How many Concealed Carry permits here?

How many Concealed Carry permits here? - Curious, just took the class yesterday..

  • Have permit already

    Votes: 201 100.0%

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I have a lifetime premit.
INDY gun shows are the best for IL residents.

Back in my college days, I had to represent my school in a speech competition. I decided to do my speech on "Gun Control" as I was an avid hunter and sport shooter. I set out to be pro gun control and started doing my research. Had to find out exactly what "Gun Control" was and meant as well as how it originated. There was a Senator from CT who came up with the term after President Kennedy was assinated. He was quoted a couple of years later as saying something along the lines of "Of course Gun Control doesn't work." When asked why he was still supporting it he replied with "Because it is the best free political bandwagon I have ever been on." I interviewed law enforcement at the city, state, and federal level all of which explained that Gun Control would NEVER take the guns out of a criminals hands. Gun Control is not doing back ground checks or about wait times, it is about controlling who has guns and the idea is that ONLY law enforcement and the Government should have guns or access to them. Now here I was, a 19 year old kid who was going to speak in a speech AGAINST Gun Control in an arena that was as liberal as they come because I understood what it really meant. I came in second place and was beat out by a mid 30s lady who was a drama major that gave a speech on skate board safety of all things. Do I have a carry permit? Nope! Do I wish to carry a concealed weapon? Nope! Do I want the government telling me that I cannot carry one? HELL NO!

Off rant now...
What a topic!!!? I somewhat agree.. Felons should not have guns... But then with the laws we have today damn near everything you do is a felony. Patriot act says Jwalking is a terrorist act( felony) also look up an article about a Texas the feds accused a student of terrorism and espionage for talking about the Constitution & Bill of Rights.. The system Fears its citizens with guns . If it didnt it would be passing gun control laws and charging you for your right to carry... Why do we have to pay for Constitutional rights our fathers fought and died for?
There was a Senator from CT who came up with the term after President Kennedy was assinated. He was quoted a couple of years later as saying something along the lines of "Of course Gun Control doesn't work." When asked why he was still supporting it he replied with "Because it is the best free political bandwagon I have ever been on."
That is a very true statement and it plays on the ignorance of the majority
of Americans who plain just don't give enough of a damn to read up on
statistics or believe anything outside of what Faux News or CNN tells them.

Think about what political party is supposed to be PRO-gun, PRO-rights, SMALL govt.
Isn't that the same political party in the White house??? Nope.....
That's the OLD Republican ideals,.....this is the new world order Republican
administration who has COMPLETELY left all the values of the Republican
party in the dust and whored itself out to big business. Larger Govt,
Less rights, etc etc etc.

This is the problem with America today.
We're being dumbed down , while more invasive laws are enacted under
the guise of "National Security" .....think about how powerful that phrase is.

Then you'll begin to understand how/why it was quickly run through Congress.

In the meantime, as someone mentioned, smaller crimes or freedoms enact much more severe "titles" to eliminate your ability to be a gun owning citizen.

But ......commit a murder and you're free as a bird in 9 months....
Figure that **** out.
SD. 4 year permit = $10.

No safety class (I disagree with this)
No fingerprinting
Local/State/Fed bkgrd check

Shall-issue state (Can't deny you a permit if you qualify)

Permit = Immediate sale of firearms.

Don't have to inform LE if I am carrying, either.

I carry a Glock 19. Sometimes 2 of them at once. ALWAYS armed when not on the road in the big-rig.
Hell in chicago would it really be that hard to steal a handgun from a cop if thats what you wanted to do f*ing stupid
AM -->
BlkDrgnZ28 @ May 15 2008 said:
1416665[/ATTACH] AM]
Hell in chicago would it really be that hard to steal a handgun from a cop if thats what you wanted to do f*ing stupid
Dude, it's even easier then that. I'll lay odd's that 90%+ of criminals don't buy their guns legally.
Trust me, if I can drive to just about any ghetto and get cocaine, I know I can
find a gun as well. They're even easier to come by.

You drive across the border to Indiana where gun's are abundant and laws are lax.
Chicago seizes ~15,000 handguns annually......and they're illegal in Chicago.
Figure that one out.

The only thing these dumbass laws do is prevent GOOD people from defending themselves.
Ask any convict in prison if he stopped to check the gun laws before he strapped his gat.
Matter of fact, here's a good special that only got aired 1 time.

It shows prison inmates who flat out tell you whuzzup with that BS.

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OK , I dont have the patriot act article number in front of me ( I can find it ) , But I read it for myself. It said "If any person should do any act that Causes harm to himself and or others that act is/ can be concidered an act of terrorism.." So J walking does fit into that act..!!? If some slick attorney /politician NERD that is a gun grabber wants to use the patriot act article number in court it can be done!!!!
Found it.. Article 802 Anything that endangers human life and is an act of criminal law. Then think about dirty politicians and crooked attorneys in a court situation..
Man Charlie, Sure we're not related !! I'll be in O town in a few weeks . I go there every few months.. Thanks for the PM .I'll check it out.. PR
I have had my New York personal protection concealed carry permit for 30 years now. Not easy to get in New York. Most people are issued a target and hunting or residence permit. With the law change for Police Officers after 911 I can go any place in the US now and carry.
That ABC News video listed above said that 700,000 times a year in the U.S. a civilian defends themself with a firearm?!? DAMN.

And a lot of cases go unreported, for various reasons...

Seems like the Second Amendment should cover it, what's all the debate about? Friggin liberals...

I know, I know, my bad...
not allowed in Illinois  
IL STATE does not allow CCW's
CHICAGO has banned every citizens right to own a handgun.....period.

And as someone just showed you the article above about Kennesaw Ga
it's a proven fact that mandatory gun ownership DRAMATICALLY decreases
crime. However these f***tards refuse to acknowledge the obvious facts
and ban our rights to self defense. ANYONE who tells you less guns =
less crime is a f'n idiot. All statistics prove absolutely otherwise.
Look at England, Australia, DC, Chicago, etc.

SOME Gun Control works, but they use it as an all encompassing term
to throw too much gun grabbing under that title, so they abuse it.
I'm pro-SOME gun control (registering, 3 day wait + background check, felony offender = no) that's it.

This is one of my favored GIF's in this argument.
This is IL's form of Gun Rights / Control.

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You can thank Obama for that bullshat


