How many Concealed Carry permits here?

How many Concealed Carry permits here? - Curious, just took the class yesterday..

  • Have permit already

    Votes: 201 100.0%

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Just took the Concealed Carry class yesterday, it was very interesting to find out the answers to all the law-related questions about gun ownership and self defense related to using a weapon. Also addressed a lot of those "urban legend" type questions and myths like "If you kill an intruder on your doorstep drag him inside" type stuff...

Definitely also raises some questions about whether you only use the gun for personal reasons, or if you use it in situations where something bad is happening that doesn't directly affect you, where you might get away unharmed but it leaves a bad guy where they could harm or kill someone else.

So, please pick where you fall on the poll, but feel free to post your position and feelings about an armed citizenry. Also if you have questions about getting a permit or other questions feel free...
The wife and I both have our CC permits. I never leave the house without being armed. To date I have never had to pull a weapon and hope that I never do but I refuse to be in a situation where I wish I was armed!

What are the requirements for your permit? They are pretty lax in Alabama compared to other states. A background check and $10 the 1st year and $5 a year there after.
had my permit for probably 10 years now have only drawn the weapon 1 time
Before one of the three democraps becomes our next president, I'd suggest as many people as possible get their permits and favorite firearms before the winds of political change blow over us like a fresh dairy farm!
I've had mine for about 10 years.

I usually just keep it in the car, as I'm not allowed to carry at my employers, or in the parking lot. So what they don't know won't hurt them.

I've never had a reason to pull it. Only once did some one man scare the living $hit out of me in traffic.. cussing at me and getting out of his car, that the only thing going through my mind was "How fast can I get to my pistol?"

We have been discussing getting more weapons for home protection.
i have both my pennsylvania and florida concealed carry permit also have a Pa Act-235 Federal firearms license
im very into guns.
The wife and I both have our CC permits. I never leave the house without being armed. To date I have never had to pull a weapon and hope that I never do but I refuse to be in a situation where I wish I was armed!

What are the requirements for your permit? They are pretty lax in Alabama compared to other states. A background check and $10 the 1st year and $5 a year there after.

-Background check/fingerprints
-$70 for class, $144.50 sent in with application
-Permit issued for five years, then $50 to renew

Not too bad, and currently 27 states have reciprocity that allows you to carry there as well. I understand someone has introduced a bill to allow all 50 states if you have a permit, but there is NO way New York and Cali would ever pass that bill, for very different reasons.
winkold.gif has two helpful tools- one lets you pick your state of permit, and will list all states you can carry in. The other is a trip planner, that lets you click on each state you will visit and it tells you if they allow your permit, and what laws you need to know because they vary from state-to-state.

One person in my class had a great idea he used when planning a trip, he called each State Police and asked them what he needed to know, and wrote it down with the name of the trooper he spoke to. He then printed the info off the internet for each state, and put it all together in a binder for the trip. That would go a long way if you got pulled over on a trip, and you got an arsehole who wanted to hassle you for the weapon.
I usually carry 2 pistols on me; primary is a springfield XD .45ACP, and my backup is a Glock 27 .40S&W. I usually never have a problem with cagers tailgating me when I ride , especially when my jacket 'creeps' up a little in the back...
Ive had my permit about 3 years, never carried it cancealed yet in public, other than shooting idpa matches.

That's a long list and kinda expensive to be in the south. Total cost here in Georgia is around $55 which includes the background check, filing fees, and finger printing. But I'd pay nearly any price to be able to legally carry it considering the alternatives.

This may be a little off topic but personally I think some of our gun laws suck. I don't know the exact stats but I'd be willing to bet that more than 90% of the crimes committed involving a firearms are committed by people who are ILLEGALLY carrying weapons. These people shouldn't even be able to own firearm much less carry one. The laws however seem to only be aimed at the people carrying legally. Criminals don't obey laws remember?

That's a long list and kinda expensive to be in the south.  Total cost here in Georgia is around $55 which includes the background check, filing fees, and finger printing.  But I'd pay nearly any price to be able to legally carry it considering the alternatives.  

This may be a little off topic but personally I think some of our gun laws suck.  I don't know the exact stats but I'd be willing to bet that more than 90% of the crimes committed involving a firearms are committed by people who are ILLEGALLY carrying weapons.  These people shouldn't even be able to own firearm much less carry one.  The laws however seem to only be aimed at the people carrying legally.  Criminals don't obey laws remember?

Those problems are very true, look at Chicago! Many years ago in Chicago in the late 60's,when I was a kid. I remember when my dad had to register all his guns because of a new law. Then a few years after that the city was "Closed" to all new guns. Then a few years after I moved to Texas with my wife, dad calls and says come up soon and get all the guns! See now they are banning position even if the are legal and registered.
That is why most gun owners are totally against any type of registration process. And why I am a NRA life member.


I have had my carry permit for about 2 years here in Vegas. Defintely a needed items here. I carry a Kimber Ultra CDP II with a 3 " barrel
not allowed in Illinois
Talk to great senator B. H. Obama about that. Oh wait, he's probably the most liberal (socialist) member of congress based on his voting record and he doesn't want his subjects (ie. American Citizens!) to be able to defend themselves - so talking to him wont get us anywhere other than the truth. Yeah, he's all about change.