Hayas in the hills 2010!!! july 9th and 10th NW PA

less than 3 weeks all....anyone else getting excited...oh...and i am currently thinking of prizes for those participating...all in good sport of course lol
cleanest machine..longest distance..master mechanic...diffrent goofy stuff...im still in thinking mode
Hey, can you post where this cabin/campground is located? Or what the name is so I can googlemap it? If I jump on the bike at the last minute I least I know where the heck I am going!!!


We are going to be short a staff member at work from the 5 to the 18,so I may just come along to hang overnight. Not sure yet,everything with me is last minute, just from the nature of my job. Kinda sucks actually.
that would definatly get the award for furthest travel to the haya's lol...
I think it would be impossible to win longest rideAND cleanest bike! Do yoh have a route planned for SAt ride? And how long would the ride be? And is there a road or driveway to the cabin or is everyone off roading it?

I noticed that beside some members names you have shirt sizes. Do you have busa stuff to sell?

If anyone has a power commander for sale or knows someone who does please bring it along. I desperatley need one.

Anyway i will pick up a little one person tent or hennesy hammock or something so i wont put anyone out.
Hey Chris...interested in coming over but unsure of what this event is...i live over just north of cincy ohio...i remember a lil about what you posted last year...i think there were possibly bands (live music) etc etc...???sounds fun though...fill me in a lil please...thanks...Tracy
Bands? I didn't know anything of bands! Do tell chris
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Hey Chris...interested in coming over but unsure of what this event is...i live over just north of cincy ohio...i remember a lil about what you posted last year...i think there were possibly bands (live music) etc etc...???sounds fun though...fill me in a lil please...thanks...Tracy

From what I gather its just chillin at the cabin and riding some local roads. :thumbsup:
yeah but that was down by state college. kinda wish we were goin to a karaoke bar but I have a slight addiction
Posted via Mobile Device
This event is the same weekend as the Superbike Races at Mosport AND the Parry Sound Sportbike Rally. Why, why,why......?????????
I think it would be impossible to win longest rideAND cleanest bike! Do yoh have a route planned for SAt ride? And how long would the ride be? And is there a road or driveway to the cabin or is everyone off roading it?

I noticed that beside some members names you have shirt sizes. Do you have busa stuff to sell?

If anyone has a power commander for sale or knows someone who does please bring it along. I desperatley need one.

Anyway i will pick up a little one person tent or hennesy hammock or something so i wont put anyone out.

ok here is answers to the questions...
route for saturday ride tenativly is this link Driving Directions from 4169 Route 36 Leeper, Pennsylvania to 4169 Route 36 Leeper, Pennsylvania

yes driveway to cabin...only about 20 yards off from rt 36. no off roading needed.

refrence to busa stuff i helped design and made some offers for polo shirts and hoodies 35$ and hats 25$. but nobody has taken me up on the offer...not sure if i will be able to pre make any due to costs involved..that is why i took orders with instructions to send money to pay pal to ensure item were made. pics of designs in thread.

no need for tent this is a 4 bedroom 10+ person cabin i am renting for this event. air matresses if needed can be brought by me in case there isnt enough bed space. as of right now 8-9 going to sleep over. so there is plenty of room for additional crashers.

also in my attempt to have a bash style weekend of entertainment i have set up these arraingments in hopes everyone enjoys themselves and enough members participate not only in the ride but also the accomidations. im crossing my fingers that appreciation is shown so donations will be accepted from those wanting to help defer the cost of the cabin.

no...i do not remember securing any bands...or any other infered "entertainment" lol

https://www.hayabusa.org/forum/north-east-gatherings/125994-hayas-hills-2010-ne-gathering.html for info please folllow there lol
I hurt one of my knees playing softball a few days ago, I told my doctor that I better be able to go to the meet... I'm 50/50 at this point. I'll call you closer to the actual date for an update.