In a way yes it does. I think if I was a cop and got pulled over for doing say 12 over I would get off since I have been pulled over and not acted like the key board tough guys trying to police the world likeyou guys and have gotten out of 5 tickets last month as a plain civilian.
But if a cop is selling drugs. Touching kids. Speeding for no reason residentially then no.
I'm not saying its not flawed and I have been a victim of abuse of powers by people that cannot work in the leo field no longer because enough complaints brought to light their actions. But to make generalizations and black eye the whole field is just childish.
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12 over in the state of PA is 4-5/12points on your license
so unless he was in pursuit...he was needlessly endangering general society and not following the rules put forth by his bosses. He should be fined and disciplined.