How will you vote? Will you vote?

How will you vote? Will you vote? -

  • 1. McCain

    Votes: 119 100.0%

  • Total voters
If voting made any difference, they'd outlaw it.
Can anyone tell me why everyone is saying Obama will not salute the American Flag??

I refuse to vote this election because I don't want to see either of these LOSERS ruin our great country.



AM -->
BUSA_CHeMiST @ Aug. 05 2008 said:
1498316[/ATTACH] AM]
I guess you guns is more important then anything else, huh?

McCain, Bush, Big happy family.
Yeah, this isn't liberally biased huh...
Those are facts.. I guess they could be liberally biased too.

   * 1991 - **** Cheney, during the first Gulf war begins to privatize the military and hires an oil servicing company called Halliburton to take on random duties such as feeding troops. The are paid millions of dollars to research a privatization of the military plan.
   * 1995 - **** Cheney is appointed CEO of Halliburton.
   * 1998 - **** Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, & Paul Wolfowiz participate in a think tank that concludes that we need to invade Iraq to lock up oil for the 21st Century. Letter is sent to then President Clinton asking him to do as much. Think tank concludes in their document titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses" (link) that there would need to be a "new Pearl Harbor" to allow a political climate to invade Iraq.
   * **** Cheney receives $20 million for quitting his job as CEO. Has received $12 million in pay and $39 million in stock options over his 5 year reign. Stock will go up 10x in the eight years to come.
   * 2000 - Oil at $11 dollars a barrel.
   * 2000 - Bush Claims election; Cheney sets up team to determine who will serve in the cabinet including Rumsfeld. Tries to get Wolfowiz in as CIA chief which is rebuked.  Wolfowicz is instead set up as Rumsfeld's Defense Secretary and puts together a plan for war.  Florida recount halted as it neared completion, Bush "wins" election despite less votes in nation and Florida.
   * 2000 - Cheney sets up shadow CIA office, meant to question the CIA's actual analysis.   They were fixing evidence to go to war with Iraq even before 9/11 according to 2 cabinet members (Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil & Terrorism Czar Richard Clarke).
   * 2001 - Clarke says all evidence points to an upcoming attack and pleads with Condi Rice for a meeting with the President. Unable to get one as Bush has downgraded the Terrorism Czar to a non-cabinet level position. Clarke told that he's worrying too much about Al Quaida.
   * 2001 - Richard Clarke explains to Bush that Iraq is not involved with the 9/11 attack and that the attack came from Al Quaida; Bush tries to intimidate Clarke into giving him an answer that Iraq and the attacks were linked.
   * 2002 - Bush nominates Joseph Smitz to become the Defense Department's inspector general.  77 Companies are awarded, by Smitz, $42 Billion in contracts as of 2005.
   * 2002 - Bush gives state of nation speech detailing Iraq's attempts to obtain nuclear weapons (yellowcake) despite the CIA scratching that from his speech due to it being false. Ambassador Joe Wilson writes an article detailing that this was a false statement after going to Africa to look into the assertion. Wilson's Wife, a CIA agent, has her secret identity as an agent outed by several in the White House in retaliation for publicly going against the War effort"¦Plames' overseas contacts are jeopardized. Bush vows to fire anyone involved. (update: Cheney, Rove, and Scooter Libby were involved. Libby goes to jail for lying to grand jury. Noone is fired, Libby serves no time when Bush commutes sentence.)
   * 2003 - The White House "mistakenly" reported tubes that were no stronger than bicycle seat aluminum, were actually nuclear tubes to put increased fear into the public.
   * 2003 - Bush invades Iraq
   * 2003 - Halliburton gets whistle blown on them for receiving $1.4 Billion in no bid contracts to build bases, feeding troops, and providing logistics to search for Weapons of Mass destruction.
   * 2005 - Halliburton Whistleblower is demoted & then fired.
   * 2004 - "Downing Street Memo" leaked from England. 2002 top secret memo from a British security meeting saying that Great Britain needed to prepare for war because the U.S. was fixing evidence around the policy to go to war.
   * 2004 - Blackwater donates hundreds of thousands George W. Bush's re-election campain. T. Boone Pickens funds the Swift Boat Veterans for "truth" who lie about John Kerry's war record.
   * 2005 - Joseph Smitz resigns after being accused of interfering with criminal investigations about inappropriately awarded contracts.  Mr. Smitz's job at the DoD was to oversee contracts with a mandate to prevent waste, fraud and abuse in the Pentagon.
   * 2005 - Joseph Smitz takes the job as the CEO at the Prince Group, Blackwater's Parent Company.
   * 2006 - Mercenary soldiers company, Blackwater, kills 11 innocent Iraqis in the streets of Baghdad. No criminal charges are filed as they have immunity signed into law by the new US run government in Iraq the day before the war started. U.S. Troops enjoy no such immunity.
   * 2007 - 1/10 soldiers in Iraq and 1/3 of war spending goes to contractors in Iraq. In the first Gulf War, the number was 1/100.
   * 2007 - Annual contract with Blackwater reaches $500 million.  In 2001 it was $1 million.  Awarded a narcoterrorism contract that could be worth $15 Billion & made $73 million for Katrina related security.
   * 2008 - Halliburton under investigation for: Overcharging the government by billions of dollars, missing cash, building showers that electrocute soldiers who use them. Eleven troops have died in Halliburton built showers. No oil found in shower drains drilled by Oil Servicer Halliburton or their spinoff company KBR.
   * 2008 - Halliburton stock 1000% higher than late 2001.
   * 2008 - U.S. stock market is stagnant compared to 2001.
   * 2008 - T. Boone Pickens has used wealth from Oil to buy up West Texas land with water supply and is building wind farms, to corner the energy and water supply markets once his current product has is dry in the well and has polluted enough to drive up world temperatures and dry up water supplies.
   * 2008 - Oil sniffs $150 per barrel. Cost to drill for oil is largely unchanged. By default, oil revenue is up 1000-1500% since 2000.
   * 2008 - Exxon and three other companies receive no bid contracts to Iraqi Oil fields previously held by Russia and China under the Sadam leadership.
   * 2008 - Exxon brings in a profit of $83,000 per minute. (update:  $88,000/minute"¦and growing)
I tried to read this crap but when I got to

IN 2000 OIL WAS $11 A BARREL..............I HAD TO STOP.

You say Obama is a US citizen...why doesnt he show it and stand with hand over heart during "pledge of allegiance". He's about as American as Stalin. it's stupid to think you can win presidency without saying "pledge".

He lied to Canada and US citizens when he made comment about fair trade agreement, he told Canada "it was political manuevering".

I'm voting Captain for presidency. Look what he did with the Org.
You say Obama is a US citizen...why doesnt he show it and stand with hand over heart during "pledge of allegiance". He's about as American as Stalin. it's stupid to think you can win presidency without saying "pledge".

He lied to Canada and US citizens when he made comment about fair trade agreement, he told Canada "it was political manuevering".

I'm voting Captain for presidency. Look what he did with the Org.
+1, i'll vote for Captain!
You say Obama is a US citizen...why doesnt he show it and stand with hand over heart during "pledge of allegiance". He's about as American as Stalin. it's stupid to think you can win presidency without saying "pledge".

He lied to Canada and US citizens when he made comment about fair trade agreement, he told Canada "it was political manuevering".

I'm voting Captain for presidency. Look what he did with the Org.

Barack Obama: No Hand on Heart During National Anthem?
Tuesday October 30, 2007

A couple dozen folks have forwarded me a photo showing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama neglecting to place his hand over his heart during the national anthem at Senator Tom Harkin's Steak Fry event on September 16 in Indianola, Iowa.

The accompanying email text reads:

Barack Hussein Obama's photo (that's his real name)... the article said he REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE PLEDGE... how in the hell can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief?

The photo, taken by Danny Frazier Wilcox for Time magazine, is authentic. An ABC News video confirms that the picture was snapped during a rendition of the national anthem.

The claim that Obama "refused to say the Pledge" at the event is unsubstantiated. There is no record of the senator refusing to do so on any other occasion, and there are photographs and videos showing Obama reciting the Pledge at various events.

The implication, obviously, is that failing to display the proper hand-over-heart etiquette proves Obama is unpatriotic and therefore unfit to hold the office of president. Some have even speculated that it was an intentional gesture of dissent on the candidate's part, to which an Obama spokesperson replied on Inside Edition, "Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't [put his hand on his heart]. In no way was he making any sort of statement, and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous."

Not that it will make a difference to some, but Obama's campaign was quick to supply photos of Obama properly saluting the flag on other occasions which can be viewed at
I think you presented really good information. Not putting your hand over your heart during the national anthem is antagonistic in my opinion. Not doing so during the pledge of allegiance is optional because of the added phrase "under God."
That was added in the 50s, and it obviously referred to a Christian god. Some people might have another god, and some might have none.

If he can't show respect for the national anthem, maybe he should be president somewhere else.
AM -->
BUSA_CHeMiST @ Aug. 05 2008 said:
1501424[/ATTACH] AM]
I guess you guns is more important then anything else, huh?

McCain, Bush, Big happy family.
Yeah, this isn't liberally biased huh...
Those are facts.. I guess they could be liberally biased too.

   * 1991 - **** Cheney, during the first Gulf war begins to privatize the military and hires an oil servicing company called Halliburton to take on random duties such as feeding troops. The are paid millions of dollars to research a privatization of the military plan.
   * 1995 - **** Cheney is appointed CEO of Halliburton.
   * 1998 - **** Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, & Paul Wolfowiz participate in a think tank that concludes that we need to invade Iraq to lock up oil for the 21st Century. Letter is sent to then President Clinton asking him to do as much. Think tank concludes in their document titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses" (link) that there would need to be a "new Pearl Harbor" to allow a political climate to invade Iraq.
   * **** Cheney receives $20 million for quitting his job as CEO. Has received $12 million in pay and $39 million in stock options over his 5 year reign. Stock will go up 10x in the eight years to come.
   * 2000 - Oil at $11 dollars a barrel.
   * 2000 - Bush Claims election; Cheney sets up team to determine who will serve in the cabinet including Rumsfeld. Tries to get Wolfowiz in as CIA chief which is rebuked.  Wolfowicz is instead set up as Rumsfeld's Defense Secretary and puts together a plan for war.  Florida recount halted as it neared completion, Bush "wins" election despite less votes in nation and Florida.
   * 2000 - Cheney sets up shadow CIA office, meant to question the CIA's actual analysis.   They were fixing evidence to go to war with Iraq even before 9/11 according to 2 cabinet members (Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil & Terrorism Czar Richard Clarke).
   * 2001 - Clarke says all evidence points to an upcoming attack and pleads with Condi Rice for a meeting with the President. Unable to get one as Bush has downgraded the Terrorism Czar to a non-cabinet level position. Clarke told that he's worrying too much about Al Quaida.
   * 2001 - Richard Clarke explains to Bush that Iraq is not involved with the 9/11 attack and that the attack came from Al Quaida; Bush tries to intimidate Clarke into giving him an answer that Iraq and the attacks were linked.
   * 2002 - Bush nominates Joseph Smitz to become the Defense Department's inspector general.  77 Companies are awarded, by Smitz, $42 Billion in contracts as of 2005.
   * 2002 - Bush gives state of nation speech detailing Iraq's attempts to obtain nuclear weapons (yellowcake) despite the CIA scratching that from his speech due to it being false. Ambassador Joe Wilson writes an article detailing that this was a false statement after going to Africa to look into the assertion. Wilson's Wife, a CIA agent, has her secret identity as an agent outed by several in the White House in retaliation for publicly going against the War effort"¦Plames' overseas contacts are jeopardized. Bush vows to fire anyone involved. (update: Cheney, Rove, and Scooter Libby were involved. Libby goes to jail for lying to grand jury. Noone is fired, Libby serves no time when Bush commutes sentence.)
   * 2003 - The White House "mistakenly" reported tubes that were no stronger than bicycle seat aluminum, were actually nuclear tubes to put increased fear into the public.
   * 2003 - Bush invades Iraq
   * 2003 - Halliburton gets whistle blown on them for receiving $1.4 Billion in no bid contracts to build bases, feeding troops, and providing logistics to search for Weapons of Mass destruction.
   * 2005 - Halliburton Whistleblower is demoted & then fired.
   * 2004 - "Downing Street Memo" leaked from England. 2002 top secret memo from a British security meeting saying that Great Britain needed to prepare for war because the U.S. was fixing evidence around the policy to go to war.
   * 2004 - Blackwater donates hundreds of thousands George W. Bush's re-election campain. T. Boone Pickens funds the Swift Boat Veterans for "truth" who lie about John Kerry's war record.
   * 2005 - Joseph Smitz resigns after being accused of interfering with criminal investigations about inappropriately awarded contracts.  Mr. Smitz's job at the DoD was to oversee contracts with a mandate to prevent waste, fraud and abuse in the Pentagon.
   * 2005 - Joseph Smitz takes the job as the CEO at the Prince Group, Blackwater's Parent Company.
   * 2006 - Mercenary soldiers company, Blackwater, kills 11 innocent Iraqis in the streets of Baghdad. No criminal charges are filed as they have immunity signed into law by the new US run government in Iraq the day before the war started. U.S. Troops enjoy no such immunity.
   * 2007 - 1/10 soldiers in Iraq and 1/3 of war spending goes to contractors in Iraq. In the first Gulf War, the number was 1/100.
   * 2007 - Annual contract with Blackwater reaches $500 million.  In 2001 it was $1 million.  Awarded a narcoterrorism contract that could be worth $15 Billion & made $73 million for Katrina related security.
   * 2008 - Halliburton under investigation for: Overcharging the government by billions of dollars, missing cash, building showers that electrocute soldiers who use them. Eleven troops have died in Halliburton built showers. No oil found in shower drains drilled by Oil Servicer Halliburton or their spinoff company KBR.
   * 2008 - Halliburton stock 1000% higher than late 2001.
   * 2008 - U.S. stock market is stagnant compared to 2001.
   * 2008 - T. Boone Pickens has used wealth from Oil to buy up West Texas land with water supply and is building wind farms, to corner the energy and water supply markets once his current product has is dry in the well and has polluted enough to drive up world temperatures and dry up water supplies.
   * 2008 - Oil sniffs $150 per barrel. Cost to drill for oil is largely unchanged. By default, oil revenue is up 1000-1500% since 2000.
   * 2008 - Exxon and three other companies receive no bid contracts to Iraqi Oil fields previously held by Russia and China under the Sadam leadership.
   * 2008 - Exxon brings in a profit of $83,000 per minute. (update:  $88,000/minute"¦and growing)
I tried to read this crap but when I got to

IN 2000 OIL WAS $11 A BARREL..............I HAD TO STOP.
I don't remember oil being $11 a barrel...


To much Micheal Moore, course ANY micheal moore is to much micheal moore

September 8, 2000-8

Copyright © 2001 Earth Policy Institute

OPEC Has World Over a Barrel Again
Lester R. Brown

On Thursday, September 7, oil prices on the spot market climbed to $35.39 per barrel, their highest since November 1990, just before the Gulf War. This latest oil price escalation not only threatens a worldwide recession, it also marks another adverse shift in the international terms of trade for the United States, one that will widen further the already huge trade deficit.



I will say this though...our government is not ours or for us. Just the fact that those a-holes TOOK A 5 WEEK BREAK before voting on an engery bill. Must be nice to take a 5 week break huh?

This country is in serious need of a revolution.  

Our country is run by millionaires who are so far removed from real life and the needs of us, there only concern is their own interests.

The revolution should start at Exxon, then Shell, etc...winding up in Wash...or vice versa.

Benevilant Dictator anyone...heck I'd take ted nugent
I will say this though...our government is not ours or for us. Just the fact that those a-holes TOOK A 5 WEEK BREAK before voting on an engery bill. Must be nice to take a 5 week break huh?

This country is in serious need of a revolution.

Our country is run by millionaires who are so far removed from real life and the needs of us, there only concern is their own interests.

The revolution should start at Exxon, then Shell, etc...winding up in Wash...or vice versa.

Benevilant Dictator anyone...heck I'd take ted nugent
I agree. The whole political system is screwed up. What you are really voting for is which group of lobbyists you want. The control starts when each party selects which candidate you get to vote for.

I absolutely despise Bush. With him, it is "I'll do what I damn well please, and if you don't like, kiss my azz." Corporate America owns this guy. I think McCain would be in bed with the same people Bush is. He just knows better than to go near those subjects.

But then who knows what Obama's agenda really is? He is a slick talker. Can he actually do anything if he gets elected?