I am a hopeless motor head


Donating Member
It's a R975 Continental TANK engine..bought for 250.00 and sold for 1000.00.
To bad it was missing to many parts to get running....other wise i would have kept it to annoy my neihbors hahahaha. If your interested type in the name of it on youtube..the guy has one on a trailer....it makes beautiful sound...smoke and fire.... :laugh:..oh the one in the planter is running ..hahahaha


Ralph and the engine.jpg
wiow...thats cool. what would you use it for other then a tank?
Theres a pretty big group of old guy's that run um' at airshows and state fairs..they draw a pretty big crowd when they fire um' up....Mostly in England... merlin v-12 mustang engines...giant Pratt and whitney 4360 cubic inch 28 cyl radials etc...check um' out on youtube..thnx for asking
It's 9 cylinders...very low compression for a tank app....80 octane it will still run..used in US Sherman Tanks....I sold it to a company that restores old WWII vehicles....they were very happy they said when they got it....check out you tube vid's --pretty cool sounds these old engines :beerchug:
Thanks RSD.. yea alot of old guy's play with these...check out youtube...a lot of different ones running at airshows of in the garage etc... :laugh: