How many times have you gone down?

How many times?

  • Never

    Votes: 59 27.8%
  • 1-3

    Votes: 121 57.1%
  • 3-5

    Votes: 18 8.5%
  • To many times

    Votes: 14 6.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I have also noticed that many people that crash one time, are also the guys that crash the 2nd and 3rd times too... Guess it is like people that crash cars... same people seem to always be at the body shop...

Lets hope that isn't true, im alway aware of my surroundings, and ride with in my limits, I was just very unlucky that day:banghead:, and i hope to not have that happen again.
Ive been down from things as simple as foot slipping at a stop sign to being flat retarded. Worst that has happened cost me a bike and broken shoulder.

I do believe everyone either has or will go down... I just hope and pray that when or if it happens whoever it is, is alright. A bike can always be replaced the person riding cannot be.
The best riders on the street go down. I dont care what anyone says, it can and will happen.
once on my cb350. Once on my 1st 02 1k. Then again on my second one. And once on a 84 Honda goldwing!!!

The cb350 was due to a box coming out a cargo truck that hit me at 60mph. The 1st 02 1 k was due to oil in the road from a car that lost a oil drain plug. The 2nd 02 1k was from anti freeze from a car that over heated at the light when making a left turn. And the last one was from the old goldwings front left caliper locking up unexpectantly!!!! No more if I can help it!!!! I have had a few high sides that were saved.....lucky me!!!
Let's remember that your environment, riding conditions, annual mileage, and experience have a big bearing on whether you are likely to go down or not. If you ride daily with poor road conditions or in a lot of traffic with plenty of intersections then the odds go up. If you ride once a month out on the highway then you are very unlikely to dump it. As we all know there are lots of bikes out there that spend most of their time being polished in the driveway/garage and have very, very low kms. Not saying that the folks who haven't dumped yet are not regular riders but sheot happens out there no matter how experienced and skilled you might be.....remember....many roadracers don't even ride streetbikes because they think it is too dangerous.:whistle:
2003 day before christmas. Made a right turn from a light got into middle lane in the middle of changing gears and 18 year old crossed into my line of path. didn't even see it coming. Two weeks in the hospital one week in rehab hospital. That accident cause me my retirement from the Marines. Got a Medical Discharge after 14 years of service. That sucks. Went down again about five months ago. My fault! road was cold and my tires wasn't warmed up
So do you belive the saying "theres those that have gone down and theres those that will go down" or not?

There is a risk associated with this sport.
That is what makes it fun, and why we do it.
The only way to 100% guarantee that you will not go down is to never get on a bike.
Even the best go down, so if you get on there is a risk you can go down.
Try and minimize it, but for sure realize it can happen to you.
The best riders on the street go down. I dont care what anyone says, it can and will happen.
and the best riders will usually fess up that they were pushing a bit too hard when it happened too...

I will never buy into the "WILL HAPPEN" thing, is nothing more than a self fulfilling prophecy..

So I suppose if a guy is going to believe that, may as well go throw your bike down right now and get it over with.. :) just don't do it near me... hate to get my paint scratched.. :rofl:
Only Silver Bullets can take a Lycan down...:laugh::laugh:

That and not watching a divit in the driveway on my R6:rofl:
Pebbles is still wondering how to answer this question huh Pebs?:poke::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I had just bought my friends 1985 Honda Intercepter and I was in the MSF course. As I was coming up the hill the SUV slammed on the brakes. I went to swerve around and there was a cop car coming down the hill so I had a choice, dump the bike or hit the car. I chose the earlier and totaled out the bike. I learned a valuable lesson about where to ride in traffic a lesson I would have been taught on Day 3 of the MSF course, too bad day three was scheduled for that weekend.
Been down a few times in the dirt. Once in a paved driveway, if that counts when I was 11. Still waiting to go down on the street tho.
"theres those that have gone down and theres those that will go down"

That's a load of Cra%!

Riding since 1963.... over 400,000 miles total.... never been down. And I don't ride easy. I know part of this is luck but I attribute it to a riding temperment and attitude that reinforces safe behavior.

Also, I've never been surprised by the blue-hair that pulls out in front of us. I'm allways looking for them. As for the dorks that turn left in front of us I'm riding... waiting for them to do it as well.

I see no reason to go down (perhaps I should reword that). Although I wil grant there are instances out of everyones control that will cause it.
Thinking about going down was too many... Unfortunately I've been down even more than that...

Countless times off-road...
Once on my first bike, 3 days after getting it - 1982 - 73 Suzi GT-550
Once on my GS-550E - 1984
Once on my Kaw CSR-650 - 1988 - head-on with a '86 Pontiac Grand Ville - Ouch! 3 weeks after my wedding, too...
Twice on the ST-1300 - 2005 and 2007... first of those was pretty big...

Even have a video about that big 2005 crash...

- CrashTestDannyTestimony[/url]