Heart Broken

I'm so sorry. Nothing but time makes it easier.

We lost one of ours last July, and I still can't look at his picture.

Amazing how much losing a pet can break our heart. Love the one you have, and soon another will come along that needs you.
Sorry for your loss. It never gets easer, but with time the memories will replace the sorrow you feel now.
Sorry to hear the bad news. I too lost mine 3 weeks ago and balled my eyes out..
My father won't get another dog because he was so heartbroken over the loss of his dog and doesn't want to go through that again.
I'm so sorry to hear it

Things will get better, but special dogs like that will always be in your life...I still think often of my St. Bernard that I lost when I was 12 (yep, 24 years ago) and we lost one of our Danes back in February of this year...I cry whenever I try to talk about her...just be thankful you had her as long as you did.  You and your family gave her a good home...

Sorry to hear, but it sounds like a great 12 years you had with the dog. It always tough though.
Sorry to hear about your loss...

One of the hardest things I have done in my life was when I lost my Friend after 15 years. He was in pain, blind, and not really enjoying life anymore... this makes it a little better, but I get a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye everytime I think of him....

I'd like to say its gets better... well, it does get easier to deal with after awhile.
Thanks so much guys & gals for all the kind words. I guess everytime someone posts about losing a pet, it will hit home much more closely now. Thanks again for all the kind words.
Having a dog makes you truly blessed! Dogs make us better beings. If we learn to live in the NOW, the way dogs do, we'd be truly happier.

You're dog will be watching over you for the rest of you're life.
Sorry for the loss of your pet. I had to put my doberman, Duke, down three years ago. It hurt so bad I swore I would never have another dog. After about 8 months, we adopted a dog from a local rescue group that had been with them since he was a puppy, and he was 1 1/2 years old when we got him. He is a mixed breed, 130 lb. mutt, and no one wanted him. He is not a dog I would have adopted, but he needed a home. He is the joy of our life! I swear he is Duke reincarnated! When the time is right for you, I hope you will give a home to another dog. There is a dog out there that needs and deserves a loving person like you.