How do you ride - when in a group

How do you ride - when in a group - Rate your riding style supersonic - slug

  • My fairing is melting!

    Votes: 83 100.0%
  • Warp speed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Out of control, barely.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Where'd everyone go?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Within my comfort zone (avg 90 - 120)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Somewhere in the middle.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Barely over speed limit (10 - 20 over)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • @ posted limits.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dang that grandma's rollin!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There's more than one gear?!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
well most times a group ride its kinda laid out for you
you all agree to a plan and stick with it
I like to stay within my comfort zone.

A group ride is NOT the place to hang it out.
It all depends who I am riding with and what they are riding.
It could be anywhere from just cruzin' the posted limit, to
Given her all she got.
Depends on the group. If the fast guys are guys I know/trust, then I'll ride up front above posted limits

If I don't know/trust the fast guys, then I'm in the back like a Grammy. Not gonna let an idiot take me out, better to watch from a safe distance.

I actually perfer to ride alone or in small groups, 2-4 guys.
I voted for:
<ul>[*]At the rest of the group's pace, but make it a solo ride if things get out of hand.[/list]
It's BALLZ to the walls
no it depends on the group. Usually there will be groups with in the main group, if you haven't been riding with any of the others on the ride before it would be best to stay on the conservative side. If you try to keep up with a fast rider on a unfamiliar road....YOUR GONNA HAVE A PROBLEM.

So have some fun and get to know the other riders, stick with someone that won't get you into trouble.  
Personally, I don't like groups.
Ironic as for 4+ years I led a twice monthly shop ride
and usually on the "off" Sundays a unofficial "Raider's Rides".
Met some good peeps on those rides.

Personally I prefer a limit of 80mph on surface roads & 120 mph on interstate type roads.
Here in Florida some of our state highways are similar to interstates & some are just
surface two laners (one lane each direction separated by a 6" strip of paint.)
I'm pretty good at keeping my ego under control. I consider these limits to be MINE.
So if ya want to go faster, GO! All I ask is that you pass in a courteous manner.
And ummm if I don't know where we are that ya wait up at appropriate times

Raider out.

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Here's how it is in Fl......
do not pass! instead ride up everyone's azz in their blind-spot and keep within spitting distance especially 100mph+

if you must pass, do it without warning and on the right in the same lane

when passing cars, huall azz around them, then stay right in front of the vehicle in the left part of the lane, so your fellow riders are left hanging with no where to go behind you.

##### and complain about the route you're taking but when asked where YOU want to go, say "I don't know"

Big groups....NO THANX.
I won't ride with big groups anymore. Last time I did that I got rear ended and wound up in a corn field. Maybe two or three others now.... max.
Back in my squidly days I set the pace. Now I would need a pacemaker to keep up with some of you.

I'm not pushing it on the Busa. I'm too old and she is too expensive.

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need one that says

Whatever I feel like at that time.

cause one day I just feel like cruising letting everyone lead, next day I might feel like blowing the soot outta the exhaust(Like a Bat outta Hell)
I've raced long enough to know that I don't race on a two lane street or road. I've gone down enough over the years to know I don't want some lame brain 18 wheeler or car coming in my lane when I'am a warp speed. No matter who is a fault, I LOSE
 . So, since I don't do group rides, I would just guess 10 to 20 over
I choose to be the last person in the groups I ride with. Speed isn't what matters to me on a group ride. Friends, food and being alive to ride tomorrow is. This also lets the leaders know when they can leave, or that everyone has arrived. I also know how to put someones guts back inside if the need arrises. No one gets behind me, unless they are leaving the ride.
I only rode a few group rides with some folks that were, well lets say lawless.
I rode within my limits but wide open on occasion just to keep up.
I Just try to stay away from the sparks shooting out from thier knee cups, gets distracting:) muhahahaha