Thinking about going down was too many... Unfortunately I've been down even more than that...
Countless times off-road...
Once on my first bike, 3 days after getting it - 1982 - 73 Suzi GT-550
Once on my GS-550E - 1984
Once on my Kaw CSR-650 - 1988 - head-on with a '86 Pontiac Grand Ville - Ouch! 3 weeks after my wedding, too...
Twice on the ST-1300 - 2005 and 2007... first of those was pretty big...
Even have a video about that big 2005 crash...
[URL="- CrashTestDannyTestimony[/URL]

you were on that hill and got one leg on the lowside and you were on your way over.. I grabbed your jacket long enough for someone else to push us both back upright... I still have dreams about that one...