I Never Imagined - Now I am hopeless

Not sure what to say.....wish you the very best. Keep your head up. Keep knocking on doors....and keep trying, don't give up!


I know what to say.


We did it at Christmas and we sure the "HE!!" can do it now. If nothing more than a weeks groceries or help the utility bill I'm on!

Anyone else?

(you can't say no revvv-not accepted here)

I don't know if I have anything to put up but I'll bid.
Posted via Mobile Device
I'm sorry for what is happening. My prayers will be with you through this. Papa will see you thru, he always does, somehow, someway.

Just pray and ask God to guide you. Most importantly be willing to do or go wherever he leads you. Let every man evaluate himself. He is either waking you up or strengthening your faith, only you can answer that. PM me brother if you'd like to talk. My prayers are with you that you can see God's plan and strength through this.

I know you already know he's not going to give you more than you can handle. I'm going through a valley right now myself. He is providing for me every week and month though. Please call if you need to talk.
Where is your house located? Is a short sale out of the question instead of foreclosure? I am actually looking for a house in the area outside of Atlanta. Hit me back at mr.kyle.stanford@gmail.com and i'll send your stuff to my realtor to see if you can get your house out there instead of in foreclosure.
Keep the faith brother. God will not put any burdon on you that you can't handle.

AS for the hiring, we RIFed a few folks a couple of months ago and are currently in a hiring freeze where I work. I'm sure there are alot of businesses in the same situation, nothing to do with your skills.
Call the local Bar Association, and see if they can hook you up with a pro bono attorney who may be able to speak with the bank to convince them that they're better off with an occupied--rather than empty--house. You may be able to get some time--maybe until you can find something steady. In the meantime, we can offer some help.
I wonder what happens to the people that lose their jobs, houses and everything else.
Some of these people might not have any where to go or people to stay with.
What happens to those people? Its pretty sad.
America, land of the free?
I don't think America is what it used to be. I am not sure if it ever will again.
Sorry to see this Revvv. Tough time stretch even the strongest of faith. I wish I could help, but things are a bit tight until after taxes is done. I'll know what I can contribute later this week.
Sorry to hear this. I live in the N ga area and the carpet mills are laying off people left and right. I keep my fingers crossed that Im not next. Just keep looking. best of luck.
I am so very sorry to hear you and your family are goin through this...things are very tuff around now a days...I have been layed off since November 3rd and havent been able to get so much as a interview either...except with Aflac and such angencies, but I am really not into the commision based only industries in todays times...as far as your home contact your local HUD counselor...you maybe eligible for some government programs in your area...here is the link to some counselors in the ATL

HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies

Also if your home is a FHA loan you may be eligible for the Hope for Homeowners Program under the FHA lender program. Try and contact your local congress...sometimes they are willing to intervine and assist in anyway they can...you sound like you have alot of fight in you...continue to fight, believe me they dont want another house...I know its hard and seems hopeless but try and exhaust all options before they take it

Here is a link where you can find federal government jobs

CPOL: Employment Index

believe me its can be very trying to get on with the fed government but there is some jobs in your area they are hiring for...also do a search and see if you kind find what agencies contract for the government in your area....keep praying, keep faith and keep fighting....there are alot of people in the same boat...we all just have to be willing to set ourselves apart from the ones who have given up.....you and your family will be in my prayers
Where is your house located? Is a short sale out of the question instead of foreclosure? I am actually looking for a house in the area outside of Atlanta. Hit me back at mr.kyle.stanford@gmail.com and i'll send your stuff to my realtor to see if you can get your house out there instead of in foreclosure.

My house is located in Lincolnton, GA. It's between Augusta and Athens.