Heck, you're my age....

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I've been with the KCPD for 16yrs. Men and women getting shot at, maybe if you were with them on one of those occasions when they're dodging bullets you would have a different outlook, and they would be called something other than revenue generators. Thank you for running in while others are running away.

8 years ago I worked places in the five boroughs of NYC that when I stopped at Taco Bell at 3am to to ask one of the five cops who "patrolled" it for directions...they told me I was going places THEY didn't go after dark. So the whole, them rushing in idea......never seen that in any of my travels.

In a little local town nearby, there was a biker bar that the cops actually would call back to see if the reported fight was still in progress. You must keep in mind the cops could almost see the bar from the station since it was 4 blocks away. Quickest response time I ever heard there was 20 minutes.

Trust me ladies....if there was a crap place to be in any of the major eastern US cities.....I am sure someone dispatched me there at hours people probably didn't want to be outdoors. If you believe the Mary Poppins images....probably then ignorance is bliss for you.
I have a lot of friends who are officers around here and I DO respect them for being in the line of fire occasionally and protecting when they do. I am not an idiot and dadofthree, cmon..your analogy was way off!

Think for once.... from my point of view: If no one speeds, they lose money. Fortunately, that will never happen. Doctors healing and cops handing out paper to some and not to others out of choice..two different things.

I saw a friend of mine who is an officer the other day as I pulled into my local Honda dealer to check out their used bikes with the girlfriend.

He was ticketing a kid who had been on a test drive... This same officer has a cbr600 F3... I have seen him ripping on it on more than one occasion. This same officer is 21 years old. This same officer just wrote said kid a ticket for 53 in a 35. I was with this officer in his turbo subaru doing 130mph down the highway in a 55 a year ago....

Now you tell me how respect should be rationed out here...

I have TONS more respect for what our military brothers are doing for us right now than any police officer in this country. Again, I respect them, but I am also able to think and reason for myself...and not just assume because they went to police academy that they are "right."

It is truly a corrupt and messed up government...for many reasons... I personally believe traffic citations are one of the most unconstitutional (guilty until you prove innocence????), and downright crooked things in their arsenal when in the WRONG HANDS..... read my words carefully.
I am sorry I think I single handedly jacked this thread...and it was a great story in its entertainment value.. I do wholeheartedly apologize.

I do want everyone to understand something about me. I am not here for a popularity contest, but I am also not here to purposely offend anyone.. It is an internet based open forum and with that you will have disagreements daily. We all have great minds capable of thinking...and we all come from different experiences and local cultures.

That being said, I do respect police officers, as I said.. I just think the system for traffic citations is a bit umm...flawed. Ive always been good about speeding tickets...been pretty lucky for the most part... But I still speak up when I see an injustice.

Have a good night. :)
I personally believe traffic citations are one of the most unconstitutional (guilty until you prove innocence????), and downright crooked things in their arsenal when in the WRONG HANDS..... read my words carefully.

Alright I'll play a little longer. You're telling me you have a personal belief. Personal beliefs are just that. It's a belief not to necessarily be confused with a fact.

All states ( in the US ) have adopted constitutions based on the US Constitution. The Counties and towns, cities, etc. must uphold that Constitution.

Our laws must be within that framework. Occasionally they don't stand the test when brought before the Supreme Court. Those laws get struck down, removed or amended to meet the requirements of the Constitution.

I've yet to see where someone handed a traffic citation, not be given the chance to come before a judge and/ or jury, and I've yet to hear a judge not state clearly that it was the responsibility of the State to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the guilt of the defendant.

I have yet to see one defendant have his drivers history or criminal record changed prior to the court date based on a charge.

If the state can prove to a reasonable person that the defendant is in fact guilty as charged, then yes it becomes the responsibility of the defendant to prove otherwise.

But until the judge or jury finds guilty, the defendant is in fact innocent as charged.

I'm not clear at all what you're trying to say by "and downright crooked things in their arsenal when in the WRONG HANDS..... "
well..let me explain:

Of course speeding tickets are not an outright clear cut slam to the constitution. Anything more than riding the line would get them "struck down, removed, or amended."

However..they make it RIDE the line hard. It is very very very easy to plead guilty on a pa speeding ticket. In order to even plead innocent..you must send in the full amount of the citation, plus 5.00 "court costs," yet another fee that our "republic" has no say in and NO ONE knows where it goes. Ok fine...now what? Let's say I am innocent... I get to come in and prove my case to a judge and officer who are buddies.

I have walked in SEVERAL times to plead a ticket where they judge and officer are on a first name basis and shooting the breeze as I walk in.

Now: on the flip side, in any NON-traffic citation.. like umm.. a bogus murder charge that was pinned on you.. how would you feel if the prosecuting lawyer/key witness was buddies with the judge and chit-chatting before you got there???

How many people dont fight a ticket because it is IMPLIED that you are guilty..even if you feel you didnt run that stop sign or spin your tires or whatever... Ive done it.

Im getting tired..its getting late.

But thanks for playing.:thumbsup:
8 years ago I worked places in the five boroughs of NYC that when I stopped at Taco Bell at 3am to to ask one of the five cops who "patrolled" it for directions...they told me I was going places THEY didn't go after dark. So the whole, them rushing in idea......never seen that in any of my travels.

In a little local town nearby, there was a biker bar that the cops actually would call back to see if the reported fight was still in progress. You must keep in mind the cops could almost see the bar from the station since it was 4 blocks away. Quickest response time I ever heard there was 20 minutes.

Trust me ladies....if there was a crap place to be in any of the major eastern US cities.....I am sure someone dispatched me there at hours people probably didn't want to be outdoors. If you believe the Mary Poppins images....probably then ignorance is bliss for you.
Then they should find a different line of work.
I'll keep it short. By the way I'm not angered by these threads. As stated before it is a constitutional right to protest the state. Many men and women have given their lives so that we can have these debates.

Anywho. Sending in money or having a bond set and being released is not admission of guilt. You still have an opportunity to appear before a judge and / or jury.

It goes without saying that Judges, Law Enforcement Officers and Attorney's are typically familiar with each other, however your assertion that those relationships have much if anything to do with the outcome of a trial is far fetched. Those proceedings are recorded and can be apealed. I don't know any judge that wants to find himself answering for misconduct during a trial.

The system is not perfect and neither are people.
I'm on both sides of it. I graduated from a FDLE academy in '97 planning to work either LA or Miami/Dade (wanted a high stress dept in a warm climate). Of course plans changed from the time I graduated to the time I finished my stint with the Air Force and I ended up being in management instead...point being at one time I wanted to be in LE for the duration of my career to give back and help dop some good. The town I grew up in and the one I live in now (in totally different states) both have what I consider to be some very corrupt leos and my feeling is that it's not isolated to 2 towns I'm comparing. The gross misconduct by police erks me to the 10th degree...and then some. It's the traffic violations they commit that I view on what's nearly a daily basis that I think makes most people resent the whole trffic enforcement idea in law enforcement.

Little example from last Thursday night - I'm riding home from a trip to wally world and a cop I recognize pulls up beside me at a light. Light goes green and he bolts (violation #1 - reckless or exhibition of speed would have been my charge). A block later 2 more violations, lane change without signaling (requires 75' of signal in my state - he failed to signal at all) and then my pet peave, a lane change in an intersection (bringing the count to 3 so far). Speed limit was 30, my estimate was 45 as he literally walked me in 4 blocks which you have to be moving good to get the size of lead he had. So speeding brings the count to 4 and in just 4 blocks he did all this. I gave him the benefit of the doubt figuring he was on a call but not running code - until I pass the local deli 4 blocks from my house to see him sitting in the drive-thru! He got there just 5 mins before closing which probably explains his speed and other violations (too focused on feeding his face rather than public safety). All of this from the same cop that 2 months ago had 3 units show up at my house because 1. He "heard" my bike when I left work and knew I was speeding (yes officer, 50mph in first gear is loud, but not speeding when its a 55!) and second because he didn't see me signal turning onto my street (which he had to be at least 4 blocks or more behind because I was already off my bike and walking out of the garage when he and the other units pulled up. Of course I wasn't issued any citations because he couldn't prove anything, but it's ther gross misconduct by guys like that who have nothing better to do w/ their time than harass people. I was so pissed by his actions last Thursday night I wanted to file a complaint, but he and the lieut. are BUDS! Bottom line - who polices the police in a corrupt world? Sorry to vent, but I feel from both sides of it and would love for once for police to be held to the same traffic standards as the rest of us.
Posted via Mobile Device
Hmmm, this thread sure took a different line than I ever expected.

I'm sure "my friend" would have been nailed to the wall if he had been pulled over by a trooper in a squad car - ticket, back seat ride, bike impounded, everything. Much of what happened in this story was because it was also a motorcyclist to motorcyclist exchange. We do get it and we are brothers.

To me, a big part of this story was about respect. Sure, the Busa could've dusted the Harley, but that just goes beyond stupid. The rider knew the limits and knowingly broke them. He made the initial choice, not the police officer. Once he was caught, he chose to face the music rather than make it worse. Respect shows up in all sorts of ways in this story: respectful responses, wearing proper gear, even a doofy yellow vest for safety, having a license, having the bike properly inspected and registered.

So maybe this is what bothers me most about some of the responses to this post. Yes, lots of traffic enforcement LEOs take enforcement to pettiness and come off as "revenue generators." But we're still better off with them than we are without them. Wait until you have small kids of your own and some teen is blasting through the neighborhood in his truck or ricer on a regular basis.

Police officers deal with a LOT of @zzholes, and I for one am grateful that they do it so that I don't suffer from their reckless disregard for other people. It seems that some of you don't get that,

but maybe you will when you're my age.
Hmmm, this thread sure took a different line than I ever expected.

I'm sure "my friend" would have been nailed to the wall if he had been pulled over by a trooper in a squad car - ticket, back seat ride, bike impounded, everything. Much of what happened in this story was because it was also a motorcyclist to motorcyclist exchange. We do get it and we are brothers.

To me, a big part of this story was about respect. Sure, the Busa could've dusted the Harley, but that just goes beyond stupid. The rider knew the limits and knowingly broke them. He made the initial choice, not the police officer. Once he was caught, he chose to face the music rather than make it worse. Respect shows up in all sorts of ways in this story: respectful responses, wearing proper gear, even a doofy yellow vest for safety, having a license, having the bike properly inspected and registered.

So maybe this is what bothers me most about some of the responses to this post. Yes, lots of traffic enforcement LEOs take enforcement to pettiness and come off as "revenue generators." But we're still better off with them than we are without them. Wait until you have small kids of your own and some teen is blasting through the neighborhood in his truck or ricer on a regular basis.

Police officers deal with a LOT of @zzholes, and I for one am grateful that they do it so that I don't suffer from their reckless disregard for other people. It seems that some of you don't get that,

but maybe you will when you're my age.


The out come had nothing to do with "respect".

If government cared about safety rather than money generating they have MANY choices including speed cameras and higher penalties (ie: points and recourse not fines)

I wonder if this cop would have been so "cool" if he'd actually done his job....arrested your buddy, impounded his bike and ruined his life....

but then again...that would have been him doing his job as he is being paid to do it.
But our 1960's era SPEED LIMITS WERE NOT CREATED BASED ON TODAY's vehicles and braking capabilities, let alone sportbikes..

I'm late to the party too, but I just wanted to comment about this particular snippet...

Certainly our vehicles have improved, but has a linear improvement in the skills of today's fast food eating, cell phone talking, internet surfing, texting, ADHD diagnosed drivers been realized as well?
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