Have you been tested for Covid?

On the contrary. He already knew it was 3 against 1. He already knew he was the only 1 being fact checked. He already knew issues weren't going to be on the agenda, so he pulled out a totally out of left field statement that he knew their sources were not prepared to answer with a fact check as it was largely a thin/bogus claim. And completely derailed the whole debate. Nobody in the country heard much after the eating our pets outburst. He got his chaos!
So if he had said 'I ate a baby for breakfast' that would have also been fine for the chaos?
He's from NYC home of the Natl Enquirer so I guess it fits right in.
So if he had said 'I ate a baby for breakfast' that would have also been fine for the chaos?
He's from NYC home of the Natl Enquirer so I guess it fits right in.
Remember. He said I could shoot someone on the corner of 5th Street, and they'd still vote for me.

You of all people should know the hatred for the left this country has. Harris has never been well liked. Even by the left. So this is far from a slam dunk for her.

The country will, and it's already starting to happen, see there have been some valid legitimate accounts of cats, dogs etc. They are surfacing now. Just enough to keep the energy away from going to Harris. More will come. So he is once again giving those a voice that were ignored when they tried to speak about it. He did it before, and it made him a hero once before. It will go from far fetched, to he knows more about reality than the media does.

I had a work colleague go to a Harris/Walls rally in Asheville NC yesterday. She said more people were talking about Trump than their candidate.
You of all people should know the hatred for the left this country has.
The popular vote vote of the last 4 elections says the opposite.
The country will, and it's already starting to happen, see there have been some valid legitimate accounts of cats, dogs etc. They are surfacing now.
That’s twice I’ve seen someone post this. Is there credible proof?

Not that I can find
And completely derailed the whole debate. Nobody in the country heard much after the eating our pets outburst.
I don't agree. I was dialed in after the crazy outburst and pretty sure most others were too. I think Trump derailed himself, looking as foolish as can be, in front of millions. I'm not surprised he doesn't want another debate; Harris ate his lunch and dessert, just toyed with him, and she could have been better. The next one she probably would be.
They ABSOLUTELY presented it to YOU and the world as
It will stop the spread
'If you don't get it granny could die!!'
They played the guilt trip blame game on everyone and it got to the point where those who got it were ready to force those who didn't to get it OR ELSE.

Don't you dare go back on that. Don't you dare downplay it. And don't either of you ever try to say different. We will never forget what they did and what people like YOU supported.

Deny it if you want. Your posts are here. You believed it would stop the spread. You believed it would prevent symptoms from getting worse. Both of those are now UNPROVEN bullshit.
Your cult god told over 30,000 documented lies while he was president and you don't seem to have a problem with that at all. But if the experts tell you that they believe that getting people vaccinated will slow the spread of it, you lose your poop and call them liars.

What did the vaccinations do? Do you still see refrigerated semi trailers at hospitals to house dead human bodies because the morgues are full? No, you don't. I don't recall anyone from the government or anywhere else, including Dr. Fauchi, telling anyone that the vaccinations would be a positive guarantee that you would never ever get covid. This is just trump cult BS and you know it. Do you work for the trump campaign or did you just go to trump university to learn how to lie and mislead others? Because you definitely have a lot of that trump stuff going on in your head. And that isn't a good thing.
It's funny you should say that....I remember in 2016 my wife and I both agreed that it didn't even seem like Trump wanted to win as some of his antics were almost cartoon-like.....

And being that he's an intelligent and capable man, his actions and statements seem almost out of character for a person who ran a huge company and accomplished all he did over his life time.....

Not to mention how fast former colleagues and friends turned on him as soon as he put in his nomination...
Six bankruptcies is an accomplishment? What do you consider a slacker opposed to "accomplished"? We still don't know much about his net worth because even after he told us that he would release his taxes, he didn't do it. For all we know, we all may have a larger net worth than him. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he has a negative net worth. Bankruptcy #7 coming right up. His stock in worth less than a quarter of what it was worth just several months ago.

Personally, I'd like to see him working at a convenience store or a grocery store stocking shelves.
On the contrary. He already knew it was 3 against 1. He already knew he was the only 1 being fact checked. He already knew issues weren't going to be on the agenda, so he pulled out a totally out of left field statement that he knew their sources were not prepared to answer with a fact check as it was largely a thin/bogus claim. And completely derailed the whole debate. Nobody in the country heard much after the eating our pets outburst. He got his chaos!
Three against one. That is straight from hannity, right? When the orange guy debated Biden, I don't think he answered one of the questions that he was asked. It was all "I need to respond to what Biden said" and no answers to the moderators questions. And Biden totally flopped on his part. He lost fair and square.

But the debate against Harris was a totally different story. This BS three against one was just he moderators trying to get trump to answer their questions, and he wouldn't do it and couldn't do it. All he has is bullshit and attacks. Word salad. The man is a maniac and is losing his mind. But that seems to appeal to a lot of people, like the evangelical lunatics and other simpletons.

It's past time to take grandpas keys away from him and put him in a home. One with high walls around it. He loves walls so that should be a good fit for him.
I don't agree. I was dialed in after the crazy outburst and pretty sure most others were too. I think Trump derailed himself, looking as foolish as can be, in front of millions. I'm not surprised he doesn't want another debate; Harris ate his lunch and dessert, just toyed with him, and she could have been better. The next one she probably would be.

She certainly (could) be better but I doubt there will be another debate. I’m not sure either candidate answered the questions. Any questions, certainly none directly. The opening question was given to her first and she didn’t answer it. Neither did trump and instead of asking Harris to respond to what trump said she should’ve been asked to actually answer the question which was, ‘are we better off financially now compared to four years ago.’
Remember. He said I could shoot someone on the corner of 5th Street, and they'd still vote for me.

You of all people should know the hatred for the left this country has. Harris has never been well liked. Even by the left. So this is far from a slam dunk for her.

The country will, and it's already starting to happen, see there have been some valid legitimate accounts of cats, dogs etc. They are surfacing now. Just enough to keep the energy away from going to Harris. More will come. So he is once again giving those a voice that were ignored when they tried to speak about it. He did it before, and it made him a hero once before. It will go from far fetched, to he knows more about reality than the media does.

I had a work colleague go to a Harris/Walls rally in Asheville NC yesterday. She said more people were talking about Trump than their candidate.
I went to a Harris/Walz rally last week and Walz spoke. I didn't hear the orange goons name one time, but I can tell you that the energy there could have sent a rocket to the moon. People are very fired up about this election. The venue was packed and I'm sure that there were a lot of people that didn't get in. I was able to get right up front because my brother is working on the campaign and hooked me up.

And it was a real breath of fresh air to not hear the hateful rhetoric that I see at the trump cult rallies.
The popular vote vote of the last 4 elections says the opposite.

That’s twice I’ve seen someone post this. Is there credible proof?

Not that I can find
Tall tom and the rest of the trump cult members here have proven over and over that facts make no difference to them. They go for those "alternative facts", the things that the sane people call lies. Kind of like how vance said that he lied about the eating pets thing to keep the attention on him and trump.
Tall tom and the rest of the trump cult members here have proven over and over that facts make no difference to them. They go for those "alternative facts", the things that the sane people call lies. Kind of like how vance said that he lied about the eating pets thing to keep the attention on him and trump.
I’ve been around here a while and Tom and I don’t agree on much if anything, but his reasoning is rational from what I’d seen. Unlike some others. That’s why it surprised me when he posted that claim about Springfield OH, hence my asking him.
Your cult god told over 30,000 documented lies while he was president and you don't seem to have a problem with that at all. But if the experts tell you that they believe that getting people vaccinated will slow the spread of it, you lose your poop and call them liars.

What did the vaccinations do? Do you still see refrigerated semi trailers at hospitals to house dead human bodies because the morgues are full? No, you don't. I don't recall anyone from the government or anywhere else, including Dr. Fauchi, telling anyone that the vaccinations would be a positive guarantee that you would never ever get covid. This is just trump cult BS and you know it. Do you work for the trump campaign or did you just go to trump university to learn how to lie and mislead others? Because you definitely have a lot of that trump stuff going on in your head. And that isn't a good thing.

Six bankruptcies is an accomplishment? What do you consider a slacker opposed to "accomplished"? We still don't know much about his net worth because even after he told us that he would release his taxes, he didn't do it. For all we know, we all may have a larger net worth than him. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he has a negative net worth. Bankruptcy #7 coming right up. His stock in worth less than a quarter of what it was worth just several months ago.

Personally, I'd like to see him working at a convenience store or a grocery store stocking shelves.
The current potus of the time sent two Mercy ships to NY harbor to treat Covid patients. The governor of NY instead solely on political reasons sent them to elder care facilities instead. Two billion dollar ships went unused because people like you just could not bring themselves to work with him. THAT is why bodies were in coolers and not on those ships. THAT is why more people died. It's because NITWITS like you made it political and fought Trump every step of the way. Imagine how many more people may still be alive if sugarbritches like you hadn't tried to use every word or minute to bring him down and instead worked as a nation to get thru it.
Fauci absolutely 100% did tell YOU and everyone else it would stop the spread and it would prevent you from catching it. It was broadcast every five minutes everywhere. You've got to be pretty stupid or so much a Trump hater to not admit that. Nah. You're not getting away with what I and WE lived thru. The absolute guilt trip brainwash of get it or else. No fook you and everyone else who tried to force that on people.

BQs sure so what? Some business succeed and some fail. Please share with the class what businesses you've created and succeeded in. Then we can compare it to Trumps net worth of SIX POINT ONE BILLION DOLLARS.
I drove by his course this morning. You know it's the one where your buddy camped out over night to try to kill him. It says TRUMP INTL on the gate. Can you share a pic of one of your golf courses? Of course you can't.

Yet you mock him. It's ok. We understand. That's what jealous aholes do.

And no I don't like him. I don't like his ways or words. But like you I will pinch my nose and vote red because there is no way I'll vote for a woman who changes race and color daily like a chameleon. Not to mention she's a twit, a former mistress and whore and never succeeded at running anything other than black men into jail and laugh about it later on the radio....

So screw her and you.

While you're here though. Without mentioning Trump tell us what exactly about Harris you will be voting for? What stellar things has she done to warrant this promotion? I'll wait...
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The current potus of the time sent two Mercy ships to NY harbor to treat Covid patients. The governor of NY instead solely on political reasons sent them to elder care facilities instead. Two billion dollar ships went unused because people like you just could not bring themselves to work with him. THAT is why bodies were in coolers and not on those ships. THAT is why more people died. It's because NITWITS like you made it political and fought Trump every step of the way. Imagine how many more people may still be alive if sugarbritches like you hadn't tried to use every word or minute to bring him down and instead worked as a nation to get thru it.
Fauci absolutely 100% did tell YOU and everyone else it would stop the spread and it would prevent you from catching it. It was broadcast every five minutes everywhere. You've got to be pretty stupid or so much a Trump hater to not admit that. Nah. You're not getting away with what I and WE lived thru. The absolute guilt trip brainwash of get it or else. No fook you and everyone else who tried to force that on people.

BQs sure so what? Some business succeed and some fail. Please share with the class what businesses you've created and succeeded in. Then we can compare it to Trumps net worth of SIX POINT ONE BILLION DOLLARS.
I drove by his course this morning. You know it's the one where your buddy camped out over night to try to kill him. It says TRUMP INTL on the gate. Can you share a pic of one of your golf courses? Of course you can't.

Yet you mock him. It's ok. We understand. That's what jealous aholes do.

And no I don't like him. I don't like his ways or words. But like you I will pinch my nose and vote red because there is no way I'll vote for a woman who changes race and color daily like a chameleon. Not to mention she's a twit, a former mistress and whore and never succeeded at running anything other than black men into jail and laugh about it later on the radio....

So screw her and you.

While you're here though. Without mentioning Trump tell us what exactly about Harris you will be voting for? What stellar things has she done to warrant this promotion? I'll wait...
Just because you keep repeating the trump cult lies doesn't make them any more true. Do you think those ships would have held a million Covid patients? I don't.

Broadcast every 5 minutes from everywhere? Maybe on fox noise or something, but that isn't what I was hearing. And it has slowed the spread and kept a lot of people from dying. That's like saying that trump has been saying that Haitian's are eating cats every 5 minutes on every bit of media. Maybe you should try telling the truth sometime.

Where are you getting this trump net worth figure of 6.1 billion dollars? Out of your ass like everything else that you say here? I specifically remember him saying that he was worth over 10 billion 8 years ago. Some smart businessman if he lost 4 billion in that time. Of course you have no idea of his net worth any more than you know my net worth. One thing that I do know is that his stock is tanking again, down another 4% as I type this. That is a one year low and dropping like a lead balloon. I expect that withing the near future it will be delisted and file for bankruptcy.

And it's odd that you would bring up mistresses. Your cult god has had those, usually when he is married to someone else. Speaking of that, where's Melania been. It looks like trump has a new thing going with some other mental case woman now.

As far as voting for Harris, for one thing, she isn't trump, which would be enough all by itself. She also has put felons like trump in prison and I like that idea a lot. Maybe we can see trump inside of some great walls.
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