Make sure you read this one. Real short and brief but is pertinent
Also Pertinent
The first link verifies what what several of you said, and that is that some of the enemy fake dead in order to escape or to open fire on unsuspecting marines. That is a trick as old as combat itself. I totally believe that this happens.
The second link totally validates my points in this thread. I said that the description with the petition did not give enough information, and led me to conclude that some rules of engagement may have been broken (in this particular case), and that I therefore couldn't sign the petition without more info. Then there was all this debate about whether the insurgents are soldiers, and whether rules apply to terrorists, the Geneva Convention....etc. Well it seems that our own military believes that there are indeed rules. And from time to time, situations do come up that warrant a review. So for those who thought I was an A-hole for not signing, read the following from Thrasher's link, and you will see that there are rules that apply to our treatment of the enemy terrorists, soldiers, insurgents, combatants, or whatever we call them. THERE ARE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT.
Nov 16, 2004
FALLUJAH, IRAQ -- The First Marine Division is investigating an allegation of the unlawful use of force in the death of an enemy combatant. The incident occurred in Fallujah, Iraq, during combat operations on Saturday, November 13.
This investigation commenced immediately when allegations were brought forward and is continuing. The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether the Marine acted in self-defense, violated military law or failed to comply with the Law of Armed Conflict. The Marine has been withdrawn from the battlefield pending the results of the investigation.
Based upon the investigation, the convening authority will determine the appropriate course of action.
“We follow the Law of Armed Conflict and hold ourselves to a high standard of accountability,†said Lt. Gen. John F. Sattler, I Marine Expeditionary Force Commanding General. “The facts of this case will be thoroughly pursued to make an informed decision and to protect the rights of all persons involved.â€
Thank goodness the FACTS proved the innocence of that marine, and not just the signatures of a bunch of patriots who didn't even seem to care to know the facts.