How old are you?? What was your first bike?

You're a bunch of pups (except flrider)!  

Started at 13 on a Sears 50cc moped.
Evolved through these bikes: Some of my bikes
Been riding 47 years.
That would make my age...

Merry Xmas!
36 years young...

198something Honda Silver Wing (heavy beast!)...

20+ years you young bucks!

BTW - the busa is my third actually owned bike, second was a Kawa Concours.

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38 physically 16 mentally

Parents would never let me have a bike when I was a kid so I'm making up for it now.

450 Nighthawk
KZ 700
650 Nighthawk
750 Katana

2 decades riding.

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44; first bike was a home-made minibike at age 8. Many other MCs since then.  Been riding off and on since age 8.  Drag raced bikes (amature status) for a short stint while living in the St. Louis area (1980 - 81). That was too risky.

Happy now being an older fart with the neatest bike on the planet.  

I guess you could call me a Poser.  

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Another math quiz. I got my lisence and my first bike when I was 17. Been riding 34 years. I owned three bikes before I bought my first car.  

1965 Honda Sport 65
1971 Triumph Bonnieville
1975 Honda 750 Super Sport
1979 Honda CB/X
1976 Kawasaki 250 dirt
1999 Honda 900 Fireblade
2003 Black and Grey Hayabusa

Picture of my first bike 17 years old a new bike life was good.


Been riding since I was 18 but had a 10 year break 24 - 34 due to
finances and toasting myself in a bike accident

Honda XR200
Yamaha IT250
Yamaha RD250LC
Honda VFR750
Kawasaki ZZR1100
Suzuki GSXR1100
Suzuki Hayabusa ( the best, by far )

What? No first timers?

Ok, I'll go...

I'm 18

First bike: 1999 GSX-1300R

Bikes owned: 1999 GSX-1300R

3 years riding experience. Started when I was 24... Uhh, I mean 15.

Yeeeah... Heh. Heh. Heh.
34 years old

Kawasaki ae50cc ( when 16 as can only ride 50's in the uk at that age )
Honda MTX125 - 2 of these
CBR600 fx 1999
Hayabusa copper colour 1999
Hayabusa Black SE 2003

Plus loads of motorcross bikes in between
32 years old, First street bike in 1992 while in College, Katana 750, must have been a 1991 or 92.

Grew up on Dirt bikes since I was just a pup.
my first bike was a birthday gift given to me by my father, a schwinn "sting ray", 3sp automatic with console shifter, matallic green, chrome rims with whitewall tires, chrome ape hanger bars(sting ray bars), front/real caliper brakes, and a pearl white bannana seat with a 20" chrome sissy bar... a bike pee wee himself would be envious of!

I wish I had that beauty today, prolly worth a mint! that was the first bike I ever rode a wheelie on, think I was in the 4th grade? so that was um, uh, a long time ago, dont have a calculater, over 30 yrs I beleive...
26 years old, 9 years experience
first bike zx6r, cbr 6, zx 7r, 916, and then a 1998 R1, still own, and busa
okay, im 27, my first bike is my 2001 blue / silver hayabusa
this is my first year riding street
mostly just fooling around with dirt before this
I'm 34 yrs,1 st bike Yamaha chappy,Honda C90,Yam SR125,Honda NSR250 (yeah)   All in Sri Lanka .Then came to U.S. Bought  92 Yamaha FZR1000, 97 Yamaha YZF1000, 03 Hayababa(Happy Now) 15 yrs exp

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31, riding for just under 9 years now.

1995 GS 500>>1993 ZX-7>>40th Anniv Busa (awaiting delivery - maybe by Christmas!!!)
43, feel like 25, act like 15.

First bike 14 years ago was a GS500e.
Then a '92 GSXR (got stold) then a '93 GSXR, put 73k miles on it and then got the 'Busa.
39... for another month~ First bike was a Suzuki TM75 dirt bike~ I was 12 at the time and tore the hell outta the lettuce fields in Cali~ Then I rode a 400 Bultaco for a bit in my early teens~ First street bike was an old Kawi, couldn't even tell ya what year it was~ It was the KZ model though~ Grew up around the Hogs.. my Pop was a 1%er since I could remember~ He disowned me when I got my first "crotch rocket"! Now I've got my Kat and workin towards a Busa~ Gonna keep the Kat for my wife, though~  
It's no wonder you people all get great insurance rates when that question is popped on the board :P