Heck, you're my age....

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If what you said is true. I didn't click the link. The judge should be the first one to get it followed by everyone who allowed it to happen.

Also this is one of the things that can be changed. Judges are elected ads are police chiefs and few other offices that have stroke. Maybe you should express your disgust to state prosecutor.
Posted via Mobile Device

the prosecutor allowed the plea bargain...the judge okay it....

The governor is who is at the top of this one but so is the President of the grand old USA....

of course this is beneath them....

all politics are corrupt from the President down.

You agree that breaking a law is wrong?

And it doesn't matter who breaks the law, it is equally as wrong...

we just disagree that everyone should be treated or prosecuted equally.

I can live with that out come without argument. Hopefully one day a cop doesn't try making an example of you.
and that is where we disagree.....

I think they are knowingly corrupt and feel they are above the law....

I can post links to multiple counts across the country about reckless behavior, kidnapping, drug charges, violent crimes etc...and the cops always get the "light hand".So speeding is okay...then smacking their spouse or kid....then growing a quarter mile of pot in their garage, or kidnap a guy from a taco bell drive through and begin a high speed chase....but its okay...hes a cop

where do you draw the line?

I think from the beginning.

Wow, so all cops are corrupt and above the law now? Guess I'll stay in today, I don't want to get pulled over and shot on the way to the store to get milk today.

Thank you for demoralizing the entire LEO profession though. I'm sure my deceased CHP motor grandfather who was covering for a fellow officer one night appreciates it after he was ran over by a drunk driver, while approaching the drunk driver of another vehicle that he just pulled over.

Makes me feel better knowing he died as he was corrupt instead of doing his job to make the streets safer.

Oh and I'm curious whats with the picture of the NYPD shirt? Seems to me you want to insinuate you were a cop but you provide no details.
C'mon guys...

ajay, not that your story hasnt happened to me..and I am grateful for your "friend" getting lucky..but at the same time.. If you think respect for an officer is wearing your gear and having a legal machine..... that stuff is just a given. No one should get a gold star for being legal with inspection and registration...

What happened in this story, while cute, was favoritism. As you said, if you had a car toting trooper after you, things may have been different. So that is the officer picking and choosing who's revenue to generate that day. It really is a joke and hypocritical for them to say, "dont speed!" when:

1.) A lot of them do


2.) If you dont speed, they dont eat.

Can you hear me now?

I come home from work and this is still happening! Rashad, please research the budget flow of cities and look at 1) how incredibly small the traffic fines revenue portion is 2) how it is routed into the city or county general fund 3) the municipal revenue sources and amounts that fund the safety/service component of both city and county budgets (fines are a mere coat of paint to keep fire, police and medic entities funded).
I earlier posted that I NEVER came across any supervisor, official or other human being that tried to influence me to generate $ by writing tickets. Then when I became a Sergeant and watch commander, my supervision consisted of a multitude of performance objectives NONE OF WHICH HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE AMOUNT OF TICKETS ANYONE WROTE.
I don't know, maybe this is a carryover from Starsky and Hutch, the old deep south where the deputies were cousins of the Sheriff, 1940's corruption, whatever. I just know in Los Angeles in my entire career, I helped with TWO personnel investigations.....one guy was claiming o/t hours for court when he wasn't in court, the other pocketed drug cash when busting a big dealer....the first guy was fired, the second went to prison.
And by the way, it is not malpractice if an officer chooses to give a warning instead of a citation....I can't believe some of you see things in such black and white (no pun intended) that you would argue against the spirit of the law and public relations. If you really understood sociology you would know that warnings are JUST AS EFFECTIVE at changing behavior in potential citation situations if the officer demonstrates concern and other "human connection" behaviors (many studies have been done).
Oh well, I'm not going to change anybodies opinions but sometimes you just have to express what you know on a subject. Raydog
hey raydog,dont sweat it. I drive an 18 wheeler for my $$$$ and I wish there were more cops out there. If everyone on the rode was running 85-90 or more I"d quit trucking
I come home from work and this is still happening! Rashad, please research the budget flow of cities and look at 1) how incredibly small the traffic fines revenue portion is 2) how it is routed into the city or county general fund 3) the municipal revenue sources and amounts that fund the safety/service component of both city and county budgets (fines are a mere coat of paint to keep fire, police and medic entities funded).

You can't really say traffic fines are insiginificant based on these articles.

Cities spike parking fines to boost revenue - USATODAY.com

Newark parking fines help reduce $110M projected budget deficit - NJ.com

Council Passes Budget, Raises Parking Fines. Category: Front Page News from The Berkeley Daily Planet - Thursday June 25, 2009
OK, I just reread this thread....most of you guys are wonderful people and I so enjoy the friendly exchange of ideas.....BUT when a guy on the other side of the country from me starts accusing everybody in government from the President to the trash collecter as having a hidden agenda, being corrupt and bent to ruin society....that's too much for me. I'll be exiting this thread now, looking forward to future, more rational dialog with most of you in the days ahead!
This place gets more and more like Kindercare every damn day...and thanks for crapping all over what was meant to be just a shot at sharing a good story...

Sorry your thread went south AJAY...
Until everyone is held accountable on equal planes...we will never truly have "liberty, and justice for all."

I couldn't agree more... And since the members on the forum have been warned and you have been warned before I have banned your account for cop bashing AGAIN.....
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