How many times have you gone down?

How many times?

  • Never

    Votes: 59 27.8%
  • 1-3

    Votes: 121 57.1%
  • 3-5

    Votes: 18 8.5%
  • To many times

    Votes: 14 6.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Thinking about going down was too many... Unfortunately I've been down even more than that...

Countless times off-road...
Once on my first bike, 3 days after getting it - 1982 - 73 Suzi GT-550
Once on my GS-550E - 1984
Once on my Kaw CSR-650 - 1988 - head-on with a '86 Pontiac Grand Ville - Ouch! 3 weeks after my wedding, too...
Twice on the ST-1300 - 2005 and 2007... first of those was pretty big...

Even have a video about that big 2005 crash...

- CrashTestDannyTestimony[/URL]
:rofl: and 1 REALLY REALLY Close call at bash.... I will never forget that feeble little squeek of a request.... "help?" sounded like a mouse...

you were on that hill and got one leg on the lowside and you were on your way over.. I grabbed your jacket long enough for someone else to push us both back upright... I still have dreams about that one... :laugh:
:rofl: and 1 REALLY REALLY Close call at bash.... I will never forget that feeble little squeek of a request.... "help?" sounded like a mouse...

you were on that hill and got one leg on the lowside and you were on your way over.. I grabbed your jacket long enough for someone else to push us both back upright... I still have dreams about that one... :laugh:

Oh man - I remember that close call. As I recall, there were 2-3 who were helping to keep us from going over... But I couldn't for the life of me remember who they were... Just a gang of anonymous HEROS. Thanks to all of y'all! And thanks Mr. Bogus for the reminder.
Oh man - I remember that close call. As I recall, there were 2-3 who were helping to keep us from going over... But I couldn't for the life of me remember who they were... Just a gang of anonymous HEROS. Thanks to all of y'all! And thanks Mr. Bogus for the reminder.
I was the first guy to grab you... I was a bit off balance and could only hang on ... I think that James (twotonevert) may have been the one that gave us the nudge back.. :laugh: how helpless was that feeling.. ahh guys? little help? :rofl:
Down twice, not including dirt. Knocked off by a cage in 72 on my 3 day old brand new CB-750, and cut-off by a cage without warning on my CBX in 86. Neither my fault.
To many times to count but I was 5 on a dirt bike and giving it heck! :laugh:
Never on a Street bike, so far that is and knocking on wood as we speak.
1 time on the Busa rider error( bad launch didn't back off it an tried to ride it out through the gears dip in the road helped seal my fate) :laugh: FAILED
7 more times on other bikes in the 24 year riding career. 2 were hit an runs they hit me an ran cause accident was there fault. 1 of those two had to actually back up an hit my carcass again that was still on the floor to flee the scene. 3 low speed accidents that were cager errors that actually stopped to see if I was alive. No injuries

2 more accidents that were mechanical failures on the bike, one time I lost the brakes found that out at about 70 mph and another the rear wheel locked up at about the same speed, pulled clutch an didn't free the wheel so rode it out ran out of road an slid out from under me at about 20 mph in the grass
I got taken out once by a 55 Gal Construction beacon hurled at me by a cell phone ignorant bastid that drove away :moon:
I was the first guy to grab you... I was a bit off balance and could only hang on ... I think that James (twotonevert) may have been the one that gave us the nudge back.. :laugh: how helpless was that feeling.. ahh guys? little help? :rofl:

By the way, in case I haven't mentioned it here... I don't do that anymore...
i had a 79' kz 1000 it had a seperate fork lock i forgot that i had locked it turned ignition on w/out turning bars striaght kicked into first let clutch out bike was looking to go left iwas looking to go straight we soon parted company--needless to say i never used fork lock agian
I went down twice in the last 2 weeks....coming into a curve I met a car in my lane and took a little off road adventure, landed the bike on a dirt berm. Second was totally my fault, used rear brake, it locked up and I rode it out....Hit right side of bike into a big rock...ouch
2nd day of ever riding... Rode my Busa w/ a bald back tire, got caught in the rain. Took a 5 way intersection the wrong way, went off the road and slid on wet grass and finally landed ontop of one of many railroad ties this guy had layin all around his house instead of fencing. My hip smashed into the tie and was black and blue that's it.
I went down a couple of times on my first bike, a kawi 250 ninja. I was 15 had my temps at the time. It was inexperience. I've owned a few bikes since then and haven't put one down since then.
Those were good learning experiences and I'm glad I wasnt one of those guys who bought a busa for a first bike.
Only 2 kinds or riders ...................

Those that have been down and those that are going down again :beerchug:

Otherwise you aren't trying hard enough ....:laugh:
I voted too many times. You didn't specify whether it was on the busa or not.

I've crashed my dirtbike more times than I can count. Even got hit my a car going 60mph when I was 16 years old. I was on the gravel and man did I have rash all over my back and arms..... gravel embedded in the skin.

Never been down on a streetbike and would like to keep it that way. :thumbsup:
Lowsided my moped when I was fourteen. Ripped my jeans, rashed up my knee, and bent the footpeg. I was racing another kid on a moped. The only way you could win on those things was to outbrake someone.

Hit an old man in a car who ran a yield sign in front of me when I was 17 (1972 CB175)...not injured, just sore for a few days afterward.

Dropped my 1984 Honda Nighthawk at a stop sign one morning while racing to work when I was 22 or so...locked up the front brake. No one around to see, and no damage to me or the bike.

There are some truly wicked back roads around where I live now. I suspect it's just a matter of time before I misjudge something and run out of ability to correct.
:thumbsup: 3/11/08 high side, woke in the woods with rib cage in my lung. helicopter ride to jackson general. now its a drag bike. ride the vtx on the street now
3 times in parking lots/ garages/ Phillips HILL.. (dammmm my short legs!)

1 time at the drag strip...

I :please: thank God he's kept me on 2 wheels on public streets.