How long did you have to wait to vote ?

I didn't wait at all. Got there around 12:30 and there were only two of us in line. Glad I'm off today.
Will vote late afternoon.
Very proud, first time ever I get to vote in the USA. :-)
Posted via Mobile Device
went at noon today only one other person there besides me voting, in/out under 5
Wonder if we will ever get to a SECURE way to vote on line. we have become a lazy ass society anyway. So it could be a drive thru way of voting will little effort.

I hope we NEVER vote on line. If anyone is TOOOOOOO LAZY to go vote, then DON'T COMPLAIN about what happens. Infact, I think ALL BALLOTS should be on paper with fill in the Arrows for your choice. Then, there would be no doubt how you voted. We have sample ballots in the paper, so, people should already know how to vote when they arrive. Of course that takes fore thought and a little bit of effort on the voters part, which this country seems to be lacking.

Kinda like the girl who was ask by Lano; How many stars are on that American Flag (he was pointing at it) . Her answer, well if the wind would quit blowing, I could count them :oops:

And this person can vote :down:
I sent mine via military absentee voting three weeks ago. FWIW, KS still has fill in the dot, and we had four amendments to vote for as well.
Just a few minutes for me too. Went in around 2:45 on my way home from work (polling place is right off the highway on my commute route). Showed my card, signed the sheet, got my ballot, filled in the arrows, and stuck it in the machine. Mine was ballot number 490 for the day there.
NOW we wait.. for the results.
Straight in, 10 sec wait, voted & out under 5 min on the way to work ~7:15am. I just hope it worked out the way I want :laugh:
Our ballot was 3 pages long.

The entire 2nd page was for Justices for the CA Supreme Court. I like to think of myself as an educated voter, but honestly, I had no clue. I didn't anticipate this being there and I've seen no coverage of it anywhere.

Overall it took me about 10 minutes to read each item carefully, make sure I voted the proper yes/no, cause sometimes they misword them out here, mark the right circle then popped it into the machine to read it. There was 1 guy in front of me and 2 others voting when I went in at 6:45pm.
Voted 2 weeks ago.

And I guess despite spending $150 million dollars, you can't be Governor. :rofl:

Jerry Brown it is.
no wait...i am curious the percentage of registered actually voted