Hayas in the hills 2010!!! july 9th and 10th NW PA

Hiya. I posted in one of the links so here is my re-post. The ride on Saturday will be.....every man for themselves......?....spirited ?.......10 to 20 over ?......never ridden those roads before friendly ?........or " other"?

I may show up at the Uni-Mart? in time for the ride Saturday at 10;00 but I will definatley be there for Saturday aft/ eve. ( Where's the Uni-Mart?)
I will need to leave my place at around 4:30 am I'm guessing, I will figure it out.

I googled uni-mart. But about the pace of the ride.....? THAT I can't google....

And leaving 10;00 am SHARP?
sorry posted an answer to the pace in the main thread of this gathering. here is the link again.

no we are not leaving at 10am sharp that is when we plan to get together then once we feel (reasonable amount of time...half hour to hour) that all have shown. (cell phone reception at uni-mart is good) then we will head out.

here is my answer to the pace:
the pace will be comfirtable. spiritied at times for those willing. good scenic views for those wanting to hang back. this is for us to gather and enjoy.. any truely fast pace wont be done as we are not on a track and even i am not fully familiar with the roads we are takeing. safety is a priority.

hope that nails down a bit more for ya :laugh:

aslo i will be camping all weekend hopefully the other vetrens like casperle or strom can answer any questions for me in my abscence...if you need text me on my cell 814 779 1050. ill do my best to answer..otherwise ill catch up on monday evening have a good 4th all!!
here is the running confirmed for the Hayas in the hills 2010 and if staying and what nights.

Chrisjp Haya's in the hills 2009 returning member, staying fri and sat.
Casperle Haya's in the hills 2009 returning member, staying fri and sat
goblinsix Haya's in the hills noobie, staying fri and sat (on his cruiser ?)
Peregrine Falcon89 Haya's in the hills noobie and guest staying fri and sat
Mr Droo Haya's in the hills noobie and guest staying fri and sat, polo XL (knee hurt pray he heals quick!!)
B@DA$$BUS@ Haya's in the hills noobie staying fri and sat, 2? hoodies size?
knippie Haya's in the hills noobie staying fri and sat
jwest Haya's in the hills returning member, sat ride only, hoodie medium
StromBusa Haya's in the hills returning member, sat ride only?
glazewegian Haya's in the hills noobie, sat ride only
illuminati Haya's in the hills noobie ? staying fri? and sat?
Fastfrog007 Haya's in the hills noobie, sat ride only?
RedKat05 Haya's in the hills noobie, stay sat ?
solarbarack Haya's in the hills noobie, sat ride only
merisey Haya's in the hills noobie, stay fri and sat? will confirm more once work sched.
theshnizzel Haya's in the hills noobie, sat? needs too confirm
War Bird 13 Haya's in the hills noobie and guest, fri and saturday

based on what i am counting if everyone shows up for cabin overnight stays we are looking at arround 14-15 overnighters so the beds and one or two air beds for those willling. i am also seeing only 2 couples? penegrie and warbird. i am beginning to plan out what rooms to divide out...so keep me informed

so we may have 20+ showing...!!!
My bike is currently being a pain in the butt, Ive devoploped an exhaust leak, got new gaskets, hoping that will fix it. Even if it does, the pipe may not clear my 240 arm, so need to figure that out. Im iffy at this point, gonna do my best to fix her and get out there for some good ol Busa fun:thumbsup:
wife and i are going to go drive the route in the car so i can get good look at if i have planned a good ride...and look for eaterys....ill post any changes to the proposed route once i get back to my brothers house. keep up the happy thoughts on the weather...thanks mark and j for keeping us posted on the conditions...its all looking good. :cheerleader:
Ok, so far it looks like a no go for me for Friday. I may be able to swing the ride and Saturday night. My bike is charging odd.... trying to get that fixed. Any chance someone will have a small set of jumpers in case my battery craps out at a rest point?
I wouldnt worry about jumping it if its charging. I would just pust start it I did a three day ride in NY push starting mine whentthe battery died, my friends got tired of pushing me though.:laugh:
I wouldnt worry about jumping it if its charging. I would just pust start it I did a three day ride in NY push starting mine whentthe battery died, my friends got tired of pushing me though.:laugh:

Showing my newbness.... Jumps start same as car? put it in 2nd and just dump the clutch
i can bring a trickle charger so you can keep it charged sat night. also i did route 666 and the kinzu area and ill post teaser pics and write up on monday. it took me longer to ride route 666 and the kinzu area...so i may be cutting out the bradford/zippo museum side of the ride due to time. as for the ride so far....woooooot...it was like rideing a roller coaster...left right up down i really cant wait to do this run. also i kinda have an idea for a safe spot to do action pics...so if we all want we can work that into the schedule too :cheerleader:
Ok, so yesterday after tear down I noticed my bike doesn't even have the mounting tab for a damper anymore.... I have no idea so don't ask. I am curious if I should risk doing this run w/o the damper, after all I've been riding it like that for over a month. I have a new lower triple and damper in route but know I won't have time to get it on b4 the ride. Opinions guys?
ok for the ride i recomend no smoke or tinted visors. as this is in the allegeny forest we will be rideing in the shade and sun and i noticed it would not be best to have dark tint visors...just a recomendation. rideing route 666 notes... 2 lane...first quarter has shoulder work. 2-3 curves had some stones in it...otherwise clear roads...rest of road was freshly paved...smooth rideing but next to no shoulders...be aware of that...otherswise the kinzu rideing was excelent roads with nice curves and no side roads. spoke to the cabin owner i may set up a large tent in back yard incase we have a bit of an overflow for staying overnight. he is concerned on not overwelming cabin but based on the numbers i dont think we will be crossing that. on friday i will be scouting for additional if needed crashing spots (used to be one room cabins little further down the road nothing fancy but only 25 a night) teaser pics to follow!!!
here are some teaser pics of the route :cheerleader:

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