Helmet Law!

Helmet Law! - How would you vote?

  • I would vote for a national helmet law

    Votes: 303 100.0%
  • I would vote against a national helmet law

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Greg -

I'm a self-proclaimed Internet guru (techical term for "I can find ANYTHING" on the web).  It's a sickness!  The challenge now isn't "can I find it"...it's "how fast can I find it?!"  

See...a sickness... type.gif
Unfortunately, there are some really dumb people that need protecting from themselves.  Sounds silly to you perhaps, but I cringe when I see kids being tossed all around the back seat of a car, hanging out the windows, etc...car seat laws save kids lives...I hate car seats!  Ever installed 2 in the back seat of a Mustang?!  But I wouldn't want to ride without my kids in one...policing parents that don't use car seats is mandatory to help save the lives of those that don't have a choice in the matter...

The same can be said of passengers on bikes...let's say 21 year-old "Bubba" wants to show off his Busa to his little brother...they live in a state without helmet laws, so they both hop on for a ride...Bubba might know the risks, but because he's caught up in showing off to the little bro, nothing is said of a helmet...the bike is wrecked and Bubba's brother's dead...might have been saved by a helmet, but since Bubba's stupid, and his brother wasn't aware enough, who's to blame?  Sometimes rules have to take precedence over our liberties...

Yeah, it sucks that laws and rules have to be in place for the "dumber" ones, but I guess I like looking at it from the "look how many lives have been saved" stand point...

I know, it's a stepping stone to complete control...Big Brother is watching...I wouldn't be against, at the very least, making it mandatory to wear helmets if riders/passengers are under a certain age...at the very least, wouldn't that be beneficial?

I'm definitely not for gov't taking control of my life, but I do appreciate some of the laws I see in place to keep the majority as safe as possible...

And I was kind of hoping that opinions wouldn't be bashed, but it seems that if you don't vote for "let Darwinism reign", you're absolutely wrong?  Let's all drink and drive then, damnit...or, screw speed limits...pass me the bong...I want to ride on the left side of the road instead of the right...my kid wants to ride on the hood of my car...poop, the list could go on and on...

That's just my .02 worth...getting ready for the backlash...go ahead...
So your logic would support a law against motorcycles altogether right. They are just too dangerous, and we need protection from ourselves. Isn't riding with a helmet still more dangerous than driving a car without a belt? Why not protect us all against these 150mph+ death machines? Where do you draw the line? We would draw it at helmets, but why not full leather suits? I believe the DO have such a law in Germany.

The focus on age also bothers me. An adult is an adult. Perhaps we should up the age for a license. But to me, if they are old enough to vote, and to gop to war, they are old enough to drink and make the same choices I make.
Thinker your off on a tangent with this. I kill people in other lands and they try to kill me lets out law WAR cause it is dangerous too. Not everyone is as mature as you. So keep in mind the less aged will make bad decisions like we did when we were young. Give them a fighting chance to make it to be our age.

On your tangent why should it be against the law to assist someone to kill themselves if thats what they want. We try to preserve life. The car seats are a good point should that be optional as well?

Indiana is a funny state. I am not required to wear a helmet on my motorcycle, but I am required to wear a seatbelt in my car. Indiana also requires a motorcycle endorsement on your drivers license. Those who are against helmet laws, were you required to get a motorcycle endorsement on your drivers liscense? If so, isnt that gov't control of your freedom? Also,
the helmet laws link above is not correct (at least for Indiana) Indiana requires helmets for anyone under 18 and any person with a motorcycle learners permit.
Unfortunately, there are some really dumb people that need protecting from themselves.  Sounds silly to you perhaps, but I cringe when I see kids being tossed all around the back seat of a car, hanging out the windows, etc...car seat laws save kids lives...I hate car seats!  Ever installed 2 in the back seat of a Mustang?!  But I wouldn't want to ride without my kids in one...policing parents that don't use car seats is mandatory to help save the lives of those that don't have a choice in the matter...

The same can be said of passengers on bikes...let's say 21 year-old "Bubba" wants to show off his Busa to his little brother...they live in a state without helmet laws, so they both hop on for a ride...Bubba might know the risks, but because he's caught up in showing off to the little bro, nothing is said of a helmet...the bike is wrecked and Bubba's brother's dead...might have been saved by a helmet, but since Bubba's stupid, and his brother wasn't aware enough, who's to blame?  Sometimes rules have to take precedence over our liberties...

Yeah, it sucks that laws and rules have to be in place for the "dumber" ones, but I guess I like looking at it from the "look how many lives have been saved" stand point...

I know, it's a stepping stone to complete control...Big Brother is watching...I wouldn't be against, at the very least, making it mandatory to wear helmets if riders/passengers are under a certain age...at the very least, wouldn't that be beneficial?

I'm definitely not for gov't taking control of my life, but I do appreciate some of the laws I see in place to keep the majority as safe as possible...

And I was kind of hoping that opinions wouldn't be bashed, but it seems that if you don't vote for "let Darwinism reign", you're absolutely wrong?  Let's all drink and drive then, damnit...or, screw speed limits...pass me the bong...I want to ride on the left side of the road instead of the right...my kid wants to ride on the hood of my car...poop, the list could go on and on...

That's just my .02 worth...getting ready for the backlash...go ahead...
So your logic would support a law against motorcycles altogether right. They are just too dangerous, and we need protection from ourselves. Isn't riding with a helmet still more dangerous than driving a car without a belt? Why not protect us all against these 150mph+ death machines? Where do you draw the line? We would draw it at helmets, but why not full leather suits? I believe the DO have such a law in Germany.

The focus on age also bothers me. An adult is an adult. Perhaps we should up the age for a license. But to me, if they are old enough to vote, and to gop to war, they are old enough to drink and make the same choices I make.
Thinker your off on a tangent with this.  I kill people in other lands and they try to kill me lets out law WAR cause it is dangerous too.  Not everyone is as mature as you.  So keep in mind the less aged will make bad decisions like we did when we were young.  Give them a fighting chance to make it to be our age.  

On your tangent why should it be against the law to assist someone to kill themselves if thats what they want.  We try to preserve life.  The car seats are a good point should that be optional as well?

Sorry Marc, I would banter with you, but I don't have a clue what you are trying to say. You said:
"I kill people in other lands and they try to kill me lets out law WAR cause it is dangerous too."
I am sorry, but I don't get the connection at all. I wish war could be outlawed, but it can't. You said:
"So keep in mind the less aged will make bad decisions like we did when we were young.  Give them a fighting chance to make it to be our age."
I still don't get it, but my point was simple...I do not believe that it is fair to young people to set up all these different levels and definitions of maturity (adulthood). My point is if we feel they are mature enough to go to war and to vote, why would we limit their ability to make other adult decisions. If a helmet is optional for me, why shouldn't it be optionla for them? Do you actually dissagree with this line of thinking.

Just to be clear, I am not saying that I don't want a law stating that kids under 21 have to wear a helmet. What I am saying is that if we have such a law, then 21 should also be the voting age, drinking age, and join the military age. If they are so young that we have to try to preserve thier lives with legislation, then we should also preserve their lives in a similar fashion with regard to drinking, and going into the military.

So tell me where my logic goes south.
I just realized that this is so unimportant that Thinker your right and I will let it end there...

See you folks at the track...

ahhh...it's good to discuss...I've learned a lot beyond what I thought I knew...no harm, no foul...
I can't believe what I'm reading here!! I see people say let the stupid people be stupid...that is the worst thing I've ever heard. People are stupid probably because they were never shown the correct way.

I'm one that crashed once several years ago on a friends bike (when I didn't have riding skills "a stupid person") and the only thing that I landed on was my helmet. I slid about 10-20 feet on the face part of it. When ever some tries to ride with me without a helmet I tell them no or they have to ride with someone else.

Another thing...if more people live on the bikes there is a good chance that motorcycle insurance would decrease!! Some places don't insure motorcycles...and I wondered why.

I had no clue that there was that many people that didn't want to a helmet law. I'll tell you like this...as soon as you see someone go down without a helmet I bet you'd rethink that.

Also age doesn't have a damn thing to do with anything!! Just because your 21 or 61 doesn't mean your mature. So ya'll can drop the discussion about people under 21 wear a helmet. Lets say you was that person under 21 would you be saying the samething? Probably not.
Also age doesn't have a damn thing to do with anything!!  Just because your 21 or 61 doesn't mean your mature.  So ya'll can drop the discussion about people under 21 wear a helmet.  Lets say you was that person under 21 would you be saying the samething?  Probably not.
Easy big Daddy. We understand your pasionate belief in wearing helmets. I am sure most of us wear our helmets with the same vigor, with or without a law. I predict that poll would be more like 85%-90% would wear a helmet, and 10%-15% wouldn't. This poll is more about choice than the value of helmets. That is why it is so split.

And I totally agree with you on the age thing.
I just realized that this is so unimportant that Thinker your right and I will let it end there...

See you folks at the track...

Sorry you bowed out Marc, I really wasn't sure wich way you were voting....just know you thought I was off on a tangent.

My feelings on the subject are reflected in the vote tally. I am about 55% against these laws and 45% for them. The only reason I am against them is I do not know where you draw the line. Why wouldn't we also mandate gloves, then leathers, then boots? This IS done in some countries, so it is not unrealistic to ask. I don't have the answer...just the question.
I wrote on this topic about a year ago, and I think it is time to restate this:

I am in favor of helmet laws OR more stringent licensing requirements that make riding without an endorsement a felony.


I think that newer riders, especially those that do not have good motorcycling "mentors" (friends, relatives, etc.) do not have the requisite knowledge to make a well-informed decision for or against helmet use.

I believe (and I think the data supports this postion) that we need to either give new riders time, by keeping them alive, to acquire helmet information or give them the information at licensing time.

There is a correlation (certainly not 1:1, but there) between helmet use, head injuries and licensing. In general, un-licensed riders wear helmets less and have more frequent / severe head injuries.

There are literally millions of people operating motorcycles without endorements or training. I would like to see this activity made substantially less attractive, hence the felony requirement.

If someone rides without a helmet after being presented with the data, then we have done all that we can. It is a poor decision at best, but at least it was made in the face of data. As an aside, I will always believe it is unfair to make others pay for helmet-less rider's injuries, but I seem to be a minority in this regard.

I certainly agree with revamping the licensing...I couldn't believe how easy it was to get a motorcycle endorsement!

I've got some younger guy friends that are talking about getting their endorsement, and I keep touting the MSF class over just going through the motions to get one, then learning the hard way what not to do...

Hrmmm...a new thread just came to mind...
I wrote on this topic about a year ago, and I think it is time to restate this:

I am in favor of helmet laws OR more stringent licensing requirements that make riding without an endorsement a felony.


I think that newer riders, especially those that do not have good motorcycling "mentors" (friends, relatives, etc.) do not have the requisite knowledge to make a well-informed decision for or against helmet use.

I believe (and I think the data supports this postion) that we need to either give new riders time, by keeping them alive, to acquire helmet information or give them the information at licensing time.

There is a correlation (certainly not 1:1, but there) between helmet use, head injuries and licensing. In general, un-licensed riders wear helmets less and have more frequent / severe head injuries.

There are literally millions of people operating motorcycles without endorements or training. I would like to see this activity made substantially less attractive, hence the felony requirement.

If someone rides without a helmet after being presented with the data, then we have done all that we can. It is a poor decision at best, but at least it was made in the face of data. As an aside, I will always believe it is unfair to make others pay for helmet-less rider's injuries, but I seem to be a minority in this regard.

Makes sense to me, specially if those statistics are correct. I fully believe that there is a correlation between new riders and unlicensed riders. That seems very logical. Secondly, I believe that there is a correlation between new riders and accidents. That also makes sense. But, unless there really are stats on the subject, I cannot make the stretch that new riders wear helmets less than long term riders. It could be argued that new riders have more frequent head injuries simply because they have more accidents, not because they wear helmets any less.

In either case however, more stringent licensing requirements would make sense because new (inexperienced) riders are going to crash more without a doubt. In fact, that is actually the best argument I have heard for requiring people under 21 to wear helmets in state that do not otherwise require them. The argument assumes that people of such age are probably not very experienced riders. It does not target or penalize them because of their age or immaturity, it would protect them as a response to inexperience.

So now I am 53% against helmet laws and 47% for them, specially with respect to NEW riders.

Good one Mike!
You did call it Greg...the vote is close...closer than I'd figured it might be.

What will you do when you hit 50/50!? Pass the ballot! biggrin.gif
I don't think it will hit 50/50. I think there will always be more against than for. Sorry no scientific foundation for that...just a feeling.
It's damn close though...I think you're right (again)...the law wouldn't fly for the general population...
Let's consider all this talk about sky high insurance rates and those under 21 required to wear helmets. If riding without a helmet actually resulted in a substantial number of serious accident or fatalities we would not be able to buy insurance without a clause requiring a helmet, regardless of what the law said. The insurance companies already make it difficult for anyone under 21 to drive or ride a high performance vehicle. We are a capitalist society, let the market decide. Financial penalties are a far better at changing behavior than the law. Yes the speeding ticket is expensive, but the increased insurance is what really slows us down, that and the thought of losing our license.
Here might be something to consider.
If you have an accident with a car and you die of head injuries, which may have been prevented by a helmet, could that be considered vehicular manslaughter? I realize that this could happen with or without a lid, but say it was your fault (motorcycle), how would that affect the other driver emotionally, legally, etc.
I voted for, besides, I look much better in the helmet...trust me.
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