HID installation with pics

Hey guys very good job!!! And for Charlesbusa where did you get those HID'S?

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Joined: Aug. 2003
Location: Southern Indiana Posted: Feb. 02 2005,22:32

I think I got screwed. My HID bulb has nothing to keep it from falling INTO the light housing. There is just simply nothing to hold it. I have a clear piece of plastic that is a perfect fit into the housing socket but the bulb isn't "connected to it" and could easily just fall into the light housing. WTH am I supposed to do with this thing? [/QUOTE]

I'm on it Hman, has anyone else here having the same problem a HMAN ? Also check you PM.


[/b]</span>[/url]contact Rhythm or KS-WaterBug for password to recieve group discount price on HID kits.

Ok, I got it at 12:30 tonight after a friend and I brainstormed and I decided that I had NO choice but to modify the stock plug. While thats fine and dandy, if something ever goes wrong I'm left with ZERO choice but to order a new one and will be out till its here.

That being said. Awesome. Its raining and #### here so no pictures but I'm hoping tomorrow to have some pics by late evening that I'll post Friday afternoon before I head to work.

Now I'm wondering if I should do a conversion on my car.

Thanks everyone.
Good deal Hman !

LQQks like Hman will be ordering another set Mike.


[/b]</span>[/url]contact Rhythm or KS-WaterBug for password to recieve group discount price on HID kits.

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I believe Henryace has done it the sameway aslo.

Good job guyz.


[/b]</span>[/url]contact Rhythm or KS-WaterBug for password to recieve group discount price on HID kits.

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Ok, out of curiosity... what the hell made "s-lee-ting" become "####" up there?

Anyway, STILL raining. Once I hit the road with this damn thing I'll do pictures up put up a review on my blog. Will also then consider doing a conversion on the car.