My busa was my first bike. But I wanted it because I ride 300 miles a week just commuting back and forth to work. And I like to ride long distances on weekends. I wanted a comfortable bike for long rides without have the large payments that comes with most cruisers. There are an number of downsides because I started the busa, I never learned to wheelie, I am not aggressive in turns, when riding with my sportbike friends in a group I always ride in the back, as I fit better with the cruiser crown than the sportbike community. Its all in your riding style, thats what you should consider when purchasing a bike. Forget about engine size, hypersport and what not. Ask yourself why am I thinking of buying this bike. If its because you want to be the baddest Mofo on 2 wheels the busa is not for you. No, bike is good for you because, you are going to try and do way to much too soon and even on a 600 bad things will happen.