How to watch the 2023 Isle of Man TT races this year

Congratulations to Hickman, he did it again :bowdown:
Respect for these guys.
This was an insane edition with exeptional weather conditions.
For this kind of races, proves that a superstock sometimes is better then a superbike with all it’s power to handle. Even Josh Brookes did his senior TT with a superstock.
Heard the primary reason Hickman opted to ride his Superbike was the single sided swingarm to help with the pit stops. They had been chasing chassis problems on the superbike all week long and finally got it sorted at the 11th hour. To great effect also!
Think about practice laps, qualifying and the races and add up all those laps. Each rider had to have done close to 500 miles or more at speed? The senior race alone was 227~ miles. There were only 1-2 crashes and 1 fatality sadly. But for it to work out to be that ‘safe’ after all that is amazing. Testament to their skill.
Racing out in the countryside must be thrilling but thru the city streets at speed? What a rush that has to be. And the jumps, one or two with just one wheel up and then one with two wheels up! Actually flying!