How do you ride - when in a group

How do you ride - when in a group - Rate your riding style supersonic - slug

  • My fairing is melting!

    Votes: 83 100.0%
  • Warp speed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Out of control, barely.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Where'd everyone go?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Within my comfort zone (avg 90 - 120)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Somewhere in the middle.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Barely over speed limit (10 - 20 over)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • @ posted limits.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dang that grandma's rollin!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There's more than one gear?!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Usually we let the cruisers lead the way to the mountains, that way we stay together on the highway. Once in the mountains the cruisers move to the right and let the sports bikes go past. Usually we have a destination in mind so the sports bikes get there and wait on the cruisers.
Group rides are great provided everyone is on the same page...I prefer everyone spread out as opposed to bunching up.

I very seldom ride with inexperienced folks...but if I find myself in that kind of group, I'll just stay in the back...
Depends on the group that is a loaded question.If the group rides 55 to 65 that is what i do If i ride with a group that thrashes that is what i do . I usually do not hotdog unless called for.If im by myself I watch for the Po Po cause im riding not cruising. Depends on the enviroment this is a broad question that a poll will likely not answer IMAO
I'm usually in the back of the pack, familiarize myself with the group, especially if the group is new to me. But most of the time I like to be in the back of the pack, then when it's time to play, it's time to play
Depends upon the group. Usually there is a broad mix of bikes. Everyone tends to take it easy. At least a few more experienced riders in the back to keep it all together.
I tend to stay in the middle. On a ride with a lot of sporty bikes the group tends to accordion. Leaders stretch it out on the straights and then bunch it up in the curves. I want to stay out of trouble, so I keep some distance.
I like to be in the back of the pack and I'm very cautious watching everybody's moves.:;):
I like riding in smaller groups (less than 5 or 6). Like to stay either in the way back, or up front...just depends on the situation...but never in the middle. I've seen too much b.s. in the middle, and avoid it whenever possible.
Pretty particular who I ride with. If I don't feel comfortable riding with a particular rider, I get away from him. Group ride is not the time to get crazy!
Sportbike group rides are a different animal compared to what id consider a traditional group ride.

Make sure everyone at least heard the phrase 'ride your own ride' after that its every man for himself...I dont mean that in a bad way, I mean you have to concentrate on your ride, you cannot be concetrating on what others are doing otherwise you are going to the one going down.

I say this because I am often back seat driving every guy in the group...even the guys in my mirrprs. But I guess you just cannot help it with guys you dont know. After awhile though if you feel you can trust them then the ride can be much more fun.

If everyone rides their own ride and follows the basic group ride precautions then its usually going to end up a nice ride...but there is always that guy who lied and has never been on a group ride and is gonna feel bad when he cannot keep he then goes way outside of his limits and dumps it.
Lamb tends to ride near the front of the group. Lamb doesn't seem to be very comfortable when the group gets too big. Lamb's a loner at heart, I guess!
Rules for Carrie...
Hold on tight...just pretend to be Pauls little backpack.
Keep DJ in eye
Hold on Tight
Wait for Michelle
Hold on Xtra tight when getting on I 81 (since ya'll thought you were cute and left us in the dust!!)

Did I mention Hold on?
Don't even try it Paul ...

Rules for Paul and Warren:

1. Try to keep the high speed buzzing to just 4 or 5 times
2. Don't time mounting a video cam 'cause most of the time your bike's at 11 or 12 o'clock
3. Only eat one sandwich while waiting for the rest of us at the next big intersection or rest stop
4. Install some "dancin" tail lights to entertain the rest of us watching your tail lights all day
i don't do group rides unless I've rode with everybody involved on a one on one basis before and know they aren't going to go berzerker on me.

as far as all that other stuff goes... depends on what mood i'm in/where we are and what kinda road it is... interstates... I normally bring up the rear
DJ...those were my rules (carrie) I need to stop posting as

Oh yeah another out for locals in little red trucks...they arent *bike friendly*
Yeah, I ride within my comfort zone. Granted, my comfort zone includes trying to build on what skill I do have, which includes working those lines and crankin' it over further and further, entering the corners a bit faster. Comfort is a funny thing, 'cause you might be sweatin' it entering the corner a little hot, but if you want to get faster and smoother, you have to try. I try to not push it too far outside my limits of experience and comfort. I have a couple of times, and am lucky I didn't bite it, and you don't want a get off at ninety miles an hour on a country road hair pin turn...right?

"Group rides" for me, too, usually consist of only a few guys and gals, and they are people I know and trust, and know what their skill levels are. I've gone on a few rides with different shops, et cetera, and that aint for me. I don't want some jackasses in front of me to cause me to lay my bike over, or run into me from behind because they were tryin' to pass and what not. I, too, for the most part ride alone. It's seldom that my work schedule permits me to ride with my other buddies.

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I was the Road Captain for the local Blue Knights chapter here for years. They ride mostly cruisers, which of course, I did too at the time. Once I served my time, I took up position as tail gunner. I've ridden with them once since I left the club 12 years ago, and that on a memorial ride. I don't enjoy group rides as much anymore. I want 3-4 folks that I know and trust around me now. When we hit the twisties, it's go at your own pace and meet up at designated places. Getting old I guess. Hmm, maybe that's how I got that way, being fairly cautious.
