Yes if you do not add a weight stipulation.I think women should ride naked.
Is that wrong?
Yes if you do not add a weight stipulation.I think women should ride naked.
Is that wrong?
If you mean where does it go from here, as I understood it from the article, the Senate panel that it passed sends it to the State House who must vote on it. It still has a long way to go before it becomes law.Do we have any MI riders that can answer my question? thanks for all the feedback
I am totally with you on government being restricted so that citizens can stay free. The more control we give government the less we have over our own lives. Suddenly what we eat, what we wear, the music we listen to and the movies we watch all have to be approved by Big Brother.On the legality side I'm torn however. As a gun-toting conservative, I've always had a problem with too much federal or state intervantion in my life. Are helmet laws a good idea? Yes. Do they always sit well with me? No. On one hand I think an insured adult over 21 riding solo has the right to crack open his noggin if he wants to. On the other hand, motorcycle fatalities affect all of us with the negative stereotype among the masses of being so dangerous, murdercycles, organ donors, etc. can be detrimental to all of us. I wish there was an easy answer that would appease all viewpoints and opinions, including my own, but there's not.
Bottom line... There are two type of motorcycle riders: Those who have been in a accident, and those who are going to be in an accident. Will you be prepared when your turn comes?
The politicians are just responding from the growing baby boomer abate crowd who just decided to go out & get some Harleys & join the me too look at me ma I got a harley now folks that has just joined a stupid mob mentailty that helmets are for sissys & girl riders & them young punk bastards on them jap bikes making us REAL bikers look bad. It's really the arguments for repeal that makes all riders look bad in Michigan. They just can't be honest with the facts so they gotta make things up. But deep down in thier minds they know they are taking chances with thier lives, but the peer pressure just won't ever let them admit it. What the heck, this is America, one should have the right to splatter thier brains on the pavement or on a bumber of a cagger on a forty mph cruise if they want too. I just hope my insurance rates don't go up too high.Do we have any MI riders that can answer my question? thanks for all the feedback