Heck, you're my age....

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So you should be harassed everytime you break the law? Did you tell every cop that gives you a warning "no thanks ill take the ticket fine higher insurance and possibility of a suspension. I think not you go on your merry way to critizice that they shouldn't be able to get a freebie as well.
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if you broke the law why is it "harassment" if you get a ticket?
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PA repealed its helmet law because they proved that over 95% of fatal motorcycle accidents, the lack of a helmet would not have made a difference. There is no scientific test to prove if a helmet would make you survive an accident....

I have a pair of hammers you don't wear a helmet and I will then we can hit each other once and see who feels better.
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Come on now fellahs this is an interesting discussion. Let's not f it up by making personal attacks.
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if you broke the law why is it "harassment" if you get a ticket?
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Its not. Poor choice of words.

What I meant is that everytime a cop catches you parked to far from curb ticket. 1mph over ticket. Cracked windshield ticket. Every time you break the law you should get a ticket following their logic, no slack or sypamthy. Just a robot following you around issuing tickets.
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Its not. Poor choice of words.

What I meant is that everytime a cop catches you parked to far from curb ticket. 1mph over ticket. Cracked windshield ticket. Every time you break the law you should get a ticket following their logic, no slack or sypamthy. Just a robot following you around issuing tickets.
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I'd rather take my chances with the robot.....that is if the robots watch everyone equally.
Its not. Poor choice of words.

What I meant is that everytime a cop catches you parked to far from curb ticket. 1mph over ticket. Cracked windshield ticket. Every time you break the law you should get a ticket following their logic, no slack or sypamthy. Just a robot following you around issuing tickets.
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litterally yes you should. Only a judge can decide to give a break. But this is why many of those laws are bad and designed to generate revenue for the municipality.
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litterally yes you should. Only a judge can decide to give a break. But this is why many of those laws are bad and designed to generate revenue for the municipality.
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Then you would be screaming harassment and not be able to work due to being in court every day.

So how should speeding be handled. Jail? Cost tax payers more.

No fines or punishment. Then everybody would be driving insanely and causing even more horrendous accidents. Its a sliperry slope as much as I hate that term.
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No fines or punishment. Then everybody would be driving insanely and causing even more horrendous accidents. Its a sliperry slope as much as I hate that term.
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I did not see this happening when I lived in Germany and driving the autobahn. But to answer your question if you are involved in an accident and your speed is a factor then the punishment is more severe. Make it not worth it to speed when you could hurt someone else. Don't punish someone for simply driving along no matter how fast.
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apparently the statement is WAY over your head.

I have read what you have written...

you were in my daughter's english class last year weren't you? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Its a cheesy quote from movies.

If this were a forum to hurl insults I would just tell you how bad your daughter is in bed.

Btw sorry my grammer on the internet offends you. Typing on a blackberry isn't conducive to spellcheck or even reading back over what I type wihtout scrolling up and down over and over. But at the end of the day I'm not trying to impress you with my rhetorts so I could care less. Just stating an opinion. Then you get all butthurt and have more banter and attack my spelling. Guess you taught me a lesson.
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I did not see this happening when I lived in Germany and driving the autobahn. But to answer your question if you are involved in an accident and your speed is a factor then the punishment is more severe. Make it not worth it to speed when you could hurt someone else. Don't punish someone for simply driving along no matter how fast.
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Yea I can see that. But isn't the drive at your discretion only on the autobahn?

Our government has a problem with allowing us to use our own judgement. Which seems to lead to people that have no judgement.
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Yea I can see that. But isn't the drive at your discretion only on the autobahn?

Our government has a problem with allowing us to use our own judgement. Which seems to lead to people that have no judgement.
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that is true there are speed limits in other places. But I only saw them enforced in towns never on country roads.
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that is true there are speed limits in other places. But I only saw them enforced in towns never on country roads.
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I think speed limits and tickets for them are just here to stay and nothing to be done about it.
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mattstang....... you are getting offended for some odd reason.. fine. But listen up:

You just said something interesting: The government has a problem with us using our own judgement.

Like Dino is saying, hence the laws that create revenue that are supposed to protect us from ....US????

If your schoolteacher took your hard earned paper route money from you everytime you didnt wear your winter coat outside, wore your helmet on your bicycle, or rode your bicycle fast on the playground...that is kinda funny right?

What if they took that money and went to the bar, got their nails done, and lived off of all the kid's "lawlessness?"

Oh and...the other teachers? They can break all the laws because they went to school and learned how to be an allowance taker.

Protecting us from us is exactly what they are trying to do.. its sad they have to.

But it is CORRUPT when they make payroll and buy new cars from a broken law. THAT IS SIMPLY WRONG. Are cops corrupt? NO. Am I cop bashing? NO. The law is corrupt when it comes to how monies are handled with fines and I think Dino and Gary both have some very good points.

You have around 50 posts. Dont be so sensitive about things here man, you will go crazy! Its an internet forum. Oh and my Blackberry storm has a spellchecker.:thumbsup:
Are cops corrupt? NO. Am I cop bashing? NO. The law is corrupt when it comes to how monies are handled with fines

and that is where we disagree.....

I think they are knowingly corrupt and feel they are above the law....

I can post links to multiple counts across the country about reckless behavior, kidnapping, drug charges, violent crimes etc...and the cops always get the "light hand".So speeding is okay...then smacking their spouse or kid....then growing a quarter mile of pot in their garage, or kidnap a guy from a taco bell drive through and begin a high speed chase....but its okay...hes a cop

where do you draw the line?

I think from the beginning.
mattstang....... you are getting offended for some odd reason.. fine. But listen up:

You just said something interesting: The government has a problem with us using our own judgement.

Like Dino is saying, hence the laws that create revenue that are supposed to protect us from ....US????

If your schoolteacher took your hard earned paper route money from you everytime you didnt wear your winter coat outside, wore your helmet on your bicycle, or rode your bicycle fast on the playground...that is kinda funny right?

What if they took that money and went to the bar, got their nails done, and lived off of all the kid's "lawlessness?"

Oh and...the other teachers? They can break all the laws because they went to school and learned how to be an allowance taker.

Protecting us from us is exactly what they are trying to do.. its sad they have to.

But it is CORRUPT when they make payroll and buy new cars from a broken law. THAT IS SIMPLY WRONG. Are cops corrupt? NO. Am I cop bashing? NO. The law is corrupt when it comes to how monies are handled with fines and I think Dino and Gary both have some very good points.

You have around 50 posts. Dont be so sensitive about things here man, you will go crazy! Its an internet forum. Oh and my Blackberry storm has a spellchecker.:thumbsup:
Yea I see what your saying. But to say they're worth is only as money gens is incorect. Like saying drs just work for bonuses and insurance money. I'm sure there are bad apples in every single line of work but to look at the bad and say they're all that way is wrong.

Also when you acted up at school they just take your privileges. Should we do that more with the privilege of driving?

I know a lot of cops and would be one if I had the luxury of college is why I'm kinda touchy about it. But that's neither here nor there.

Saying a cop should be ticketed for changing lanes with no signal is assinine. I've changed lanes with no signal and never even been pulled over for it much less been ticketed for it. There's also videos where officers even sheriffs and captains have gotten tickets acted irate but still got the fine.

A lot of cops know these things are stupid but are things that can be used to pull over somebody suspect. Like you think a guys drunk or some guys cruisin the drug blocks. I've been pulled over for stupid stuff but I was in places I shouldn't have been or out really late. Its profiling but its kinda a neccesary evil.
There is a level of proffesional courtesy in every line of work and to say it shouldn't be there is like saying we should be emotionless.

My curve has no spellchecker if it does I'm unaware and I'm scared ill break a touch screen at work.
Also I'm not offended. I'm on a mustang and a local gun forum. My buddy jake918 sent me here. I know its just the internetz and has no bearing on my mood. I'm just bored as all get out. Been sitting in the truck for about 6 hours.
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and the taco bell kidnapping thing

Maryland cop gets drunk, kidnaps man and runs from police.. In his police car

My girlfriend works in the courthouse...officer got fired and probation...

kidnapping, fleeing and eluding capture, reckless, speeding etc= probation...no fine nor jail time was issued.

I wonder why.:whistle:

If what you said is true. I didn't click the link. The judge should be the first one to get it followed by everyone who allowed it to happen.

Also this is one of the things that can be changed. Judges are elected ads are police chiefs and few other offices that have stroke. Maybe you should express your disgust to state prosecutor.
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