for satisfy PILOT wishes...not for average riders...Then for an average rider it's useless spend 440euros for a Beringer MC...but Beringer is better than a Brembo RCS...this is undeniable...
we must determine IF the superior handcrafting of Bike design frame sliders can save MORE fairings/frames than the average handcrafting of the T-rex...
in the morning I spoke with Bike Design chief and of course he told to me that Bike Design is made with superior handcrafting and material choice....But he was'nt able to show me any pics of Bike design sliders MOUNTED ON Busa '08...:banghead:
I got the no-cut T-REX frame sliders on, which from pictures show they are very similar to the BIKE DESIGN ones, I also have BIKE DESIGNs rear sliders which protect the exhausts and rear tail, as I mentioned before I did experience a little slide and both did very well in protecting the bike (also have an R&G exhaust gaurds on my yoshis).
so personally I think the T-REXs are very well up to the job, at a competitive price.
I got the no-cut T-REX frame sliders on, which from pictures show they are very similar to the BIKE DESIGN ones, I also have BIKE DESIGNs rear sliders which protect the exhausts and rear tail, as I mentioned before I did experience a little slide and both did very well in protecting the bike (also have an R&G exhaust gaurds on my yoshis).
so personally I think the T-REXs are very well up to the job, at a competitive price.

Yeah, but...
You don't think that's very weird to find a difference of 120 dollars between T-rex and Bike Design?...
I don't care for money savings, I want the best only.
I've found even 212$ frame sliders on our web-site...but the brand was'nt underlined...