I'll leave you guys with this thought...scary as it might be...
I'm on both sides of it. I graduated from a FDLE academy in '97 planning to work either LA or Miami/Dade (wanted a high stress dept in a warm climate). Of course plans changed from the time I graduated to the time I finished my stint with the Air Force and I ended up being in management instead...point being at one time I wanted to be in LE for the duration of my career to give back and help dop some good. The town I grew up in and the one I live in now (in totally different states) both have what I consider to be some very corrupt leos and my feeling is that it's not isolated to 2 towns I'm comparing. The gross misconduct by police erks me to the 10th degree...and then some. It's the traffic violations they commit that I view on what's nearly a daily basis that I think makes most people resent the whole trffic enforcement idea in law enforcement.
Little example from last Thursday night - I'm riding home from a trip to wally world and a cop I recognize pulls up beside me at a light. Light goes green and he bolts (violation #1 - reckless or exhibition of speed would have been my charge). A block later 2 more violations, lane change without signaling (requires 75' of signal in my state - he failed to signal at all) and then my pet peave, a lane change in an intersection (bringing the count to 3 so far). Speed limit was 30, my estimate was 45 as he literally walked me in 4 blocks which you have to be moving good to get the size of lead he had. So speeding brings the count to 4 and in just 4 blocks he did all this. I gave him the benefit of the doubt figuring he was on a call but not running code - until I pass the local deli 4 blocks from my house to see him sitting in the drive-thru! He got there just 5 mins before closing which probably explains his speed and other violations (too focused on feeding his face rather than public safety). All of this from the same cop that 2 months ago had 3 units show up at my house because 1. He "heard" my bike when I left work and knew I was speeding (yes officer, 50mph in first gear is loud, but not speeding when its a 55!) and second because he didn't see me signal turning onto my street (which he had to be at least 4 blocks or more behind because I was already off my bike and walking out of the garage when he and the other units pulled up. Of course I wasn't issued any citations because he couldn't prove anything, but it's ther gross misconduct by guys like that who have nothing better to do w/ their time than harass people. I was so pissed by his actions last Thursday night I wanted to file a complaint, but he and the lieut. are BUDS! Bottom line - who polices the police in a corrupt world? Sorry to vent, but I feel from both sides of it and would love for once for police to be held to the same traffic standards as the rest of us.
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I'll leave you guys with this thought...scary as it might be...
and since when do mods take sides and stiffel a persons personal view when they have been challenged, why not tell them all to stop..... hmmmm
dont think i remember asking for an explanation maam just currious thoughts, sorry to get ya all excited, but dont ya think making them all stop the fight would be better ?
I've been with the KCPD for 16yrs. Men and women getting shot at, maybe if you were with them on one of those occasions when they're dodging bullets you would have a different outlook, and they would be called something other than revenue generators. Thank you for running in while others are running away.
dosnt it say babysitter under your name.....shhh now im justat ya
Haven't pulled over a white mustang with black wheels from oklahoma have you? Been pulled over twice there and verbals on both.
You guys bashing the leos are ridiculous. Aren't we all revenue gens. If you pay taxes then I'd say so. If you work for someone who pays taxes I'd say so. They need to be their and give you monetary fines is punishment. If a judge fines you is he just a revenue generator to?
And to say that they shouldn't have proffesional courtesy among officers is rediculous. There isn't a job that you don't get some side benefit from.
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Haven't pulled over a white mustang with black wheels from oklahoma have you? Been pulled over twice there and verbals on both.
You guys bashing the leos are ridiculous. Aren't we all revenue gens. If you pay taxes then I'd say so. If you work for someone who pays taxes I'd say so. They need to be their and give you monetary fines is punishment. If a judge fines you is he just a revenue generator to?
And to say that they shouldn't have proffesional courtesy among officers is rediculous. There isn't a job that you don't get some side benefit from.
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The Law itself is designed to generate revenue.
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are you saying professional courtesy extends to allowing them to break a law they would hold the average person accountable for?
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monetary fines beyond a realistic processing fee is nothing more than a fuel to drive the corruption. YOUR TAX MONEY is supposed to pay those salaries, for the cars and buildings etc to keep them "impartial". But realistically the county receives money from fines which the police department gets back a portion. Patrolmen do have the amount of citations issued and complaints in their records which becomes part of their some would say these are criteria for raises, promotions and extra work load but of course good luck finding the criteria in writing anywhere.
If you want people to not speed and follow the laws.....waive the fines. Patrolman must catch their action on their camera and be willing to testify with their professional over view of the infraction. Three strike rule. Speeding, use speed cameras and an outside contractor. Citations are issued to the owner of the vehicle and that person then must name the driver or face the consequences himself. Three strike rule. No one is exempt UNLESS the vehicle in question is in active duty and displaying full sirens and lights. This will cut down the cops racing home to lunch, the fire boys rushing to the fire house, and anyone else abusing the system. Contractor is listed as a mediator and government states that judge must support the finding of the mediator unconditionally.
THAT is a fair playing field....
and the contractor/mediator can even be in India...he'll probably be the same guy who tech supports my cable service.
Get a life and stop trying to mother f people making a living. Why don't you tell your reps and people with power about your hair brained speed camera and dude in india.
Yea that's what I want more jobs overseas. And I also want cops blaring their sirens when the need to go somewher no matter the severity. What about ambulances and firetrucks. Full boar all bells and lights blazin on every call. Sounds awesome. Let's just go all out regulate every vehicle to a certain speed and be done with it. Your just crying cause they can and you can't.
Go cry about the guy that eats for free cause he works at mcds or the construction guys that gets some free materials to build a shed.
I guess you'd have to have a lot of forum memberships then.
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Get a life and stop trying to mother f people making a living. Why don't you tell your reps and people with power about your hair brained speed camera and dude in india.
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are you saying professional courtesy extends to allowing them to break a law they would hold the average person accountable for?
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scary that there are people who believe a cop should be able to break the law but Nixon was the worst crook in the world for being part of Watergate.
But after all, he was just a if he was a cop President...maybe it would've been different.![]()