hey have u ever been to this site


Donating Member
Check out this topic on LAbusas.org. Cant believe their moderators didnt delete it..NOT PORN


Look at the freakin topic name and read down a little
That's why I really like this place. No crap like that. I do like the squirrel though.
Arseholes... phuque 'em in the neck!
There are some people.. and I in their case I use the word lightly, cause scurby
dogs is what they really are.. that just aren't deserving to be associated with the
pride of the Busa.. J/M/H/O
I just registerd yesterday and tonight was my last time login on. cant belive that crap
. Which i was a hacker
heh... that's a relatively light-hearted post for that site. welcome to the dark side....
That was pathetic. I like the fourth or fifth one down by "brain." Particularly intelligent.

Gotta love our board...nice folks, no bullshiz like that....I appreciate this place more every day.

Well, so much for my first and last visit to labusas.
weird thing is...most of what's on that site has nothing to do with motorcycles...basically just prOn and a-holes yelling at each other.

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Have you sniffed around their gallery? Its all porn! Couldn't believe it,very little to do with the bike we love so much. I'm glad Cap runs this ship so tight.:)
Checked it out a LONG time ago. Joined and cruised it a few times. Found that I did not fit in there at all... so I haven't been back except when a link like this is posted here or something. I have no use for a crowd like that.
I have been and, am still an active member at another site (Maximum-Suzuki.com)
It's a real stable, informitive, and clean run site also. Just before I got my "Bus" they kinda teased me asking if that meant I would be hangin at labusas from now on. I went there and, was not too happy with what I found and, very discouraged. Luckily, I stumbled upon this site and felt great about what I found here.
Yes, thanks Captian, ya done and, do real good.