Hayabusa heating


Hey guys i recently bought a gen 1 busa 2006 and it came with a bad radiator and the temp needle goes up to red so i repalced it now the temp stays halfway but now after idling for 10 mins the tank os heated and front shocks got heated is it normal?
Mine has a new radiator, muzzy fan, engine ice...and STILL overheats at idle in 60* weather :banghead:
Something is definitely not right. Have you checked your water pump, hoses for any kinks? You may have a restriction somewhere in the water jacket in the head or block. I'm sure you made sure all air is out of the system. Some Gen 1s overheat in extreme conditions, or when stuck in traffic on a hot day. If you are overheating at 60 degrees you have a big problem.
Big Bore?
Worse...stock motor. No performance mods, except a flashed ECU and intake filter.
Tried a rad cap?
Oops! Forgot to add that I have the Schnitz Racing 1.6 cap

Replaced the thermostat when I installed new radiator, and dumped the fluid twice trying to ensure no air was trapped from the first time. I'm tempted to cut out the center of my old thermostat and swap it in just for the summer.
Well that leaves you with water pump, air still trapped or you have a headgasket issue. You didn't answer if the fan was coming on? Mine over heated in the middle of winter idling I changed the rad cap and it fixed the issue I did a thermostat just cause.
Well that leaves you with water pump, air still trapped or you have a headgasket issue. You didn't answer if the fan was coming on? Mine over heated in the middle of winter idling I changed the rad cap and it fixed the issue I did a thermostat just cause.
Fan kicks on like a charm, but it doesn't do enough to keep it cool on it's own...temp goes down, up, down, higher up, and eventually maxes out after a while.
I'd believe trapped air, water pump or head gasket...whitish colored exhaust coming out of the stock pipes :confused: doesn't smell rich
Mine has a new radiator, muzzy fan, engine ice...and STILL overheats at idle in 60* weather :banghead:
First I’ll say I’m not a motorcycle specialist but in the world of hot rods and drag racing assuming the cooling is working then all heat related issues are fuel related. If it’s runs cool at driving speed I would not suspect head gasket or combustion leaking into the cooling system but if you want to check balkamp (NAPA) sells a kit for around 60.00 that has a liquid and tube with a suction bulb that you still in the radiator while running and if there’s combustion in the cooling system the fluid will change color. You may have to Lea little water out so it doesn’t contaminate the test fluid. Also try straight distilled water and a bottle of water wetter with no antifreeze. Antifreeze has the ability to remove heat from an engine but it does a poor job of getting rid of the heat, it stores it. Water wetter is worth about 7 degrees on a big block Chevy. Be careful removing too much of the thermostat, if you have too much flow you may see a heating problem cruising at higher rpm. Again I’m talking hot rods and drag cars, I’m no motorcycle specialist.
This is most likely air in your cooling system. Get that thing leaned over to the left and burb it. If this doesn’t solve it you have a gasket issue. These bikes are running super lean from the factory. I’m running a +2mm bore ina turbo bike with no tuning on the stock ecu. With no issues.
Worse...stock motor. No performance mods, except a flashed ECU and intake filter.

Oops! Forgot to add that I have the Schnitz Racing 1.6 cap

Replaced the thermostat when I installed new radiator, and dumped the fluid twice trying to ensure no air was trapped from the first time. I'm tempted to cut out the center of my old thermostat and swap it in just for the summer.

With the ecu flash, did they set the fans to come on 10-15 degrees sooner?
Well well well...full of engine ice all along.
Bike has been sitting for 3hrs and motor is still hot to the touch
Sure enough...leaned her all over last night and nothing happened. Started her this morning, fluid starts rising out after 30 secs, waited 2mins, blipped to 4k 3 times, shut off bike, leaned left and *blublublub*!

Not enough to add any fluid, but we'll see how much it changes!

Bottom of the expansion bottle looks like it has corrosion build up inside...
So...she has still been reaching hot temps (3/4 -red on temp gauge) when stopped for about 10 mins, but on Friday the frame burned the back of my thighs. Stuck in 5MPH traffic on interstate and was pushing her along...less than 80F outside.

Fan kicks on at the middle mark on the temp gauge. The cap appears to be working as it is...there is excess fluid in the expansion bottle after a ride and back to normal the next day. There has been no noticeable fluid loss since originally putting in the fluid a few years ago->the last post 8 months ago->now. There has also been no color changes. Coolant is still translucent blue and oil is still dark. To me: that rules out any leaks period...head gasket, hoses, water pump seals, etc.

I'm pulling the thermostat by no later than this weekend...I'll test it in a pot of water and run the bike without it to see if it changes anything. Outdoor temperature is going to be 60-80F so I'm not concerned about it taking the extra time to reach operating temps.
Mechanic at work advised he should have a tester for the radiator cap. Anyway to check the water pump? I figured I could simply put the upper radiator hose in a bucket and see if it pushes coolant out at idle. Far as I can tell the pump is just a metal impellor on the same shaft as the oil gear...anyway the shaft could be moving, but not the gear/impellor? Anyway to check oil pressure since the two are connected?