How off do you think the speedo's are at that speed? Can you send a link to a GPS unit that will give you an accurate measurement?Speedo's lie, so you better be using GPS.
just about ANY GPS made within the past few years will suffice. low end models start near 100.00 retail ..... less on eBay.How off do you think the speedo's are at that speed? Can you send a link to a GPS unit that will give you an accurate measurement?Speedo's lie, so you better be using GPS.
Hey Chris there was a thread around here a year ago or so that had some rough numbers. Any GPS will work but Shortboarder has the best set up Ive seen.How off do you think the speedo's are at that speed? Can you send a link to a GPS unit that will give you an accurate measurement?Speedo's lie, so you better be using GPS.
Yes. You just need to make or purchase a stand to mount a GPS unit.Are GPS's easy to install?
Which is faster, your busa or the Mustang? I can't imagine a car would be faster than a Hayabusa?bike.....buried the 185 speedo w/ no gps......
stang.....195 gps verified....1300rwhp....scary as hell because it's a drag setup.......ran outta gear also
the car has been 8.40's @ 165+Which is faster, your busa or the Mustang? I can't imagine a car would be faster than a Hayabusa?bike.....buried the 185 speedo w/ no gps......
stang.....195 gps verified....1300rwhp....scary as hell because it's a drag setup.......ran outta gear also
dunno bout that one....even with 1300HP ... a stang just doesn't have the aeros for the 185 speedo w/ no gps......
stang.....195 gps verified....1300rwhp....scary as hell because it's a drag setup.......ran outta gear also
when I say drag setup, I mean just the suspension.....I have friends who have stangs that run low 7's in the 1/4 @ 190-195, so dont say a stang isnt aero.equipped to do so.dunno bout that one....even with 1300HP ... a stang just doesn't have the aeros for the 185 speedo w/ no gps......
stang.....195 gps verified....1300rwhp....scary as hell because it's a drag setup.......ran outta gear also
plus if it's a drag setup to run 8.40s in the 1/4 ....then it likely has something like 4.70 gears. where with about a 6~7K rpm would never see much over 150....unless that mustang has a 12K redline?
to run would need somewhere around 2.50 gears... because you are looking at bonneville speeds for street cars.
you said you ran out of gear?