Have you been tested for Covid?

What do you mean, “and the others”? Unless there’s some lab tested ivermectin using only ivermectin, you can’t say that after taking it ‘and others,’ that (it) is what made you feel better. What was the dosage? Did (you) decide how much to take? Based on what? A veterinarian’s hand book? Many felt their bout with Covid passed in a few days to a week with or without being vaxed and with or without ivermectin.

I did read this inconclusive test quoting a significant section:

“In this double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled platform trial including 1432 US adults with COVID-19 during February 2022 to July 2022, the median time to sustained recovery was 11 days in the ivermectin group and 12 days in the placebo group. In this largely vaccinated (83%) population, the posterior probability that ivermectin reduced symptom duration by more than 1 day was less than 0.1%.

Meaning These findings do not support the use of ivermectin among outpatients with COVID-19.”

So, I’m still laughing.
Mr personal dr prescribed it to me in same regular dose the world has been for over fifty years. We here Florida still have Drs who went with what was best for their patient and not the narrative, jab and nothing else. By 'the others' I mean vitamin C and magnesium. It WORKED for us. It worked for many I know. Doubt it all you want. I posted a blind study as well as the fact an entire province in India basically eliminated it by passing out Ivermectin to all.
You can keep making snide remarks about vets and all that. It's fine. I'm gonna go drink some bleach right now because Trump told us to.
Ivermectin was a common drug already in production and IS CHEAP. It didnt fit so they told you it would never work. Thank God my Dr isn't so naive. Vanderbilt grad. His own practice of over forty years. I'll take his word and advice instead of your silly comments.
Was it the end all to be all? Who knows? Was it what actually helped? Who knows? I tend to think based on our quick rebound it did.
…”Was it what actually helped? Who knows?”

And there you have it folks. Concrete proof.
Folks there is nothing I could say to some who still believes what's been disproven. Concrete proof he's demonststed uncountable number of times.
See. How the liberal mind works is if I had said 'absolutely it worked for sure!' he would have demanded proof. There is none. It's why his lack of reading comprehension allowed him to miss 'for us' in my post.
My Dr someone a lot more educated and experienced than anyone HERE prescribed it to us, to many, for a long time. He was already doing it before all the hullabaloo brainwashed the masses. It was done in our best interest.
You do you. I'll do me. Did it hurt YOU for me to take it? No it didn't. People like you who didn't take it just get off on mocking others for seeking a different route.
How many jabs you had? Told ya it would stop the spread didn't they? You believed it. Told ya you wouldn't catch it afterward didn't they? You believed it. Told you a lot of things about IT while slamming and censoring ALL other alternatives and you believed it. Four years later still believing IT is the only way. Really actually kinda sad folks.
How many jabs you had? Told ya it would stop the spread didn't they? You believed it. Told ya you wouldn't catch it afterward didn't they? You believed it. Told you a lot of things about IT while slamming and censoring ALL other alternatives and you believed it. Four years later still believing IT is the only way. Really actually kinda sad folks.
Two and no to both questions. The person administering did tell me it would help minimize the symptoms and help me get better faster. I've only read the same in every report I've found. The vaccines are not claimed to stop the spread but to help in overcoming the disease and minimize the symptoms, which helps with the chance of spreading it. The only counter claims I've heard are from "anti-jabbers" such as yourself proclaiming it in a sarcastic manner.
I don't have the opposite to compare to, but my bout was quick and fairly painless, so there's a possibility that the vaccines work. It's beyond my knowledge of medicine, so I trust the experts, as, apparently, you did.
“How many jabs you had? Two

Told ya it would stop the spread didn't they? Nope.

You believed it. Nope, they didn’t say that.

Told ya you wouldn't catch it afterward didn't they? Nope.

You believed it. Nope, they didn’t say that.

Told you a lot of things about IT while slamming and censoring ALL other alternatives and you believed it.

Nope again, now you’re 0 for 4.
“How many jabs you had? Two

Told ya it would stop the spread didn't they? Nope.

You believed it. Nope, they didn’t say that.

Told ya you wouldn't catch it afterward didn't they? Nope.

You believed it. Nope, they didn’t say that.

Told you a lot of things about IT while slamming and censoring ALL other alternatives and you believed it.

Nope again, now you’re 0 for 4.
Meanwhile everyone in power as well as the media ALL said that the vaxx would stop the spread and that you were protected against catching it if you took the shots.

Two and no to both questions. The person administering did tell me it would help minimize the symptoms and help me get better faster. I've only read the same in every report I've found. The vaccines are not claimed to stop the spread but to help in overcoming the disease and minimize the symptoms, which helps with the chance of spreading it. The only counter claims I've heard are from "anti-jabbers" such as yourself proclaiming it in a sarcastic manner.
I don't have the opposite to compare to, but my bout was quick and fairly painless, so there's a possibility that the vaccines work. It's beyond my knowledge of medicine, so I trust the experts, as, apparently, you did.

“How many jabs you had? Two

Told ya it would stop the spread didn't they? Nope.

You believed it. Nope, they didn’t say that.

Told ya you wouldn't catch it afterward didn't they? Nope.

You believed it. Nope, they didn’t say that.

Told you a lot of things about IT while slamming and censoring ALL other alternatives and you believed it.

Nope again, now you’re 0 for 4.
They ABSOLUTELY presented it to YOU and the world as
It will stop the spread
'If you don't get it granny could die!!'
They played the guilt trip blame game on everyone and it got to the point where those who got it were ready to force those who didn't to get it OR ELSE.

Don't you dare go back on that. Don't you dare downplay it. And don't either of you ever try to say different. We will never forget what they did and what people like YOU supported.

Deny it if you want. Your posts are here. You believed it would stop the spread. You believed it would prevent symptoms from getting worse. Both of those are now UNPROVEN bullshit.
Medical doctors advised me to get the vax, not a politician or the media. I don’t really listen to anyone in other professions regarding my health. You?
Yet you mock others who's professional drs advised alternative treatments.
Definition of hypocrite here folks.

Your jab was fine. Two was better. But anything else you criticize.
We see how you are.
They ABSOLUTELY presented it to YOU and the world as
It will stop the spread
'If you don't get it granny could die!!'
They played the guilt trip blame game on everyone and it got to the point where those who got it were ready to force those who didn't to get it OR ELSE.

Don't you dare go back on that. Don't you dare downplay it. And don't either of you ever try to say different. We will never forget what they did and what people like YOU supported.

Deny it if you want. Your posts are here. You believed it would stop the spread. You believed it would prevent symptoms from getting worse. Both of those are now UNPROVEN bullshit.
The media were complicit with the government and big pharma ,remember doctors got paid for each jab/vaxx that was put into arms
Pfizer’s own trial data that was supposed to be locked away for 76 years - showed it would save any lives

The evidence is clear if you want to find it
The media were complicit with the government and big pharma ,remember doctors got paid for each jab/vaxx that was put into arms
Pfizer’s own trial data that was supposed to be locked away for 76 years - showed it would save any lives

The evidence is clear if you want to find it
i meant to type " showed it WOULD NOT SAVE LIVES"
It was lies that Fauci is a crook
It was always only about the $$$$$. If you are looking at supplying every single person on earth if possible PPE like cloth masks and jabbs than the temptation to overstate the benefits outweighed sanity. Just became a money grab for all. Damn any other alternatives or opinions. SHUT up and take, then take it and then maybe before you realize none of it provably works take another just in case. While you're doing this forget sleepy had like 47 shots and has caught it a half dozen times.

Amazing how a couple years ago he would have isolated and anyone who'd been around him would have been tested and done same. Yet just this last time he caught it he met with Pelosi and Schumer. Nobody had masks on? They didn't tell us any of them got tested and were fine? They didn't isolate him from anyone? He wasn't even wearing a mask?
It's simple as obvious as can be them ignoring the bullshit they told everyone else when it was convenient. EVEYTHING they forced on others they ignored now with the most powerful man in the world? Why? Because it was all lies to topple the Trump presidency. The virus was real. The fear mongering and danger wasn't. They play people like fiddles.
And many here are still singing that tune. Pathetic simpletons
Why? Because it was all lies to topple the Trump presidency. The virus was real. The fear mongering and danger wasn't.
Sure. Tell yourself it wasn't because 15% of people that voted for Trump in '16 got fed up with him during his 4 years in office. Nobody, at least nobody conservative that I know, blamed Covid on Trump, even though his initial response left a bit to be desired. He lost because he lost the marginal part of his followers with his racist and dishonest actions during 4 years as President. It's easier for you and other MAGAs to blame Covid, or democrats, or the weather. Accepting that it was your man, Trump, not so easy.
Sure. Tell yourself it wasn't because 15% of people that voted for Trump in '16 got fed up with him during his 4 years in office. Nobody, at least nobody conservative that I know, blamed Covid on Trump, even though his initial response left a bit to be desired. He lost because he lost the marginal part of his followers with his racist and dishonest actions during 4 years as President. It's easier for you and other MAGAs to blame Covid, or democrats, or the weather. Accepting that it was your man, Trump, not so easy.
I'll admit he did quite well turning off many. But I don't believe he turned off as many moderates as the media did with their assault campaign. Equally so I'd expect you to admit it was all out war and everything was done by them, the media and their followers to bring him down.
24/7 non stop anti Trump bashing and brain washing. NON STOP. Every time he put two words together they were ripped apart and twisted.
Gov of NY praised him during the pandemic. But then come election time the very same guy went on the expected Democratic slam campaign? What changed? Only the time. Nothing else.
In letting states decide on their own policies he kept many sane and alive. Under a Clinton regime I have no doubt we would have been under federal quarantine and all kinds of other atrocious edicts. The Stasi would have been out in force checking papers. All you have to do to believe that is look at some of the largest liberal states and what they did to people.