I needed a laugh
As I am cruising that page about the renting I see a link to the Famous Pashnit.com!!!Man I sure wouldn't wanna learn to dos and don'ts of todays road on a bike. It is so much more dangerous out there. It really don't matter how mature you are or how safe you gonna be. Takes time to learn the road and best to do it on a bike that gives you a little more play room per say.
There are company's who rent sport bikes and have up to minimum of 15years riding experience to rent a bike like the Busa.
He's a link to one company...
Motorcycle rentals and tours USA / canada toll-free +1 888-849-4098 international +1 949 579 9422
There is a good reason why these company's have such strict rules.
Good Luck!
you can kill yourself just as fast on a 600 as you can on a busa the bike only does what you tell it. Just ride safe and within your means.