How many times have you gone down?

How many times?

  • Never

    Votes: 59 27.8%
  • 1-3

    Votes: 121 57.1%
  • 3-5

    Votes: 18 8.5%
  • To many times

    Votes: 14 6.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I was doin 90mph, the Jeep in front of me was doin 65mph. Nuff said. mangled my ZX11 and gave me more roadrash than I thought was possible, fortunatly no broken bones and nobody ran me over. put my 600 into a ditch, fell of my very fist bike in a corner, to much front brake. WOW! when I see it all writendown it makes me wonder how my Busa is still shiny side up:laugh: knock on wood
Went down after a woman decided to make a left turn in front of me, layed it down slid across the intersection, 04LE totalled I came away with a scraped up knee. Thank you Lord, you are good, all the time.
Aprillia Rally 50 - 1st fall (oil spill on the road) (inexperience to blame)
Yamaha XJ600n - 2nd fall (traffic light: green. Sexy woman on the left: hot. traffic light:red+opel corsa:stopped... brakes:non-existant...) (boobies to blame)
Yamaha XJ600n - 3rd fall (gravel on the road, under rain while approaching a roundabout a wee bit too fast...) (stupidity to blame)
Kawasaki ZZR600 - 4th fall (smashed against on the right side by a truck. Bike totalled. right arm run over by one the the wheels of said truck. (ugly pictures)) (not my fault)
I went down back in '04 on an '02 TL1000R. Most people think it was my fault, but I say that the cop should NOT have been chasing me....wait, maybe it was fault he was chasing me. Anyway, took an exit too fast and did about $4000 worth of damage. I got a scrape on the leg and a free ride to the police station. At least the cop wasn't a jerk. The moral of the story: "Don't run from the cops." :whistle:
Went down two years ago when an old lady turned out
I'm front of me. Low speed & had all my gear on bike was
Done though.
Posted via Mobile Device
i have gone doen twice. both times were'nt on my bike, but two of my brother (werdkat)'s bikes. the first tiem i was 19 i think and he had a Honda VTX1800 cruiser. He showed me how to operate it let me easily take it around our dads property. he told me not to get out of first gear......

i did, then tried to turn and i dumped it.......

right in front of him.:rofl::whistle:

The second time it was on his busa. I hadnt been on a bike since i dropped his. i think it had been 3 years or so. But i was again, cruising around our dad's property on it getting used to how different it turned, the clutch worked, etc, as opposed to the cruiser he had.

Went to take a turn, litterally with no gas, may 5-10 mph if that, didnt know how to work the clutch when taking a turn, felt the bike start to go over and i immediately put my leg down to catch it and myself, but the weight was too much for me to handle for the most part. i was able to easily set it down, on the side that the stator cover is on. i shut the bike off and tried to get it back up myself but to no avail. I calmly walked up and tried to tell jason what went down and see if he could help me pick it up, but all he heard was" busa" and "down" and flipped a damn lid:rofl: After a bit he was able to hear me out on what happened, i dont blame him, i probably would have done the same.

then there was one time my cruiser went down, but not me. I had just installed my ape hangers on my kawasaki Vulcan 900, and somehow i had blown the neutral safety switch. i would typically park my bike in neutral all the time then(before my brother again, taught me why you dont), and was at work. I pulled the bike into the paint shop b/c i had to grab something from my area, turned the bike off and set it up. went to get back on, thinking i was in neutral, crunk it back up and released the clutch and bike lunged forward(it hadnt kicked down to idle yet), iwas able to jump off and grab the bars and kill the gas, all the while it had laid on it side while i was grabbing the bars and nearly hit a car we had just got in primer:rofl:

young and dumb and not paying attention to the small things.
Off-road on dirt bikes ????.....COUNTLESS TIMES !!!! :laugh: Just call me "Superman", or "Mr. RAGDOLL"....... :oldcool:

On da' Busa.....NEVERRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........................:super:
Been down twice on the road, once turning into a parking lot through a sand patch where I lost my front end on my GS750ES and another time in a sharp left hander, again with sand/gravel on the road, this time on a GS750EF....sheered off a lot of stuff on the left side of the bike as well as the left side of my body! Full gear both times...soreness and rash and wallet damage only.
Well...once...sort of...I mean I am not sure you can say I went down, the bike kinda just fell over...:-(....I was at a stop sign behind another girl, and I thought she was going to go, cause she started to move, so I started to go...unfortunately...she stopped again...and so did I (too abruptly) little hobbit legs could not stabilize the bike, and the one little hobbit leg that I could get down hit gravel..and she fell over...:-(....very sad day, as she only had 350 miles...
T-shirt quote: " if you don't Limp, you ain't Sh!t"
I believe in "two kinds of riders. Those who have been down and those who will go down."
I've been down twice and luckily just bike damage. I think it gives you character!:poke:
I have had 2 cars pull out in front of me I hit broadside. Low sided in the rain on an enduro in college - (mud tires don't like the white stripe in the road) A few times on the track due to oil, & rider down in front of me, but I don't count those.
Not yet, hopefully never. I am cautious and semi well skilled. I prefer to enjoy it and live to ride another day. Sometimes I make mistakes but I do try to learn from them. Hopefully I can avoid getting hurt on a bike.
Almost 35 years in the saddle and last September I finally had a get-off at 50MPH outside of Quincy, CA. (patch of gravel I didn't see).
Destroyed my leathers and gixxer 1000; but it all worked out in the end, Statefarm totalled the bike and I immediately ordered the new busa! :whistle:

I'm just wonderin how many times you gone down on the bike if at all? how did it happen? I went down about two weeks ago my first time, i hit gravel in a curve. i didnt get hurt but my bike did a little. I was with five other guys, and i was kind of embaressed but they assured me that it happens to the best of us. So do you belive the saying "theres those that have gone down and theres those that will go down" or not?
that saying is crap... I can give you a list of riders that have been on bikes their entire lives and never gone down on the street.. Dirt bikes? whole nother story... they were made to crash :laugh:

I have 40 years on bikes and 30 some on the street.. Just about every ride I have ever been on could have been a crash.. I think if you stay aware and smart, your odds of survival go way up.. You the bike rider can prevent almost any crash no mater how stupid the car driver is.. There are things like "deer" that no matter how good you are, you are going to get clobbered.. Lucky I have not had that one yet..

I have had people pull out like they were aimed at me and I still got away without getting smashed...

I have also noticed that many people that crash one time, are also the guys that crash the 2nd and 3rd times too... Guess it is like people that crash cars... same people seem to always be at the body shop...
"How many times have you gone down? "

Thats just a question I wouldn't ask around a bunch of guys. :laugh:
It took twelve years, bu tit finally happened around the 1st of march. I was on the highway coming around a bend in the left hand lane. Coming along side a lady in a suv and after she look at me she decides to get over sharply. It was either hit her ar go off in the grass. I chose the grass and ended up laying it down. I was fine but as for the bike. Well, see for your self. luckily it was just cosmetic

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