How many times have you crashed??

How many times have you crashed?? - Any damage, street/paved track only.

  • 0            I have superb reflexes

    Votes: 194 100.0%
  • 1-2         Just a little bad luck

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3-5         Yeah, a couple here and there

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5-10       Man, this is happening too often

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10-20      Call me crash-a-lot

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 20 +        Hey, I'm a stunter and crash'in is part of the game

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Crashed 72 CB450 in 79
Flipped 73 Kaw H2 750 in 80
Crashed 76 KZ 900 in 81 (Bad one)
Crashed 81 GPZ 1100 in 83
Dropped 86 ZX-10R in 87
Dropped 82 GS1100 in 96
All accidents were within 2 miles of my home.

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Never been down on a bike. Rolled 3 wheelers a few times though. I'm sure it's not superb reflexes though, more luck then anything.
I was turning into the alley behind my apartment in Pacific Beach and I rolled over a slippery manhole cover.  Next thing you know I'm standing in the street and my Ninja 900 is on the ground.  It Pushed the turn signal through the side of the front fairing.  Scratched my exhaust and Broke off my clutch lever.  I also overcooked an on-ramp one time and took a ride through the dirt(luckily).  I've been riding since '86 and have had some serious luck ERRRRRR skill on my side!biggrin.gif
I crashed on my Harley...only going 25 or 30, but wearing one of those stupid half-helmets because I didn't know any better...busted up a few things, like my wrist and cut under my eye...

I was a pretty site! laugh.gif

Didn't get back on until I took the MSF course... blush.gif
Crashed 72 CB450 in 79
Flipped 73 Kaw H2 750 in 80
Crashed 76 KZ 900 in 81 (Bad one)
Crashed 81 GPZ 1100 in 83
Dropped 86 ZX-10R in 87
Dropped 82 GS1100 in 96
All accidents were within 2 miles of my home.

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OK, here's the front runner with 6 crashes. Can anybody beat this?? Come on now, no need to be ashamed... Think of it this way, you could help scare a rookie which will make sure he/she takes it easy at the beginning!! smile.gif

All mine happen in Norfolk, VA. I got hit from behind going to work. I got hit by base police (rent-a-cop). I got hit in the side and pushed in to a fence. Only time i went down was when i got hit from behind. All this on my Yamaha fzr600.
Went down once 2 years before the busa, missed 6 weeks of work, took 4 doctors to decide if I needed nuts and bolts in my shoulder joints
1977, Honda CB360T with the ex on the back heading up the ramp from 295 to 695 in Maryland. The bike put us down nice and easy then flipped over breaking the shield, bending the signals and scratching up some of the chrome. No physical damage.

1990, Kawasaki 650 heading north on Rt 1 in Virginia. Pickup pulls out from the right and stops in the left lane. I could see the driver looking right. I quickly thought; "slide, go under truck; he's not looking so going around the front is also bad plus the possibility of oncoming traffic; large truck in the right lane that's stopping to make the right so can't change lanes", so I tried to go behind the truck but in front of the right turning truck and didn't make it. I hit the rear wheel well and flew 30 or 40 feet landing in the right lane on my back. My knee had been gouged by the Vetter support platform and I had several scratches. I spent a week in the hospital under observation. I got to use a great line though. I called my (now)ex; "I have good news and bad news", "the good news is that I won't be riding the bike anymore", "the bad news is that I'm laying on a gurney at the hospital". Yea, she was not amused.

I've had bikes get dropped or fall over three times. The Honda when I parked it on asphalt and the sidestand sunk in and the bike fell over. The first Harley when I was backing it out of the driveway, I misjudged the turning distance and dropped it. The second time with the same bike was after a 600 mile ride. I was so tired I just dropped it when trying to park it.

I've had a few really close calls, mostly in the past couple of years. On the Honda, I had some idiot fling a cigarette butt out and hit my face shield scaring the crap out of me. I also had an officer make a left in front of me. I turned around and gave him a piece of my mind, me a PFC and he was a butterbar. On the Kawasaki, I had some guy pull into my path in a Safeway parking lot while it was raining. I saw him and expected it. On the Harley I had some guy pull out of a street parking space and make a U turn right in front of me. I locked up the bike and stopped about 2 feet from him. Kickstand down, I hopped off and gave him a piece of my mind. He shrugged it off and drove away. There have been several these past couple of years that I was expecting or not expecting and able to avoid and not really worth mentioning.

Watch your back, watch your front, watch your sides, watch the sky. Practice, practice, practice. Take the courses and be ready.

Crashed my Duc ST2 about 3 yrs ago. Deer didnt see me coming I guess. A totaled bike and a broken neck was my outcome. But now I have my Busa:)
Dropped Elenor two times now... smile.gif

...NO major damage, jus some scratches... but what the heck ... it counts blush.gif
On dirt bikes, as a kid, I had tooooo many to count. On street bikes, other than the ones at motor officer training (They push you until you do crash, many many many times), I have been able to dodge the bullet.

Now, if you take a poll on close calls, well, you don't have enough paper for me to write that down....
No crashes.....I won't say I am perfect or have SUPERB reflexes, I think mostly it is being VERY careful and keeping a sensible head on when I am on the bike.....oh, and having a good eye for spotting idiots, drunks, people on cell phones, etc helps too...especially in L.A.

However.....dropped it once unloading out of my 4x4 truck (was by myself...I know....stupid! Didn't have any fairings at the time, so no scratches!)...another time while trying to turn around on a steep hill, dropped it....well...lowered it slowly, gently and unintentionally to the ground.....few scratches on the inspection panel.
No crashes.....I won't say I am perfect or have SUPERB reflexes, I think mostly it is being VERY careful and keeping a sensible head on when I am on the bike.....oh, and having a good eye for spotting idiots, drunks, people on cell phones, etc helps too...especially in L.A.  

However.....dropped it once unloading out of my 4x4 truck (was by myself...I know....stupid! Didn't have any fairings at the time, so no scratches!)...another time while trying to turn around on a steep hill, dropped it....well...lowered it slowly, gently and unintentionally to the ground.....few scratches on the inspection panel.
So that would be two for you tounge.gif
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