Have you been tested for Covid?

The problem with conservative snowflakes is that their minds (don’t) melt when they hear cold hard facts. They go over their heads and don’t register at all, as though they hadn’t heard them. Blank faces on all of them.
The blank face is me looking at you still thinking he said drink bleach along with all the other 'facts' you still believe that the world now knows to be lies.
How's that classified docs case work out? Shucks I forgot. It got thrown OUT. Why? Omg......wait for it........hear it comes...........


The blank face is me looking at you still thinking he said drink bleach along with all the other 'facts' you still believe that the world now knows to be lies.
How's that classified docs case work out? Shucks I forgot. It got thrown OUT. Why? Omg......wait for it........hear it comes...........
Trump posed the bleach thing as a question to the medical community. As far as the docs, it seems every president since whenever had docs at their residence. What matters is he tried to cheat in '20 by using Presidential influence to reverse the votes in a key state. If it's not illegal it's unethetical as hell. I've said before I don't care if he goes to jail; he just doesn't need to be in the White House anymore.
I have to apologize. Im sorry. I was wrong.
It's actually $7.5 Billion.

I didn't pull it out of my ass. I googled it just for you cuz you're a special kinda...

Oh and Ooops. Darnit. It actually just went UP $200 million......according to Forbes.
Have you heard of them? Nah. Didn't think so. You just lay your head back, open mouth and swallow whatever the democrats shovel into its emptiness.

See folks. Here we have a perfect example of one who's been brainwashed so much he refuses to believe FACTS. He rather be the one who repeats 'cult lies'.
Me? I simply stated a FACT.

Liberal snowflake minds melt when confronted with cold hard facts.
It's worth noting that djt stock has dropped over a third since the Sept 14 Forbes article. How much has that dropped his net worth? I have heard of Forbes, but I'm not sure where they are getting their figures from.
The blank face is me looking at you still thinking he said drink bleach along with all the other 'facts' you still believe that the world now knows to be lies.
How's that classified docs case work out? Shucks I forgot. It got thrown OUT. Why? Omg......wait for it........hear it comes...........


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If I recall correctly, the classified documents case was thrown out by a trump appointed judge. Big shock there. That sure doesn't mean that it's gone forever.
It's worth noting that djt stock has dropped over a third since the Sept 14 Forbes article. How much has that dropped his net worth? I have heard of Forbes, but I'm not sure where they are getting their figures from.
Did you pull that out of your ass?
It's worth noting he's still worth billions. That's with a huge B.
If I recall correctly, the classified documents case was thrown out by a trump appointed judge. Big shock there. That sure doesn't mean that it's gone forever.
Another example of convenient lack of context, truth and FACTS. These things seem to escape minds like yours.
So all me to FINISH your sentence for you.
....was thrown out by a Trump appointed judge because U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump saying the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith violated the Constitution.

Oooops. They knew it. They banked on it. They rolled with it.
And they FAILED. See you can't just go around appointing special counsels, especially one who would go after a former potus. They need to be voted on by Congress. They democrats tried to cheat aaaaaahgain and got slappppped for it. ANY judge would have realized this as soon as it was brought up.
But it's ok. I understand. They were fine with it. You're fine with it. You are all fine with going against the one document which holds this nation together, the Constitution because OMG RUN THE SKY IS FALLING THE WORLD IS GONNA END WWIII WWIV WWV and heck WWX along with ending the world is gonna happen because they told you Orange man bad.

so just totally forget he was already potus and none of what they told you would happen if he got elected back then ever happened but it's for sure gonna happen now. Gosh you're easy.
Did you pull that out of your ass?
It's worth noting he's still worth billions. That's with a huge B.

Another example of convenient lack of context, truth and FACTS. These things seem to escape minds like yours.
So all me to FINISH your sentence for you.
....was thrown out by a Trump appointed judge because U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump saying the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith violated the Constitution.

Oooops. They knew it. They banked on it. They rolled with it.
And they FAILED. See you can't just go around appointing special counsels, especially one who would go after a former potus. They need to be voted on by Congress. They democrats tried to cheat aaaaaahgain and got slappppped for it. ANY judge would have realized this as soon as it was brought up.
But it's ok. I understand. They were fine with it. You're fine with it. You are all fine with going against the one document which holds this nation together, the Constitution because OMG RUN THE SKY IS FALLING THE WORLD IS GONNA END WWIII WWIV WWV and heck WWX along with ending the world is gonna happen because they told you Orange man bad.

so just totally forget he was already potus and none of what they told you would happen if he got elected back then ever happened but it's for sure gonna happen now. Gosh you're easy.
That was once his hand picked supreme court justices ruled that he had immunity as a former president, correct? Those fascists need to stick together to stay out of prison.
Did you pull that out of your ass?
It's worth noting he's still worth billions. That's with a huge B.

Another example of convenient lack of context, truth and FACTS. These things seem to escape minds like yours.
So all me to FINISH your sentence for you.
....was thrown out by a Trump appointed judge because U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump saying the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith violated the Constitution.

Oooops. They knew it. They banked on it. They rolled with it.
And they FAILED. See you can't just go around appointing special counsels, especially one who would go after a former potus. They need to be voted on by Congress. They democrats tried to cheat aaaaaahgain and got slappppped for it. ANY judge would have realized this as soon as it was brought up.
But it's ok. I understand. They were fine with it. You're fine with it. You are all fine with going against the one document which holds this nation together, the Constitution because OMG RUN THE SKY IS FALLING THE WORLD IS GONNA END WWIII WWIV WWV and heck WWX along with ending the world is gonna happen because they told you Orange man bad.

so just totally forget he was already potus and none of what they told you would happen if he got elected back then ever happened but it's for sure gonna happen now. Gosh you're easy.
It looks like the djt stock is continuing it's downward spiral, same as last week. The Dow and Nasdaq are in new record territory again today and in the first 7 minutes of trading, his stock is down over 6%. In a perfect world, trump would end up working in a gas station for the rest of his life.

It's kind of odd too that the media keeps calling the guy with the gun by the golf course an "attempted assassination" too. No shots were fired. But we have to keep the pity party going. If I had that many people hating on me that they were shooting at me, I'd probably steer clear of things like open golf courses.
That was once his hand picked supreme court justices ruled that he had immunity as a former president, correct? Those fascists need to stick together to stay out of prison.
I see. Now the scotus is also crooked.
You were happy with the liberal scotus riding RvW for 50yrs though right?
Typical of whiner wanker ass liberals to complain when things don't go their way.
Here. Let me tell you something. The SCOTUS of the United States of America will swing to the right and be conservative for at least the next THIRTY YEARS.
Here's your participation trophy for LOSING. Now you can go whine and cry and hug a puppy and CHOKE ON ON IT.

Wah wah wah way the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land made a decision I don't like!! So you know what I'm gonna do?!? I'm gonna add forty seven more judges to the court to skew it back my way. Fook the structure, fook the country and fook you I want it my way!

THIS is you and who you support. And THAT wreaks of Stalinist communism.
Go ahead and try. We are waiting. Please be first to knock on that door. Nah. You won't. You're too chicken to actually try to go do what you say here.
I see. Now the scotus is also crooked.
You were happy with the liberal scotus riding RvW for 50yrs though right?
Typical of whiner wanker ass liberals to complain when things don't go their way.
Here. Let me tell you something. The SCOTUS of the United States of America will swing to the right and be conservative for at least the next THIRTY YEARS.
Here's your participation trophy for LOSING. Now you can go whine and cry and hug a puppy and CHOKE ON ON IT.

Wah wah wah way the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land made a decision I don't like!! So you know what I'm gonna do?!? I'm gonna add forty seven more judges to the court to skew it back my way. Fook the structure, fook the country and fook you I want it my way!

THIS is you and who you support. And THAT wreaks of Stalinist communism.
Go ahead and try. We are waiting. Please be first to knock on that door. Nah. You won't. You're too chicken to actually try to go do what you say here.
I watched as Mitch McConnell said that he couldn't seat Merrick Garland because it was an election year, then he fast paced someone else with just weeks before an election. Clearly cheating the system for his own parties gain. As to Roe Vs. Wade, the states are putting abortion rights into their constitutions at a fast pace and the supreme court won't even matter on that anymore. And hopefully the people will sweep the conservative fascist politicians out the door at the same time like they did in Michigan two years ago. Bye bye trump and his band of fascist goons.
Here. Let me tell you something. The SCOTUS of the United States of America will swing to the right and be conservative for at least the next THIRTY YEARS.
There's one for the prediction jar. I've seen you get all emotional and irrational before when someone gets under your skin. Understandable I suppose.

By the way I left the part about the puppy out. What has a puppy ever done to you?
I watched as Mitch McConnell said that he couldn't seat Merrick Garland because it was an election year, then he fast paced someone else with just weeks before an election. Clearly cheating the system for his own parties gain. As to Roe Vs. Wade, the states are putting abortion rights into their constitutions at a fast pace and the supreme court won't even matter on that anymore. And hopefully the people will sweep the conservative fascist politicians out the door at the same time like they did in Michigan two years ago. Bye bye trump and his band of fascist goons.
This is you....


Not sorry..
There's one for the prediction jar. I've seen you get all emotional and irrational before when someone gets under your skin. Understandable I suppose.

By the way I left the part about the puppy out. What has a puppy ever done to you?
Tell me how that prediction won't come true when it's a lifetime appointment and all recent conservatives and ones in majority are young? If any of them pull an RBG it'll be another fifty years conservative. Ha!
There is never any emotion in any of my posts unless it's about my family. It's the internet and I'm typing on a cold screen.

Puppies are good. I like puppies. I suggested OBG go hug one to make himself feel better cuz he can't handle facts. You notice how every time he makes a point and I rebut it with facts that totally destroy the programmed narrative in his wittle mind he completely ignores that rebuttal and goes onto another rant.
Tell me how that prediction won't come true when it's a lifetime appointment and all recent conservatives and ones in majority are young? If any of them pull an RBG it'll be another fifty years conservative. Ha!
There is never any emotion in any of my posts unless it's about my family. It's the internet and I'm typing on a cold screen.
Enjoy it while you can is all I'm saying. A Supreme Court that leans politically stands on shaky ground. Expanding it is being discussed. Other eventualities, as these are human beings, remain possible. Thomas is 76, Roberts 69. 30 or 50 years? There's those emotions again.
As far as your emotions go, please. I'm not going to go search but you get really worked up about political issues not involving your family. We all do.
You let anger in more often than others.