buying a hayabusa for starters

Starting to agree with the Troll theory.

before the accident when the dude's body smashes through the sponsor sign...wut did hiz bike do?
Its called a high side. He had the rear tire broke loose & probably backed off the throttle instead of riding it out. When the rear tire regained traction It snapped the bike & spit him off.

This is probably not something you have to worry about unless your around long enough to do some track days.
Quick story!
I just got a Hayabusa, and I may be a young guy (27) but here is a history of bikes I've had.
Lawnmower powered mini bike
Honda 50cc dirt bike
Suzuki 80cc Dirt bike
Kaw 200cc dirt bike
kaw 600cc dirtbike
kaw KZ550 LTD
Yam XS 650
Kaw 750 spectre
Kaw 1500 Vulcan classic
Honda VTX 1800c

So as u can see in my limited years here on earth I've gone through the baby steps and worked up to the BUSA. I was still not fully prepared for it. Damned thing still scares me a bit. (the good respect giving scare). Best bike I ever had for learning though was that KZ 550 LTD. It was a piece by the time I got it. BUT u could wreck it all u needed to while learning.

My advice, buy the most protective riding gear u can and then get the cheapest ugliest bike u can. I tell all my friends u should be able to drop ur 1st bike and have it looking better having dropped it.

BUT then again, U don't have to listen to me. Get what u want. Just make sure u get insurance (motorcycle and life) and write out a good will for ur family if U start with a busa.
sorry I didn't read it all b4 posting. THE LAST thing u need to worry about is how fast this thing will accelerate and how fast it goes. The answer is faster than u need to go. I am worried that u won't make it to 21 and if u do that u'll have drinks and ride (good buddy died that way). BE CAREFUL

IN that will I mentioned...I need a headlight so umm wanna put me in there for ur's?
sorry I didn't read it all b4 posting. THE LAST thing u need to worry about is how fast this thing will accelerate and how fast it goes. The answer is faster than u need to go. I am worried that u won't make it to 21 and if u do that u'll have drinks and ride (good buddy died that way). BE CAREFUL
U also missed the troll part
I just got my busa 3 months ago and I love it. I got a sweet deal on it, $3k for a '02 LE with Yoshi exhaust, lowered, new pearl white paint. I took my MSF course got my license and rode around the neighbor ALOT! I'm 24 going on 40 as far as maturity level. The way I saw it was how I drive would give me an idea on how I would ride my bike. I dont speed, very very cautious of other drivers because it's never you but the others you have to worry about. I dont have any tickets or accidents on my record. So far i've taking it very easy on the busa, havent gone over 6k or 60mph. Even then, you can really feel the power in this beauty. My friend has a cbr600 and to be honest it feels like a small hunk of plastic compared to the busa. I feel safer on the busa than I did on his 600, which sounds funny. I dont believe in buying multiple times neither, i like to spend my money right the first time on quality so I dont have to buy more later. So, my advice is sit down and think about how you drive your car, that will give you some idea on how you will ride your bike, only thing is you have to be very strong willed and dont allow yourself to "test" the busa out because she will be the first to show you that she is in charge and some guys dont get a second chance to respect her. Hope I was of some help.
