Yeah, I ride within my comfort zone. Granted, my comfort zone includes trying to build on what skill I do have, which includes working those lines and crankin' it over further and further, entering the corners a bit faster. Comfort is a funny thing, 'cause you might be sweatin' it entering the corner a little hot, but if you want to get faster and smoother, you have to try. I try to not push it too far outside my limits of experience and comfort. I have a couple of times, and am lucky I didn't bite it, and you don't want a get off at ninety miles an hour on a country road hair pin turn...right?
"Group rides" for me, too, usually consist of only a few guys and gals, and they are people I know and trust, and know what their skill levels are. I've gone on a few rides with different shops, et cetera, and that aint for me. I don't want some jackasses in front of me to cause me to lay my bike over, or run into me from behind because they were tryin' to pass and what not. I, too, for the most part ride alone. It's seldom that my work schedule permits me to ride with my other buddies.
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