how do I clean TIRE SHINE stuff



1. Put on rearstand

2. Start, ease into second gear with choke lever on full

3. Hold piece of 40 grit sandpaper to tire for ten seconds

Kick the dealer in the ass either he fixes it or he buys you a new tire. It is all in how you approach it. Start with the danger issue and after he tells you there is none work your way to his manager, then once you are talking to him tell him you don't think Suzuki will not
appreciate you trying to down a rider that buys their products.

Well that is a little rudimentary on how to deal with him. I do some negations in my job so there is more to it than that. The most important thing is to not get mad and talk to them a bit before you go into the negation portion. Once you have something in common with them, you can kind of make them your friend to the point where it is their idea to replace it for you.

Give it a shot just don't get mad at them and let your emotions control the conversation.

If that does not work
the place down.
Just soap and water will not work. You will need some kind of degreaser to break it up.
I suggest laquer thinner to get it off. It will bring the shine stuff to the surface for you to wipe it off.
"Bleech White Tire Cleaner" will do the job right.  Made to clean white walls.  Best tire cleaner on the market IMO.
this stuff is awsome and its cheap too i would be carefull about putting it near painted surfaces but its awsome when you spray it on and let it sit for a minute i never wiped it off i alwase used the pressure washer on my car and the black crud that comes off is crazy