How many Concealed Carry permits here?

How many Concealed Carry permits here? - Curious, just took the class yesterday..

  • Have permit already

    Votes: 201 100.0%

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86?!?! Dang! Lots of Busa owners are packin why do we have to worry about our bikes getting stolen all the darn time??
86?!?! Dang! Lots of Busa owners are packin why do we have to worry about our bikes getting stolen all the darn time??

cause it only helps if your near the bike:lol:

I can't carry here in cali but I do own a very non intimidating little HK USP 45 and a cute little blacked out remington 870 express pump 8 shot "18 barrel with the plug of course. lookin to get a 30 06 in the near future. But for now that'll do for home defense anyway.
Permits?? Don't need no stinking permits! Just don't act like an


and you won't have any trouble. But if trouble comes looking they will find it!

Concealed Firearm Carry Permit in California: Information Database
I have seen this before the only reason I want my permit is for personal safety purposes I don't believe I have a very strong case other than the neighborhood I live in and the late night weekend hours I work at my second job. but I'll see if they can help. Couldn't hurt to try. thanks for the info.
In California you can get CCW depending on what county you live in...for example, in San Francisco...maybe if you own the cities largest jewlery house. But the rural Yuba, Colusa...and such they want good guns on the street. Most LEO know that in a violent crime situation that it is all over with by the time they get there. The police can not protect you against criminals. Only you can. When I took the CCW class the guy said something that has always stuck with me for the correct philosopy for CCW...He said, " You don't pull a gun to take a life. You pull a gun to save a life."

I want to post a sign on my property that says..."if you are not invited will be eaten or shot..your choice" Maximus, the German Shephard, has the loudest bark on the if someone broke into our house would have to deal with him first..and if the criminal hurt him or killed wife and I have shotgun and 45 calibers loaded and ready...:poke:
+1000 on having a layed defense.

My front door is somewhat hardened. My dogs will beat me to the door if when they hear someone trying to come in. I will deal with whoever is left when I get there.
Good ol' South Dakota.. got my permit when I was 18 & had it ever since. Gave the Sheriff $10 and walked out with a temp permit, a week later the real deal showed up in the mail. 20 years now.. :beerchug:
I could not care less about a Dem or Repub... they both lie like Dems!

Concealed carry?
Doing so for the last 43 years...
Waiting for the next class to get my lic. to carry.... Any suggestions on a good light weight gun thats easy to conceal but will do some damage? I dont know a whole lot about hand guns I have only ever shot one once but I hunt alot so I have shot hunting rifles alot!
check out the glock 27... its a subcompact .40 its small enough that you can get a inside the waist holster and its not even noticable with a tshirt on! I never leave home with out!
Waiting for the next class to get my lic. to carry.... Any suggestions on a good light weight gun thats easy to conceal but will do some damage? I dont know a whole lot about hand guns I have only ever shot one once but I hunt alot so I have shot hunting rifles alot!

9mm or .40 S&W are both good defense rounds. GO to a gun shop and handle as many different pistols as you can until you find the one that feels the best in your hands. Also, get one that is very easy to use. A lot of safety items means more to think about when your life depends on it. Once you get one, take it to a gun range and put lots of rounds through it to learn how it shoots, and how you need to shoot it. Get a couple a Snap-Caps and practice loading and clearing it. Load, hoster, draw, shoot, re-holster, clear, disassembly, cleaning, and reassembly.

Practice with the Snap-Caps often. Never carry it without one in the chamber. An attacker will not wait until you are ready to use it. It should be ready before you need it.
40cal Smith&Wesson M&P w/ large capacity no restrictions. :thumbsup: a permit w/ no restrictions can be tough to get in some cities and towns in massahcusetts.
In California you can get CCW depending on what county you live in...for example, in San Francisco...maybe if you own the cities largest jewlery house. But the rural Yuba, Colusa...and such they want good guns on the street. Most LEO know that in a violent crime situation that it is all over with by the time they get there. The police can not protect you against criminals. Only you can. When I took the CCW class the guy said something that has always stuck with me for the correct philosopy for CCW...He said, " You don't pull a gun to take a life. You pull a gun to save a life."

I want to post a sign on my property that says..."if you are not invited will be eaten or shot..your choice" Maximus, the German Shephard, has the loudest bark on the if someone broke into our house would have to deal with him first..and if the criminal hurt him or killed wife and I have shotgun and 45 calibers loaded and ready...:poke:

too bad I'm in san jose they are ccw permit nazis here maybe I need to move over to your neck of the woods :rulez:
Wife and I both have our CC permits. She recently got hers and the plan is to start taking her to the range to teach her how to shoot and eventually get her own weapon.
Wardi what part of Ohio are you from? Sorry if I have already asked I am kinda slow when I am just getting off work. Its nice with the 5 year plan in Ohio