ralnsplder -
Sorry to hear about the losses close to you.
Yes I remember about the 8 service members that found their wives cheating. But in my honest opinion that is a totally different issue.
The problem is when you are in a combat environment, you must and react a certain way.
Being in the military during war is about the only time you can kill at will. It is like hunting, but humans. and you have a license to hunt humans.
It is like any other animal on this planet, once they have hunted, it is difficult to change them.
You can in most cases raise a wild meat eating animal on kibbles and they are fine. but once you feed them meat, it changes them.
When you have killed another human being, you have crossed a threshold, a threshold there is no returning from.
You now know what it is like to kill another human being, and just like anything else, once you have done something, it is easier to do the next time.
Making our soldiers follow rules of engagement in war is not going to changed the fact that once they kill, it will not be as hard to kill again.
And if you take someone like that and bring them back to the states, they will always look at things differently.
If you take someone who has never killed anyone, and they get into a confrontation with another person, often their first thought is not to kill the person, however they want the conflict over.
A person who has killed someone will always know, and often think that they could just kill the person and solve the problem.
It is in out nature, all of us. But once you have killed in combat it brings that nature closer to the surface.
The movie Instinct with Anthony Hopkins for me hit it on the head. Everyone's safety is an illusion. We all on a daily basis walk a fine line.
You never know when someone is going to snap
5 Students Slashed in Knife Attack in Indiana
Hunter Tells Police He Was Threatened
(hunter kills 6 people in the woods)
Our society lives in a false sense of safety. Everyone walks around on a day to day basis on their little lah lah lands all fat dumb and happy.
So we have people snapping every day in the United States the way it is. What do people expect when they send someone somewhere and give them a license to hunt and kill others. It will change them forever and the person cannot turn it off, they might be able to subdue it, keep it in check, but they will always know if push comes to shove, then can end a conflict by taking a person out of the equation.
I had a wife cheat on me one time. I wont go into specifics but I had it all planned out on how I was going to remove the person from the equation. By the grace of God and a lot his love and peace from above I never did anything. But it was all planned out and to this day the guy has no clue how close he came to becoming a statistic.
As far as the hole world looking down on us (the United States).. they already do. That is why we should not have reporters there. We are going to screw up, people are going to make mistakes, it is going to happen. Why document it.. when things go bad there is a thing called damage control. I know you know that term. It is part of life and it is a big part of military life. It is difficult to conduct damage control when everything is being video taped
We are probably never going to win their (Iraqi's, Arab nations, Islam) hearts and minds. That part is a losing battle.
What will happen is we will clean up the yard, mow it, water it, cultivate it and when we are done the owner will put up a fence that says stay out.
No matter what we do Arabs will always look down upon Christians and since the United States was founded on Christianity, the United States will always be looked down upon by Islam, and by the Arab Nations as a whole. Not trying to be judgmental, just stating fact. I don’t have anything against Arabs or Islam. I just kind of wish they would stop hating us so much. It makes it difficult to be a Christian and have forgiveness in my heart when I have a group of people keep throwing the great crusades in my face when I wasn’t even there. And calling me the great Satan which I kind of take as a personal insult
They may tolerate us. But they will never embrace us.
If we do anything good over there, it is expected and we are only doing what we should be doing. If we do anything bad, we are the great Satan, and enemy to Islam.
Yes, there are bad soldiers, and I would never agree with allowing soldiers to torture, maim or just blatantly execute someone.
If this scenario happened and the enemy combatant was in a controlled environment and the video showed him on his knees with his hands tied behind his back and you see a Marine or anyone else shoot him in the head, then I would not hesitate to say the Marine should be placed under arrest immediately. And I would be the first one to do it If needed.
But I have seen the video, and I don’t think it is anyway near that cut and dry. And I tend to side with the Marine from what I know and what I saw.
So there you go… I know you have all missed my long winded posts
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