I Never Imagined - Now I am hopeless

I'm sorry for what is happening. My prayers will be with you through this. Papa will see you thru, he always does, somehow, someway.


Sounds as if you have read "The Shack". If not, get a copy, it's a great read.
I know what to say.


We did it at Christmas and we sure the "HE!!" can do it now. If nothing more than a weeks groceries or help the utility bill I'm on!

Anyone else?

(you can't say no revvv-not accepted here)


I really don't feel that donations are needed. Don't get me wrong, I'm broke and my well of cash is dry. What I need is cash flow. I need a job guys. I am willing to work like everyone else. I want to provide funds for others, not take them.
Sorry to hear Revv, I'll keep my eyes open here as well, I know my we have a hiring freeze on the police dept. right now, don't know if you're intersted in LE, we have civilian jobs also. Keep your head up, bend but don't break. Said a prayer for you.
Revv, pls supply your paypal account. I know you're not interested in a hand-out but we're offering a hand-UP. Sometimes we all fall down and need a hand to help us up. Friends and family come first. You're both to us.
My prayers are w/ you in this time of need. You may try Texas, there is still quite a bit of activity & a large influx of people from California moving here for the same reason. I am in the car business & everyone is hurting here - don't try car sales, & I am afraid w/ the economy motorcycle sales won't be any better. If I can help let me know.
Sorry to hear Revv, I'll keep my eyes open here as well, I know my we have a hiring freeze on the police dept. right now, don't know if you're intersted in LE, we have civilian jobs also. Keep your head up, bend but don't break. Said a prayer for you.

Before I began serving in the ministry, I did police reserve work. Our Dept. isn't hiring right now either. If they were, I could have possibly had the opportunity to get on again.
Before I began serving in the ministry, I did police reserve work. Our Dept. isn't hiring right now either. If they were, I could have possibly had the opportunity to get on again.

LEOs in this area always seem to be hiring. Also there is an MSF rider Coach course happening at the end of this month.
i feel for you and i know how tough it is what you are going through. i am in car business for the last 10 years and we had the worst january sales we have had in our dealership, sales down 35%.
honda car manufacture has 90% loss profit last qtr.!
just keep positive attitude and hope for things to get better.
Revvv I'm so sorry to hear about this.. I believe this is a nightmare we all have. Most of us are only one tragedy away from your position.

As far as work... have you looked into going overseas for contracting positions? I know in MS/LA/AL they are hiring for off shore positions. I know it would suck being away from your family.. but you gotta do what you gotta do....

I'll be praying for ya...
I don't know what to say. It appears you have a real test of Faith ahead of you. I really don't know if I could handle things as well as you seem to be. I'll pray for you. An old pastor of mine would say, "Plod on Brother" when I would be discouraged, and that was good advice for me at the time so... "Plod on, Brother"....
One has no choice but to move forward. The only other option is to die, and I don't think my kids are exactly accepting of that idea though. I think they would dig me up and kill me again.

Honestly, if I didn't have kids, I would let the house go with no worries, file for bankruptcy, and say things suck. I would call my baby brother and live in his spare room.

However, I have a family, and I am a man of integrity. My kids will not see me lay down and give up. I will prevail, and I will rise to the top again. I have no idea how, but I know there is something out there somewhere.
I played in band in my early years. When I quit, I said I would never play again on stage. I never really stopped playing. I changed genres of music. I stopped playing in the bars and such.

Over the course of the past few weeks I have been placing myself out for auditions. I am willing to tour.
I am a pro level player. As a hobby I have done recording and session work. In fact, I have over 150 hours in the studio playing bass.

Just for kicks, if you want to know what I can do with a guitar and a bass, check out my myspace. Aaron on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Everything with the exception of the drums tracks were played by me.
Revvv, Check and see if the IRS has a facility near you in Atlanta. The IRS is ALWAYS looking for people this time of year. My be short term, but it could give you some income while you look for steady work. If you were in Kansas City, I would get you hired to sell motorcycles. Our business is outstanding, in fact we are going to remodel and expand. I know you have experience with Harleys, but in the midwest HD business is way off, while the strong well established Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha and Suzuki dealers are doing well for the most part. I will talk to my owner and see if he knows a store owner near you who may need some sales help. Now, with that said, please post up your paypal addy so those of us who are in a position to help you some with immediate needs can do so. Please allow us to do a little something for a member that is like family to many of us.:thumbsup:
Depending on the salary, I can go to Kansas City. I would have to live in a hotel for a few weeks, or rent an apartment, but I am willing to make the move if there is a job to be had that can make a decent living for me.
Yes, I did sell HD, but I know more about the metric market than I do HD. You have to remember, I raced the AMA Dragbike circuit before fuel prices killed my little play time. I didn't run a slow HD, I ran a highly modified CBR, and a Busa. I even took a bone stock Busa and spanked our store's Destroyer. I know the bike market. I know riders. I can sell bikes if I have a customer flow and banks to work with in tems of financing.If you tell me PM your email address over and I will gladly give you a resume.
Revvv, Check and see if the IRS has a facility near you in Atlanta. The IRS is ALWAYS looking for people this time of year. My be short term, but it could give you some income while you look for steady work. If you were in Kansas City, I would get you hired to sell motorcycles. Our business is outstanding, in fact we are going to remodel and expand. I know you have experience with Harleys, but in the midwest HD business is way off, while the strong well established Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha and Suzuki dealers are doing well for the most part. I will talk to my owner and see if he knows a store owner near you who may need some sales help. Now, with that said, please post up your paypal addy so those of us who are in a position to help you some with immediate needs can do so. Please allow us to do a little something for a member that is like family to many of us.:thumbsup:
Posted via Mobile Device
PM sent, now how about that paypal addy or do I have to come down to Ga and slap you around a little?:laugh:
Times are definitely tough but there are jobs out there in the IT sector, I get calls at least once or twice a week. Do you know any cisco stuff, thats what they call for. The problem with web dev is that most all of those jobs are outsourced to contracting houses.

Try Dice.com - Job Search for Technology Professionals for a tech focused search engine.

Try looking at staffing firms, look at IBM's site for contract work.

Here's one at cisco if you think your computer background covers it
Job Description - Cisco Career Connection - Cisco Systems

Here's one at Airtran right there in ATL


Best of luck to you, just remember all things will get better in time :beerchug:
Gosh, I can't believe I didn't think of this one sooner. The Census bureau. My mom is newly retired and also haveing a rough time. She was telling me about her filling out an application for them. They are hiring all over the country for clerks, and others to go around and help people fill out their census forms. U.S. Census Bureau-Atlanta Regional Office Anyway, I know it is only temporary, but maybe it will hold you over until something better comes along.
wow i wish i could fix things bra, things seem to have a way of working out for good ppl. and thats you keep the chin up:rulez: