I freakin love this bike + this board

Well done sir. The shine your beast is giving off made me go outside and look at my 05 LE. I have got to get some of that marinade maaaaan!
shortBoarder - Beautiful bike! Wish you would have pushed it back into the sun a bit though. The '05 LE really shines in the sun. As for the Zaino - did you go through the claybar process first? How many coats do you have on it?
Zaino, what's that? Is it like a TRE?

Nice looking scoot! Pics are great. Keep treating her the way you do and she will definately take care of you.
Great pics, nice bike! I bet you borrowed BT's canon for the pics right?
I think BT has found some photo competition

Excellent pics and write-up....Thanks
Gotta love the Zaino!

Your Limited looks gaw'juss....
Nice pics & write up...everytime I see that 05 I hae to say to myself: Don't trade in your 04
. I think I'm officially sold on the Zaino stuff now!

Busa's rock!
Wow, its like looking at an exotic, piece of art, the Busa truly found its place in History, the bike is beautiful, but then again all Busas are beautiful in their own unique way, enjoy and be safe
shortBoarder - Beautiful bike!  Wish you would have pushed it back into the sun a bit though.  The '05 LE really shines in the sun.  As for the Zaino - did you go through the claybar process first?  How many coats do you have on it?
I did the clay bar first, but in retrospect I wouldn't have bothered since the bike was new; I don't think the claybar made much of a difference since there wasn't a lot of "stuff" (old wax etc.) on the finish. I would just wash with Dawn if I was doing it all over again. There's just two coats of Zaino on - the bike was so clean to begin with that it seemed enough. I could spot a difference but not a huge one - again, the finish was brand new to begin with - but I've noticed the difference since then, since washing the bike is a lot easier; dirt just slides off, and water beads up nicely.

I used Zaino on my Harley's tank which had some sun/wax haze on it, and the results were astonishing - it looks practically brand new.
Great lookin bike man! I couldn't agree more with your comments about this board. I hooked up here about a month before I bought my blk/silv and you are right, there is so much great info and great people here.:cool:

I have gotta get some of that zaino stuff.......

Do they make it in teriyaki flavor?