Good story, thanks for sharing~!~
I fully agree with both aspects of this discussion. I TAKE ISSUE with taking a whole group and pidgeonholing them into one negative stereotype. "Harley riders are fat neo nazi beer guzzlers", Democrats are liberal pacifist commies", Southerners are rednecks", Cops are revenue generators". It is shortsighted, oversimplistic and inaccurate to say that stuff THEREFORE subsequent discussion grows from a false premise.
As soon as one participant throws the name calling/mean spirited stuff out there, the nature and quality of the discussion is compromised.
And suzuki4life, "Wow somebody else gets it" is an example of, "I have all the answers and everyone else just doesn't get it". That's not the road to an intelligent conversation, that's a mindless insult. It seems you have difficulty seeing the world from another's perspective. Raydog
Maybe the LEO thought he had better tools at his disposal than the iron club of a ticket and jail time. He sized up the situation and made a judgment. Hopefully, the right lesson was learned, but maybe some of you would have taken away a different lesson.I don't think LEOs are revenue generators. Particular Laws (like speed requlation) are designed to generate revenue. This applies to almost every law designed to regulate our behavior where there is no victim. The LEOs are just doing their job and should not be looked down upon for doing so. However one has to wonder if this officer was doing his job?
I fully agree with both aspects of this discussion. I TAKE ISSUE with taking a whole group and pidgeonholing them into one negative stereotype. "Harley riders are fat neo nazi beer guzzlers", Democrats are liberal pacifist commies", Southerners are rednecks", Cops are revenue generators". It is shortsighted, oversimplistic and inaccurate to say that stuff THEREFORE subsequent discussion grows from a false premise.
As soon as one participant throws the name calling/mean spirited stuff out there, the nature and quality of the discussion is compromised.
And suzuki4life, "Wow somebody else gets it" is an example of, "I have all the answers and everyone else just doesn't get it". That's not the road to an intelligent conversation, that's a mindless insult. It seems you have difficulty seeing the world from another's perspective. Raydog
now do we want to stop or should I start posting you tube videos showing jerk cops abusing their authority and showing their god complexes?
Maybe the LEO thought he had better tools at his disposal than the iron club of a ticket and jail time. He sized up the situation and made a judgment. Hopefully, the right lesson was learned, but maybe some of you would have taken away a different lesson.
Maybe the LEO thought he had better tools at his disposal than the iron club of a ticket and jail time. He sized up the situation and made a judgment. Hopefully, the right lesson was learned, but maybe some of you would have taken away a different lesson.
If you do, you can take a break from the oRg. We're all kind of sick of the cop-bashing, period. Shall I post up videos of generally overly opinionated people that don't know when to stop?I think you've made your point. Time to take a back seat...
Perhaps, but who gives the LEO authority to decide which law he will enforce and which he will not? If laws are objective then why should enforcing them be subjective?
Not saying he was right or wrong to do what he did. I am glad your friend got out of a ticket. I am just asking the question.
so we can't post truth because it might offend people now?
point taken.....and made.
Bottom line - who polices the police in a corrupt world? Sorry to vent, but I feel from both sides of it and would love for once for police to be held to the same traffic standards as the rest of us.
Posted via Mobile Device
Being a civilian and working with officers for several years, I can tell you I wouldn't want their job. They all have to answer to a superior all the way up the line. The days of the rogue cop are long gone. They are monitored thoroughly. The ability to drive as they please is hardly compensation for what they endure from both the public and their superiors. Granted, there are a few bad apples. Who doesn't have 'em? Next time you get pulled over for that probable well deserved and long overdue infraction, try to imagine what they've endured. Did they come from a shooting, where they or others narrowly escaped injury? A murder? As another poster said scooping up brain matter? Etc.. I for one would be ashamed to feel resentment toward them. And I work with one of the busiest forces in the nation, Miami-Dade. My hats off to all those who chose to serve and protect. Be safe and speed away!
I was once trying to get out of New York City through the Holland Tunnel. Traffic in the tunnel was jammed up something awful. The light would cycle and maybe three or four cars could get into the tunnel. It had taken us maybe 90 minutes to go three blocks. We were getting close to the tunnel entrance and could see what was up. A police officer was keeping the traffic clear so cross-wise traffic not going into the tunnel could go through and relieve some of the congestion.
The light cycled again and we moved one car length forward, but someone at the front of the line had had enough and he went into the intersection on yellow and there was nowhere for him to go but to block the intersection. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
The cop walked up to him. I could hear them arguing, but not the words. The cop was pointing up the street, at right angles to the traffic. Finally the guy backed up a little, turns, and starts driving away from the tunnel.
Maybe some of you think the cop should have written a ticket to generate some revenue. But the cop used his judgement and sent him on a 3 hour journey around the block instead. Looked like justice to me.
Thanks to VaBusa and others for trying to calm the waters.